Yandex will train developers of efficient and reliable services in Python

Yandex announced the launch of two educational projects for back-end developers using the high-level general-purpose programming language Python.

Yandex will train developers of efficient and reliable services in Python

Full-time School of backend development is waiting for beginners, and online specialization in Yandex.Practice - beginners who want to learn a profession from scratch.

It is noted that the new school will open its doors this autumn in Moscow. The training program is designed for two months. Students will listen to lectures and do homework, and then work with the backend of the existing service together with curators from Yandex.

Education will be free, but not everyone will be able to get into the school. To pass the course, you will need to complete a test task. Students from other cities who successfully pass the test are compensated for the travel to Moscow and accommodation during classes.

Yandex will train developers of efficient and reliable services in Python

For those who are not yet familiar with the Python language, Yandex has launched a backend developer specialization in the Practicum. It is open to everyone - only a computer with Internet access is required to complete the training.

Now a free XNUMX-hour course is available in the Practicum, where students learn the basics of Python, the backend device and its interaction with the frontend, and also write their first application - an assistant bot. A more in-depth paid course on backend development will appear in the Practicum later. 


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