Renting a powerful dedicated server in a data center

If you have a highly loaded project, where the number of visitors goes to thousands and tens of thousands of people per day, then even virtual hosting will not have enough capacity. The hosting company ProHoster provides for such high-traffic sites renting a powerful dedicated server in the data center. You can choose a server of such power, which will be enough for the desired project.

If we compare hosting services and independent purchase of equipment, then a dedicated server is relatively cheap. When buying equipment on your own, you lose 30% of the cost immediately after purchase, and 15% per year during operation. As a result, after several years of use, the server becomes morally obsolete and ceases to cope with a high load. And you can sell it several times cheaper than the original cost. If it doesn't fail in the process.


Benefits of renting a powerful dedicated server:

  • High data processing speed. It depends on two factors - the power of the server hardware and the speed of the Internet channel. Our servers have powerful processors and high-speed drives. The Internet is connected to the server itself with a speed of 100 Mbps with unlimited traffic. If the site is loading slowly, then the average user will leave it in 2 seconds. The younger the visitor, the sooner he will leave. This will definitely affect the conversion and position of the site in search engines.
  • Stability of work. If the site disappears from time to time, this will also negatively affect search results and behavioral factors. In our data center, a constant uptime of servers is achieved due to powerful uninterruptible power supplies, several independent fiber-optic communication channels and equipment redundancy. If something fails on the server, a hot replacement of equipment is done without turning off the computer.
  • Wide customization options. You can use the server rental service with a pre-installed OS and programs, or you can administer the server yourself. This will allow you to administer the site for any type of content, ensuring maximum performance with minimal load on hardware.

If you need rent a powerful dedicated server cheaply – contact us now. When transferring a site from another hosting, you get a month for testing as a gift at the selected tariff. Take it to the next level!

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