ZenMake 0.10.0

ZenMake is another build system for C/C++ and a number of other programming languages ​​with declarative configuration files.

ZenMake is written in python using Waf as a framework. The main goal of the project is to be as easy to use as possible, while remaining flexible enough.

Why another build system? Details (in English): https://zenmake.readthedocs.io/en/latest/why.html

Main repository: https://gitlab.com/pustotnik/zenmake

Data Sheet: https://zenmake.readthedocs.io/

Examples of using: https://gitlab.com/pustotnik/zenmake/tree/master/demos

Ways of use:

  1. Install on the system via pip install zenmake and use in the manner of CMake, Meson, etc., calling zenmake at the root of the project.
  2. Download zipapp form zenmake.pyz hence or generate it yourself via the zipapp command and use it as a built-in build system.

Source: linux.org.ru

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