Regolith 1.4 desktop release

Project Regolith, which develops an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution, ΠΎΠΏΡƒΠ±Π»ΠΈΠΊΠΎΠ²Π°Π» new release of the eponymous desktop. Regolith is based on GNOME session management technologies and a window manager i3. Project achievements extend licensed under GPLv3. For loading prepared by how ready iso image Ubuntu 20.04 with Regolith preinstalled, and PPA repositories for Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04.

The project is positioned as a modern desktop environment, developed for faster execution of typical actions by optimizing workflows and eliminating unnecessary clutter. The goal is to provide a functional yet minimalist interface that can be customized and extended based on the user's preferences. Regolith may be of interest to beginners who are used to traditional windowing systems but want to try tiled windowing techniques.

Regolith 1.4 desktop release

Regolith Features:

  • Support for hotkeys as in the i3wm window manager to control the mosaic (tiled) layout of windows.
    Regolith 1.4 desktop release

  • Used for window management i3 gaps, an extended fork of i3wm. The panel is built using i3bar, and i3xrocks based on i3blocks is used to run automation scripts.
  • Session management is based on the session manager from gnome-flashback and gdm3. The developments of GNOME Flashback are also used to simplify system management, interface settings, drive auto-mounting, and wireless network connection management. In addition to tiling, traditional windowing methods are also acceptable.
    Regolith 1.4 desktop release

  • The application launcher and window switching interface are based on Rofi Launcher. The list of applications can be viewed at any time using the keyboard shortcut super + space. Rofication is used to display notifications.

    Regolith 1.4 desktop release

  • Delivery of the regolith-look utility for managing skins and installing individual resources related to the look.
    Regolith 1.4 desktop release


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