Shareware Fate/Grand Order surpasses $4 billion in revenue

Mobile Fate/Grand Order has become one of the most profitable shareware games of 2019. Sensor Tower reported that player spending on this Aniplex RPG has exceeded $4 billion since its launch in 2015.

Shareware Fate/Grand Order surpasses $4 billion in revenue

In 2019, the game generated $1,1 billion in revenue. By comparison, players spent $2015 million on Fate/Grand Order in 110,7. The main revenue ($3,3 billion) in 2019 came from Japan, accounting for 81,5% of all expenses. China came in second with $416 million and the US in third with $151,8 million.

Shareware Fate/Grand Order surpasses $4 billion in revenue

As you can see from the revenue distribution, Fate/Grand Order is not very popular in the West. Still the game has become most talked about on Twitter in 2019. In addition, according to a SuperData Research report, the project ranked eighth in 2019 in terms of revenue among shareware.

Shareware Fate/Grand Order surpasses $4 billion in revenue

Fate/Grand Order currently has about 13,8 million downloads, with Japan accounting for nearly 49% of the total.


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