Release of DXVK 1.5.3 project with Direct3D 9/10/11 implementation on top of Vulkan API

Formed interlayer release DXVK 1.5.3, which provides a DXGI (DirectX Graphics Infrastructure), Direct3D 9, 10, and 11 implementation that works through call translation to the Vulkan API. To use DXVK required support for drivers Vulkan API 1.1Such as
AMD RADV 18.3, NVIDIA 415.22, Intel ANV 19.0 and AMDVLK.
DXVK can be used to run 3D applications and games on Linux using Wine, serving as a higher performance alternative to Wine's built-in Direct3D 11 implementation running on top of OpenGL.

Major changes:

  • Fixed significant regressive changes in the implementation of Direct3D 9, made in the last release;
  • Fixed some Vulkan validation bugs in Direct3D 9 applications;
  • Improved Direct3D 9 performance on systems with some graphics drivers.
  • In the debug information block displayed over the current image (heads-up display, HUD), the correct marking of applications using Direct3D 10, which were previously shown as Direct3D 11, is provided;
  • Fixed problems with rendering shadows in the game Mafia II;
  • Fixed issues with ENB shaders that caused incorrect rendering in Skyrim.
  • Fixed menu display issues in Torchlight.


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