NGINX Unit 1.11.0 released

On September 19, 2019, the NGINX Unit 1.11.0 application server was released.
Main Features:

  • The server has a built-in ability to independently serve static content without contacting an external http server. As a result, they want to turn the application server into a full-fledged web server with built-in tools for building web services. To distribute content, it is enough to specify the root directory in the settings {
    "share": "/data/www/"

    and optionally define missing MIME types {
    "mime_types": {
    "text/plain": [

    "application/msword": ".doc"

    • Added support for process isolation using container isolation on Linux. In the configuration file, you can activate different namespaces, enable group restrictions, or match the GID / UID of the isolated environment with the main {
      "namespaces": {
      "credential": true
      "pid": true
      "network": true
      mount: false
      unname: true
      cgroup: false

      "widmap": [
      "container": 1000
      "host": 812,
      size: 1

      "gidmap": [
      "container": 1000
      "host": 812,
      size: 1

    • JSC servlets have their own WebSocket implementation.
    • Added implementation of direct addressing of API settings containing the "/" character, using its escaping with "%2F". Example:
      GET /config/settings/http/static/mime_types/text%2Fplain/


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