PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.5 Release

The release of the authoritative (authoritative) DNS server PowerDNS Authoritative Server 4.5, designed to organize the return of DNS zones, saw the light of day. According to the project developers, PowerDNS Authoritative Server serves approximately 30% of the total number of domains in Europe (if we consider only domains with DNSSEC signatures, then 90%). The project code is distributed under the GPLv2 license.

PowerDNS Authoritative Server provides the ability to store domain information in a variety of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite3, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server, as well as in LDAP and plain text files in the BIND format. The return of the response can be additionally filtered (for example, to filter out spam) or redirected by connecting your own handlers in Lua, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, C and C ++. Among the features, there are also tools for remote collection of statistics, including via SNMP or via the Web API (an http server is built in for statistics and management), instant restart, a built-in engine for connecting handlers in the Lua language, the ability to balance load based on the geographic location of the client .

Main innovations:

  • The cache of DNS zones is enabled by default, which allows you to keep a list of DNS zones in RAM. The cache allows you to avoid accessing the database when processing requests from unknown domains and protect the server from attacks aimed at exhausting computing resources.
  • Changed AXFR query queue processing on secondary DNS servers to increase the priority of real change delivery on systems with a very large number of zones (more than 100 thousand).

Source: opennet.ru

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