oVirt 4.5.0 Virtualization Infrastructure Management System Release

The release of oVirt 4.5.0, based on the KVM hypervisor and the libvirt library, is a platform for deploying, maintaining and monitoring virtual machines and managing cloud infrastructure. The virtual machine management technologies developed in oVirt are used in the Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization product and can act as an open alternative to VMware vSphere. In addition to Red Hat, Canonical, Cisco, IBM, Intel, NetApp and SUSE also take part in the development. The project code is distributed under the GPLv2 license. Ready packages are available for CentOS Stream 8 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 Beta. A ready-to-deploy iso image of oVirt Node NG based on CentOS Stream 8 is also available.

oVirt is a stack that spans all levels of virtualization, from the hypervisor to the API and GUI. Despite the fact that KVM is positioned as the main hypervisor in oVirt, the interface is implemented as an add-on to the libvirt library, which is abstracted from the hypervisor type and is suitable for managing virtual machines based on various virtualization systems, including Xen and VirtualBox. As part of oVirt, an interface is being developed for the rapid mass creation of highly available virtual machines with support for live migration of environments between servers without stopping work.

The platform provides tools for creating dynamic balancing rules and managing cluster resources, cluster power management mechanisms, virtual machine image management tools, components for converting and importing existing virtual machines. A single virtual data store is supported, accessible from any node. The interface contains an advanced reporting system and administration tools that allow you to manage the configuration both at the infrastructure level and at the level of individual virtual machines.

The most notable innovations:

  • Provided support for CentOS Stream 8 and RHEL 8.6-beta.
  • Implemented experimental support for CentOS Stream 9.
  • Updated versions of the components used, including GlusterFS 10.1, RDO OpenStack Yoga, OVS 2.15 and Ansible Core 2.12.2.
  • Native IPSec support has been implemented for hosts with an OVN (Open Virtual Network) virtual network and a configured ovirt-provider-ovn package.
  • Added support for the Virtio 1.1 specification.
  • Provided the ability to enable NVIDIA Unified Memory technology for virtual GPUs (mdev vGPUs).
  • Speed ​​up export to OVA (Open Virtual Appliance) using NFS.
  • A search function has been added to the vNIC profiles tab in the web interface.
  • Improved notification of upcoming certificate obsolescence.
  • Added support for Windows 2022.
  • For hosts, the nvme-cli package is included.
  • Provided automatic binding of CPU and NUMA during migration.
  • The ability to switch the storage to maintenance mode with freezing of virtual machines has been provided.
  • 9 vulnerabilities have been fixed, 8 of which are assigned a moderate severity level, and one is assigned a low severity level. The main problems are related to cross-site scripting (XSS) in the web interface and denial of service in the regular expression engine.

Source: opennet.ru

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