Release of uutils 0.0.19, the Rust variant of GNU Coreutils

The release of the uutils coreutils 0.0.19 project is available, which develops an analogue of the GNU Coreutils package, rewritten in Rust. Coreutils comes with over a hundred utilities, including sort, cat, chmod, chown, chroot, cp, date, dd, echo, hostname, id, ln, and ls. The goal of the project is to create a cross-platform alternative implementation of Coreutils that can work on Windows, Redox and Fuchsia platforms, among other things. Unlike GNU Coreutils, the Rust implementation is licensed under the MIT permissive license instead of the GPL copyleft license.

Major changes:

  • Improved compatibility with the GNU Coreutils reference test suite, where 365 tests passed (up from 340 in the previous version), 186 (210) tests failed, and 49 (50) tests were skipped. The reference release is GNU Coreutils 9.3.
    Release of uutils 0.0.19, the Rust variant of GNU Coreutils
  • Extended features, improved compatibility and added missing options for utilities b2sum, basenc, chgrp, chown, cksum, cp, date, dd, dircolors, du, factor, fmt, hashsum, head, ls, mkdir, mktemp, more, mv, nice , paste, pwd, rm, shred, tail, touch, uniq, wc, whoami, yes.
  • rm and uniq have fixed issues with incorrect UTF-8 characters in file and directory names.


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