Create a website for free on the constructor

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Site builder

Building your website from scratch is easy. Free website builder from ProHoster

Easy website building platform

To create a project using our online website builder, you do not need to involve developers. You can choose a template and change everything in it as you wish.

Best Website Builder

Whatever you do: art, sports, organizing events or education - we have website templates for every taste of more than 200 types


To make the site popular, it is enough to add meta tags to the description of the hosted web pages


To make your resource convenient and modern, it is enough to install the necessary plugins on it: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, VK and much more


Internet hosting from our company is available at any time of the day and is reliably protected from DDoS attacks. Also, our experts are always ready to help you.

Website development for free

All customers who ordered hosting from us get the opportunity to create a site for free from a one-page to an online store

Create your site for free

Site builder provides the ability to quickly create websites. The service works like a constructor: galleries, buttons and other elements can be added and moved with a single mouse movement. To work in the website builder, you do not need programming skills, while you can create any websites in it - your blog, business card site, online shoplending (one page website) with functional and modern design.

Create your site yourself

In our library over 200 website templates for different themes of blocks, galleries, online storesselling pages. Each template can be customized individually (you can change the font, the color of the main elements, the set and location of the buttons). Convenient and intuitive visual editor, our templates are adapted to all devices.





Build your own website with ease, even if you've never done it before

Creating a website starts with a template

Our simple web site builder offers a wide range of templates. Thanks to what you can create a one page website, a site on a school theme that sells a product site, an online store, or any other focus. There is a wide range of offers for you.

Create a website yourself from scratch without the cost and special skills. A free platform for creating websites from ProHoster offers its customers an up-to-date solution for those who plan to create and host a website - their own Internet resource of any direction, create websites of any complexity using our website builder.

Try how easy it is to create a website yourself

Over 200 pre-made templates. The interface is clear to everyone. Responsive and simple design. Sophisticated system optimization for search engines

Missing existing templates? Create your

Online website builder allows not only editing text and photos, but also adding important elements of the site: banners and advertising blocks, buttons for social networks and payment services, calendar and maps, online chat and user behavior monitoring service. The complex of website builder features makes it possible to create a trading platform with a catalog, shopping cart, online chat and analytics.

How website import works

If suddenly you did not find a suitable template among our entire library, or you initially liked the design of a site and you want the same one. You have a unique opportunity to quickly and easily import any design into our website builder, just enter the website URL. Try the website import feature now.

Get off the net

Import any website into our website builder

Best Website Builder ProHoster

If you decide create a website by means of free designer, then choosing us, you do not need to look for developers - designers, programmers, copywriters and other specialists working in this field. Best Website Builder ProHoster offers a complete set of tools and everything in one place, no need to think about where and how to place. In addition, we have specialists who will help to resolve the issues that have arisen quickly.

Hundreds of templates

Huge selection of templates created by designers.

drag and drop function

Change, edit and add anything you want.

Personal domain

A professional look starts with a domain.


Your site will look great on any device.

Easy creation of a website of any direction

Online website builder - create your own website using website builder from ProHoster. Thanks to a large number of templates, modules, support for 45 languages, you can create a website of any direction:

  • Website for business
  • Landing Page
  • Blog
  • E-commerce
  • Portfolio
  • Personal page

Free Landing Page Creation

Landing Page in translation, a landing page is a landing page designed with a single, focused goal, a call to action. In site builder when developing a one-pager you can: add your own logo and images, create a custom contact form for Landing Page with predefined standard fields or your own fields.

A well-designed landing page can significantly increase conversions for your marketing campaign. Landing Pages are great for advertising a business, portfolio, or personal page.

Create an online store for free

Our designer for creating an online store online, allows you to do everything yourself without programming knowledge. Ideal for small and medium businesses!
For creating an online store you can use a ready-made template placed on our online store constructor, import the site you like. Or do everything yourself.
The online store builder will allow you to:

  • Connect payment systems.
  • Set up search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Goods management.
  • Connect analytics Google, Yandex.
  • Code editor and more.

How to create your website for free?

Video instruction - how to create a website for free in 5 minutes

For full-fledged work, order hosting

Choose any hosting plan that best suits your use

Integration of third-party services

Integration of various services is also available in our website builder Google. It's all in one constructor, all the necessary settings for your site in a few clicks.

Payment systems

Connect the online payment system for online store or a service site in the constructor is very simple, it can be done without the help of developers. Use payment buttons to help you accept payments on your site without lengthy and complex integrations. It is necessary to create a payment button with the necessary parameters in the constructor and add it to the site. The constructor has the ability to connect all popular payment systems WebMoney, PayPal, Alipay, PagSeguro, Skrill, 7-Connect, iDEAL, WEBPAY.

SEO optimization

SEO optimization is one of the most important tools for promoting a business of any kind. In our website builder Tools for optimizing your site are presented. Using them, you can independently promote your online store, landing page, blog. Set up everything you need to promote - titles, description, keywords, sitemap, etc. Do your best to let everyone know about you!

Why choose a website builder from ProHoster

We do everything to make it as convenient and easy for you to use website builder. Besides the fact that you can easily create a website, we can order domain, Hosting and even server. It's very convenient to have everything in one place. Thanks to this, if a problem arises, our specialists will help to solve it in the shortest possible time.

Connect your domain

Site with a unique name. Secure a recognizable domain name for your site. So it will be easier for customers to remember the site address and return to you


To place your online store, landing page, blog, infosite you need a good and stable hosting, thanks to this your site will work without interruption. By purchasing hosting from us, you will receive an SSL certificate and protection against DDoS attacks and quality support 24/7 as a gift.

Site transfer

Over time, when your site, made on our website builder will gain popularity and a large number of visitors, you will need a more powerful hosting or even a server. Since the builder has full access to the site files, it will be easy to transfer it and it will take a minimum of time.

FAQ - Answers to popular questions

Can I change the domain for an existing site in the builder?

Yes, there is such a possibility. In order to change the domain name for an already created site, you need to:

  1. Create a site backup using the constructor. In the top menu of the constructor, click the button: Publish -> Backup copy/Reestablish.
  2. Next, you need to go back to the control panel and select the domain on which you want to host the previously created site.
  3. You need to restore a site backup to a new domain. Going to the constructor for the new domain, select any template and go to the menu again: Publish -> Backup copy/Reestablish -> section Restore. Check the box "Restore from file”, and then select the site previously saved to your computer.

After uploading the file and publishing to the new domain, your site will open.

Can I edit the site for different devices?

Yes, it's possible. In the designer, you can customize the view for different devices and make it adaptive. To do this, in the designer menu, select the icon of the corresponding device “Wide” “Desktop” “Tablet” “Smartphone” and start editing it.

Can I add HTML code to a page in the constructor?

Yes, you can add your own HTML code. To add html to the page in the designer menu, select the item: Others -> HTML, by dragging to place the element in the desired part of the page. Then after double-clicking on the element  paste the desired code and click "apply".

Can I connect payment systems to the site on the constructor?

Yes, the site builder has the ability to connect payment systems, the following are supported:

  • WebMoney
  • PayPal
  • Alipay
  • PagSeguro
  • Skrill
  • 7 Connect
  • iDEAL

To connect the payment system to the site, you need to add an element basket from the menu e-commerce in the constructor. Then, by double-clicking on the basket element, activate and configure the payment gateway, specifying the necessary details.

Can I transfer the finished site to the constructor?

Yes, you can use the service for this “Import Sites”, you just need to enter the site address, wait for the import to complete and publish. And your site is ready to work on the constructor, where you can already fully edit and modify your site.