"Yandex" transfers employees to work from home due to coronavirus

The Yandex company, according to RBC, distributed a letter among its employees with a proposal to switch to remote work from home. The reason is the spread of a new coronavirus, which has already infected about 140 thousand people around the world.

"Yandex" transfers employees to work from home due to coronavirus

β€œWe encourage all office workers who can work remotely to work from home from Monday. Offices will be open, but we advise you to come to the office only in case of real need, ”Yandex said in a statement.

The Russian tech giant also strongly advises workers not to use public transport during peak hours. If you need to visit the office, you are invited to call a taxi or rent a car through the Yandex.Drive service. From Monday, March 16, Yandex will begin to compensate for such trips.

"Yandex" transfers employees to work from home due to coronavirus

β€œThe situation with the coronavirus, which is now being discussed all around, remains largely uncertain. In particular, there is no consensus on when organizations should switch to remote work. At the same time, we believe that in such a situation, the fewer people will gather together in one room, the better, ”adds Yandex.

It should be noted that the coronavirus has already claimed the lives of almost 5 thousand people. In Russia, 34 cases of infection have been recorded to date. 

Source: 3dnews.ru

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