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RFC 9498: The GNU Name System Published

The GNU Project has submitted to the IETF a proposal for RFC 9498 - another replacement for the DNS: decentralized, universally encrypted, ensuring user privacy and non-forgeability of GNS domain name system records. The shortcomings of previous attempts to “sanitize” the DNS are taken into account: DNSSEC, dnscrypt, DoT, DoH. The proposal was developed with funds and funds from the Dutch NLnet Foundation, as well as enthusiasts from the GNUnet project, which already contains […]

Git 2.43 source control system available

After three months of development, the release of the distributed source control system Git 2.43 has been published. Git is one of the most popular, reliable, and high-performance version control systems that provides flexible non-linear development tools based on branching and merging branches. To ensure the integrity of the history and resistance to changes "backdating", implicit hashing of the entire previous history in each commit is used, […]

Firefox 120

Firefox 120 is available. What's new: The snap version of Firefox can now import data from the snap version of Chromium. The picture-in-picture window has learned to stick to the corners of the screen (to do this, you need to drag it in the direction of the corner while holding Ctrl). Added hotkeys for changing and deleting saved credentials on the about:logins page (Alt+Enter, Alt+Backspace). Privacy: The “Copy without […]

Alma Linux 8.9 && Oracle Linux 8.9

Alma Linux 8.9 was released third after the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The distribution is notable for the fact that it decided to move away from 1-to-1 cloning after Red Hat decided to ban redistribution and not join the OpenELA association. The distribution contains a repository that contains packages that differ from Red Hat Enterprise Linux - […]

New versions of Claws Mail 3.20.0 and 4.2.0

After a year and a half of development, the releases of a light and fast email client, Claws Mail 3.20.0 and 4.2.0, were published, which in 2005 separated from the Sylpheed project (from 2001 to 2005, the projects developed together, Claws was used to test future Sylpheed innovations). The Claws Mail interface is built using GTK and the code is licensed under the GPL. Branches 3.x and 4.x […]

Chinese scientists have created a sensor that allows robots and prosthetics to sense the texture of objects

A group of Chinese scientists have created a new sensor system that mimics the tip of a human finger. The sensor, which imitates the pad of a human finger, can detect in real time the texture of the object it touches. Over time, scientists hope to take this to the next level and allow people with prosthetics to feel what the sensor detects. The development will also be useful in robotics. Developed by researchers from the Southern Scientific and Technical […]

OpenAI has launched a voice feature for all ChatGPT users

Microsoft, a key OpenAI partner, announced the launch of a voice feature in the popular AI chatbot ChatGPT. Now this feature is available not only for paid users, but also for those who use the free version of GPT-3.5. This means that interacting with ChatGPT has become even more like communicating with a real person. Image source: Tumisu / PixabaySource: 3dnews.ru

The GNS Censorship-Resistant Domain Name System Receives Proposed Standard Status

The IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), which develops Internet protocols and architecture, has finalized the RFC for the GNS (GNU Name System) domain name system, developed by the GNUnet project as a fully decentralized and censorship-proof replacement for the DNS. The specification, published as RFC-9498, was given the status of a "Proposed Standard". A fully published RFC-compliant implementation of GNS is included in the GNUnet platform […]

Firefox 120 release

The Firefox 120 web browser was released and a long-term support branch update was created - 115.5.0. The Firefox 121 branch has been transferred to the beta testing stage, the release of which is scheduled for December 19. The main innovations in Firefox 120: The “Copy Link Without Site Tracking” operation has been added to the context menu, which allows you to copy the URL of the selected link to the clipboard, having previously cut it […]

The Chinese have created a wireless charger that can be safely placed inside a person

Chinese scientists have created a biodegradable wireless device that can receive and even store energy while inside a person - under his skin. It could power bioelectronic implants, such as fully biodegradable drug delivery systems. A wireless power source and energy storage device created by Chinese scientists. Image source: Lanzhou UniversitySource: 3dnews.ru