Lease of IP addresses

Dedicated IP address for hosting or server

Lease of IP addresses

IP Address - a unique network address of a node in a computer network built on the basis of the TCP / IP protocol stack.
We suggest you buy a dedicated IP address from our PA network. Using the service lease IP addresses, you will receive support and configuration of all objects in the RIPE NCC database, your network will be registered in the RIPE NCC database.

IP address for hosting or server

A dedicated hosting IP address will provide a unique IPv6/IPv4 that cannot be accessed by other accounts on the same server. Dedicated IP address for hosting is the ideal solution when you need to access your site directly and the DNS records have changed.

Why you need a dedicated IP address

Dedicated IP An address may be needed for many reasons.

Direct access - thanks to a unique dedicated address, you can browse your site through the hosting IP address or access your site files directly through FTP or a web browser.
DNS update - When you update the DNS services of your domain name, your site becomes unavailable for a period of 24 to 48 hours. This can lead to significant problems if you need to use FTP or view changes. Thanks to the unique address (dedicated), you can easily transfer content and browse the website. To do this, you just need to enter the dedicated IP address into a web browser and your site will be available.

Benefits of IPv6 and IPv4 leases

IPv6/IPv4 lease is very reliable and secure, most domain names share the same IP address with hundreds of other sites. Therefore, through one problematic domain name, all others can suffer. Some search services and Internet providers block IP addresses, and subsequently all sites suffer. By having a dedicated IP address, you can avoid the problems associated with sharing an IP address with other users.

The main essence of the IP rent company service ProHoster for its clients

Professional and highly qualified company Prohoster offers you easily and quickly buy IPv4 address. If you have planned to rent IP addresses for a long term in our company, then you get an additional bonus in the form of a decent discount. Thanks to a professional company ProHoster You can buy cheap IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and get everything you need to solve your problems.

netmaskNumber of IP addressesQuantity /24 blocksMinimum periodNetwork cost
final match.25611 month100$
final match.51221 month200$
final match.102443 month400$
  • The relevance of renting IP addresses

During the birth of the World Wide Web, developers fixed a certain number of IP addresses for various purposes - about 4 billion. However, there are about 7 billion people on the planet, and the number of people who want to use the Internet is growing every day. At the same time, the Internet system was developed - routers, routers, to support them, a lot of IP addresses are needed. That is why this service is relevant now.

  • Get IPv6 in the company ProHoster

Professional and specialized organization Prohoster has the necessary range of capabilities to highlight network PA IPv6 addresses from our block. If you are interested in this, we offer you a distribution network of 2 million addresses. This is quite enough to organize the activity of the network. You will not pay for a month, but only once a year for renewal on the most favorable terms for you.

Prices for getting PA network IPv6 addresses

netmaskNumber of IP addressesMinimum periodNetwork cost
Network /48 IPv62^80 addressesyear125$/year
Network /32 IPv610^28 addressesyear1000$/year

Our company has the ability to allocate PA IPv6 addresses from its own block. We can issue a /48 network (about 2 million addresses) to everyone who wants it, which is more than enough to organize the network. There are no monthly fees for IPv6, only an annual network renewal fee.