Release of SpaceVim 2.0, the Vim editor distribution

A release of the SpaceVim 2.0 project is presented, which develops a distribution kit for the Vim text editor with a selection of plug-ins to support various programming languages ​​and features inherent in integrated development environments. Plugins are grouped into sets with the implementation of certain features. For example, the Python developer kit includes deoplete.nvim, neomake, and jedi-vim plugins for code completion, syntax checking, and interactive documentation. Thus, the user only needs to select the required functionality without the need for a separate selection of plug-ins.

The new version offers new kits for developers using cmake, jr, jsonnet, octave, yang, haxe, postscript, teal, verilog and django. Support for Gitter and IRC has been added to the chat suite. Added new keyboard shortcuts. Implemented plugin for automatic saving. Added clipboard support for vim8 and implemented a scroll bar.

Release of SpaceVim 2.0, the Vim editor distribution
Release of SpaceVim 2.0, the Vim editor distribution


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