PuTTY SSH client release 0.75

The release of PuTTY 0.75, a client for the SSH, Telnet, Rlogin and SUPDUP protocols, comes with a built-in terminal emulator and supports work on Unix-like systems and Windows. The project's source code is available under the MIT license.

Major changes:

  • Pageant allows you to download a file with SSH-2 private keys with a password request not at the download stage, but during the first use (the keys are stored encrypted in memory before use).
  • OpenSSH's base2 encoded SHA-256 format is now used to display SSH-64 key fingerprints (MD5-based format support is left as an option).
  • The format of files with private keys has been updated; in the new PPK3 format, instead of SHA-1, the Argon2 algorithm is used for hashing.
  • Added support for the Curve448 key exchange algorithm and new RSA variants based on SHA-2 instead of SHA-1.
  • PuTTYgen has added additional options to generate prime numbers for standard-compliant RSA and DSA keys.
  • Added support for the "ESC [ 9 m" escape sequence to the terminal emulator to show strikethrough text.
  • In versions for Unix systems, it became possible to organize a network connection via a Unix socket.
  • Added support for an unencrypted protocol and the implementation of a simple server for it, which can be used to forward connections within one system in a form similar to unnamed pipes (for example, for forwarding to containers).
  • Added support for the retro SUPDUP login protocol (RFC 734), which complements Telnet and Rlogin.
  • Addresses a Windows-only vulnerability that could cause the window system to hang when connecting to a server that sends a large stream of control sequences that change the contents of the window title.

Source: opennet.ru

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