Xiaomi demonstrates intelligent sky replacement features in Mi CC9 smartphones

Xiaomi introduced today a series of new youth smartphones Mi CC9. One of the functions that the devices will receive will be the intelligent replacement of the sky. Lei Jun, CEO of the company, shared several examples on Weibo that clearly demonstrate this possibility.

Xiaomi demonstrates intelligent sky replacement features in Mi CC9 smartphones

Judging by the given pairs, we are talking about artificial intelligence algorithms trained on a series of identical images with different shooting conditions, taking into account the time of day and weather. As a result, computer processing gives quite convincing results in sky replacement tasks, effectively replacing texture, including on translucent and reflective surfaces, and correcting the overall tonality, saturation, brightness, and contrast of the photo.

Xiaomi demonstrates intelligent sky replacement features in Mi CC9 smartphones

As you can see, the algorithm successfully replaced an overcast, cloudy sky with an iridescent blue with white clouds; early morning - at dusk; lead firmament on a turquoise surface; and the milky fog hanging over the tropical forest turned it into a sunset sky playing with colors. And only in the latter case, some unnaturalness is noticeable - the rest of the processing examples look quite natural, at least in such a low resolution.

Xiaomi demonstrates intelligent sky replacement features in Mi CC9 smartphones

Such useful filters are not new - they can be found in third-party applications. However, integration into Mi CC9 eliminates the need to search for and install separate software. A deeper correction of the lighting conditions in the photo than the banal adjustment of brightness and white balance will obviously be widely demanded. The sky replacement effect using various presets has become part of the Gallery app in MIUI.

Xiaomi demonstrates intelligent sky replacement features in Mi CC9 smartphones

The further development of digital photography will be inextricably linked not only with innovations at the hardware level, but, if not to a greater extent, with sophisticated digital image processing algorithms based on diverse information obtained from a number of sensors. This is what promises increasingly powerful smartphones certain advantages over traditional digital cameras. You can read more in a recent thematic article. "Computational Photography".

Source: 3dnews.ru

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