A new version of the D programming language has been released (2.091.0 )

Compiler changes:

* Completely removed class deallocator
* Ability to report GNU-style line numbers
* Added experimental generation of C++ headers from extern C|C++ declarations: DMD can now write C++ header files containing bindings to declarations in existing D files marked as extern(C) or extern(C++).

Runtime changes:

* Added missing pthread_attr_destroy in some places.
* Extended bindings in core.sys.windows.security
* Added core.stdcpp.memory.unique_ptr

Library changes:

* std.bigint is now @safe
* Replacing approxEqual with isClose in std.math.
* Removed obsolete std.format.Mangle.
* Removed obsolete structures ByLine, ByChunk, ByRecord from std.stdio.
* std.algorithm.sorting.schwartzSort now also supports binary transformation functions
* Added curry to std.functional

Installer changes:

* Installation script can now be executed on Windows

Changes in Dub:

* Added environment variable SOURCE_FILES
* DUB now has zsh addon style

Source: linux.org.ru

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