675 thousand copies of LibreOffice 7.3 downloaded in a week

The Document Foundation published download statistics for the week after the release of LibreOffice 7.3. It is reported that LibreOffice 7.3.0 has been downloaded 675 thousand times. By comparison, the last major release of LibreOffice 7.2 was downloaded 473 thousand times in its first week.

If we consider the competing Apache OpenOffice project, the release of Apache OpenOffice 4.1.11, published in October last year, was downloaded 475 thousand times in the first week, 627 thousand in the second, and 1.909 million in the month, despite the project being in deep stagnation. Released in May 2021, version 4.1.10 received 456 thousand downloads in the first week, 666 thousand in the second, and 1.9 million in the month.

Source: opennet.ru

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