Squid 4.8 Proxy Released with Critical Vulnerability Fixed

Published corrective release of the proxy Squid 4.8, which fixed 5 vulnerabilities. One vulnerability (CVE-2019-12527) Allows potentially organize the execution of code with the rights of the server process.

The issue is caused by a bug in the HTTP Basic authentication handler and allows a buffer overflow to be triggered when passing special decorated credentials when accessing Squid Cache
Manager or built-in FTP gateway. The vulnerability has been manifest since the release of Squid 4.0.23. As a workaround for blocking the vulnerability, you can rebuild squid with the "--disable-auth-basic" option or disable access to services that use HTTP authentication in the configuration:

acl FTP proto FTP
http_access deny FTP
http_access deny manager

The other three vulnerabilities could lead to a denial of service when manipulating cachemgr.cgi, HTTP Digest authentication, or HTTP Basic authentication. The remaining vulnerability allows cross-site scripting through cachemgr.cgi.

Source: opennet.ru

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