IWD Wi-Fi daemon 1.6 release

Available wifi daemon release IWD1.6 (iNet Wireless Daemon), developed by Intel as an alternative to wpa_supplicant for connecting Linux systems to a wireless network. IWD can be used on its own or as a backend for network configurators such as Network Manager and ConnMan. The project is suitable for use on embedded devices and is optimized for minimal memory and disk space consumption. IWD does not use external libraries and only accesses the features provided by the regular Linux kernel (the Linux kernel and Glibc are enough to work). Includes a native DHCP client implementation and a set of cryptographic functions. The project code is written in C language and supplied licensed under LGPLv2.1.

Π’ new release added support for MAC address randomization and rewriting, as well as setting different fixed MAC addresses tied to specific wireless networks. Assigning separate MAC addresses when connecting to different wireless networks does not allow tracking the user's movement between WiFi networks. In addition, in the new release proposed simplified API for managing frame exchange (sending a frame to the wireless network, getting the frame delivery status (Ack / No-ack) and waiting for a response).

Source: opennet.ru

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