Hosting in the Netherlands

Cheap hosting in the Netherlands

Online hosting - a type of hosting in which many websites are located on one web server. This is the most low cost hostingsuitable for small projects. Any successful Internet project always starts with a choice hosting company и domain name registrar, which is ready to provide high-quality and reliable services. We can order everything for the operation of your site, manage your sites in one place with company ProHoster.

Optimized Hosting

All software and hardware that we install is optimized for maximum speed of your website.

Резервное копирование

We create a daily backup of your entire account and keep it for 30 days.

Professional hosting

Affordable cost of website hosting. A wide variety of advantageous tariff plans, while high speed of work is guaranteed. ProHoster values ​​every client who contacts the company.

Free transfer

When transferring sites to our hosting, you get a month at the selected rate for free. Our experts will help you transfer your sites without downtime.

Hosting company and what exactly does it offer for customers?

Hosting company ProHoster – is also a major domain registrar, buying virtual hosting, you buy space on the server to host your files, scripts and everything you need to run your site. To simplify the creation of the site, you can use free website builder. Due to the fact that you do not rent a whole serverhosting is cheap and allows you to place your business project.

Why is shared the cheapest hosting?

Cheap hosting in the Netherlands

Online hosting (shared hosting) - allows you to allocate space on one server for each user, each uses server resources and hosts their files independently of each other. Buying server space hosting company, you get a stable uptime of 99,9% and 24/7 specialist support.

cPanel HostingISPmanager hosting






Disk space, GB 30 50 100 150 200
Control panel cPanel
Резервное копирование blank
Трафик Without restrictions
Price for 1 month, $ 2.5 4.5 8 11 13.5
Price for 3 months, $ 7.2 12.9 23 32 38.5
Price for 6 months, $ 13.5 24.3 44 60 72.9
Price for 12 months, $ 25.5 45.9 82 113 137.7
Price for 24 months, $ 48 86.4 154 212 259.20
Web server
Free domain *
WWW Sites 10 unlimited
Subdomains unlimited
Aliases (aliases) unlimited
Dedicated IP address 2$/pc 2$/pc 2$/pc blank blank
SSL support blank
SSL certificate for free! RapidSSL, Comodo SSL, GGSSL, Let's Encrypt SSL
Own error pages blank
Access and error logs, log analysis blank
.htaccess file blank
SSI Support blank
WAP support blank
CGI support blank
Inodes 250000 250000 300000 500000 500000
Mail domains unlimited
POP3, IMAP mailboxes 10 unlimited
Mail web interface blank
SMTP server for sending mail blank
Mail Anti-Virus ClamAV blank
SpamAssasin anti-spam filter blank
FTP access blank
FTP users unlimited
sftp access blank
Web file manager blank
MySQL databases unlimited
PostgreSQL database blank
database users unlimited
phpMyAdmin blank
Protection against DDoS Details blank
Isolation from other clients (CloudLinux) blank
Protection and treatment of sites from viruses Details blank
Programming languages
PHP in FastCGI mode Details versions: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1
Zend Optimizer, Zend Guard blank
Perl 5 blank
Python blank
CMS support
Autoinstall CMS Details Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, osCommerce, MediaWiki, phpBB, etc.
Site builder Details blank
Additional features
SSH - command line access blank
Cron - scheduled task management blank
System resources
RAM, MB 460 512 1024 2048 4096
Number of processes 40 50 100 150 180
Number of concurrent connections to MySQL 350 350 450 450 500
The total size of all databases, MB 500 1000 1000 1000 3000
Maximum script execution time, S 90
Limit on sending emails per hour 300 piece.











Disk space, GB 15 25 50 100 150
Control panel ISP Panel
Резервное копирование blank
Трафик Without restrictions
Price for 1 month, $ 2.5 4.5 8 11 13.5
Price for 3 months, $ 7.2 12.9 23 32 38.5
Price for 6 months, $ 13.5 24.3 44 60 72.9
Price for 12 months, $ 25.5 45.9 82 113 137.7
Price for 24 months, $ 48 86.4 154 212 259.20
Web server
Free domain *
WWW Sites 10 unlimited
Subdomains unlimited
Aliases (aliases) unlimited
Dedicated IP address 2$/pc 2$/pc 2$/pc blank blank
SSL support blank
SSL certificate for free! RapidSSL, Comodo SSL, GGSSL, Let's Encrypt SSL
Own error pages blank
Access and error logs, log analysis blank
.htaccess file blank
SSI Support blank
WAP support blank
CGI support blank
Mail domains unlimited
POP3, IMAP mailboxes 10 unlimited
Mail web interface blank
SMTP server for sending mail blank
Mail Anti-Virus ClamAV blank
SpamAssasin anti-spam filter blank
FTP access blank
FTP users unlimited
sftp access blank
Web file manager blank
MySQL databases unlimited
PostgreSQL database blank
database users unlimited
phpMyAdmin blank
Protection against DDoS Details blank
Isolation from other clients (CloudLinux) blank
Protection and treatment of sites from viruses Details blank
Programming languages
PHP in FastCGI mode Details versions: 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3,7.4, 8.0, 8.1
Zend Optimizer, Zend Guard blank
Perl 5 blank
Python blank
CMS support
Autoinstall CMS Details Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, osCommerce, MediaWiki, phpBB, etc.
Site builder Details blank
Additional features
SSH - command line access blank
Cron - scheduled task management blank
System resources
RAM, MB 460 512 1024 2048 4096
Number of processes 40 50 100 150 180
Number of concurrent connections to MySQL 350 350 450 450 500
The total size of all databases, MB 500 1000 1000 1000 3000
Maximum script execution time, S 90
Limit on sending emails per hour 300 piece.






Secure hosting service
professional company ProHoster offers its clients a secure hosting service. What does this mean? It means that the possibility of constant backup copies is realized by reducing the consequences of any emergency situations.
This, in turn, ensures the security of the resource.

Hosting for any Internet project
Company ProHoster – is a unique service that allows you to choose hosting for any Internet project: hosting for a landing page, forum, business card site and much more.

For example, the landing page hosting в ProHoster It is distinguished by its affordable price, reliability and complete safety of data, as well as an important factor – high operating speed.
Also for customers who are looking for hosting for a blog or pages a profitable opportunity presents itself - to contact ProHoster on the most favorable terms.

This service is most ideally suited for owners of online trading projects, publications, personal pages, or for Internet resources characterized by a fairly high level of visits.

In addition to these services, others are offered - the purchase of a domain name, dedicated servers, DDoS protection and many others.
