Enlightenment 0.23 User Environment Release

After nearly two years of development took place user environment release illumination 0.23, which is based on a set of EFL (Enlightenment Foundation Library) libraries and Elementary widgets. Release available in source code, distribution packages for now not formed.

Most notable innovations Enlightenment 0.23:

  • Significantly improved support for running Wayland;
  • Implemented transition to the assembly system Meson;
  • Added a new Bluetooth module based on Bluez5;
  • Support for the MPRIS protocol has been added to the music playback control module for remote control of media players;
  • The ability to move windows during the switching process has been added to the interface for switching between windows using Alt-tab;
  • Added option to create screenshots;
  • Added an option to turn the screen on and off using DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling).

Enlightenment 0.23 User Environment Release

Recall that the desktop in Enlightenment is formed by such components as a file manager, a set of widgets, an application launcher and a set of graphical configurators. Enlightenment is very flexible in processing to your taste: graphical configurators do not limit the user in the settings and allow you to customize all aspects of the work, providing both high-level tools (changing the design, setting up virtual desktops, managing fonts, screen resolution, keyboard layout, localization, etc. .), as well as low-level tuning options (for example, you can configure caching settings, graphics acceleration, power consumption, window manager logic).

To expand the functionality, it is proposed to use modules (gadgets), and to redesign the appearance - themes. In particular, modules are available for displaying a calendar-planner, weather forecast, monitoring, volume control, battery charge estimation, etc. on the desktop. The components that make up Enlightenment are not rigidly tied to each other and can be used in other projects or to create specialized environments, such as shells for mobile devices.

Source: opennet.ru

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