Cov cai rau kev ua si Gravity Bone, Peb caug Flights of Love thiab Quadrilateral Cowboy tau raug tso tawm

Blendo Games tuam txhab qhib cov ntawv nyeem thawj tus neeg quests Lub ntiajteb txawj nqus (2008), Peb caug Flights of Love (2012) thiab Plaub Fab Kis Nyuj Sib Nraus (2016). Lub ntiajteb txawj nqus ΠΈ Peb caug Flights of Love qhib raws li GPLv2 daim ntawv tso cai, thiab Plaub Fab Kis Nyuj Sib Nraus hauv GPLv3. Cov cuab yeej ua si xws li cov duab, qauv, textures thiab suab nyob twj ywm. Cov kev ua si tau sau hauv C / C ++ thiab siv lub cav idTech 4 los yog idTech 2 thiab txhawb kev khiav ntawm Linux, Windows thiab macOS.

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