GNUnet P2P Platform Release 0.15.0

The release of the GNUnet 0.15 framework, designed for building secure decentralized P2P networks, has been introduced. Networks created using GNUnet do not have a single point of failure and are able to guarantee the inviolability of users' private information, including eliminating possible abuse by intelligence agencies and administrators who have access to network nodes.

GNUnet supports the creation of P2P networks over TCP, UDP, HTTP/HTTPS, Bluetooth and WLAN, and can work in F2F (Friend-to-friend) mode. NAT traversal is supported, including using UPnP and ICMP. A distributed hash table (DHT) can be used to address data placement. Tools are provided for deploying mesh networks. To selectively grant and revoke access rights, the reclaimID decentralized identity attribute exchange service uses GNS (GNU Name System) and attribute-based encryption (Attribute-Based Encryption).

The system features low resource consumption and uses a multi-process architecture to provide isolation between components. Provides flexible tools for logging and accumulation of statistics. To develop end applications, GNUnet provides an API for the C language and bindings for other programming languages. To simplify development, it is proposed to use event loops and processes instead of threads. It includes a test library for automatically deploying experimental networks covering tens of thousands of peers.

Main new features of GNUnet 0.15:

  • In the decentralized GNS (GNU Name System) domain name system, the possibility of registering subdomains in the top-level domain ".pin" is provided. Added support for EDKEYs.
  • In gnunet-scalarproduct, crypto functions have been moved to use the libsodium library.
  • The Decentralized Identity Attribute Exchange (RECLAIM) service added support for credentials signed using the BBS+ scheme (blind signing where the signer cannot access the content).
  • The union protocol has been implemented and is used to propagate key revocation messages to the GNS.
  • The implementation of the messenger has been stabilized, which is no longer experimental.


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