Izkliedētas defektu tolerantas LeoFS objektu krātuves instalēšana, saderīga ar klientiem, kas izmanto S3, NFS

Saskaņā ar Opennet: LeoFS — sadalīta defektiem izturīga objektu krātuve LeoFS, saderīgs ar klientiem, kas izmanto Amazon S3 API un REST-API, kā arī atbalsta NFS servera režīmu. Ir optimizācijas gan mazu, gan ļoti lielu objektu glabāšanai, ir iebūvēts kešatmiņas mehānisms, kā arī iespējama uzglabāšanas replikācija starp datu centriem. Projekta mērķi ietver 99.9999999% uzticamības sasniegšanu, izmantojot dublikātu dublēšanu un novēršot vienu atteices punktu. Projekta kods ir rakstīts erlang valodā.

LeoFS sastāv no trim sastāvdaļām:

  • LeoFS krātuve — apkalpo objektu un metadatu pievienošanas, izgūšanas un dzēšanas operācijas, atbild par klienta pieprasījumu replikācijas, atkopšanas un rindas izpildi.
  • LeoFS vārteja — apkalpo HTTP pieprasījumus un novirza atbildes uz klientiem, izmantojot REST-API vai S3-API, nodrošina visvairāk nepieciešamo datu saglabāšanu atmiņā un diskā.
  • LeoFS vadītājs — uzrauga LeoFS Gateway un LeoFS Storage mezglu darbību, uzrauga mezglu statusu un pārbauda kontrolsummas. Garantē datu integritāti un augstu krātuves pieejamību.

Šajā ziņojumā mēs instalēsim Leofs, izmantojot ansible-playbook un testēsim S3, NFS.

Ja mēģināt instalēt LeoFS, izmantojot oficiālās rokasgrāmatas, jūs saskarsities ar dažādām kļūdām: 1,2. Šajā ierakstā es uzrakstīšu, kas jādara, lai izvairītos no šīm kļūdām.

Vietā, kur darbināsit ansible-playbook, jums ir jāinstalē Netcat.

Inventāra piemērs

Inventāra piemērs (repozitorijā hosts.sample):

# Please check roles/common/vars/leofs_releases for available versions


# nodename of leo_manager_0 and leo_manager_1 are set at group_vars/all

# nodename of leo_manager_0 and leo_manager_1 are set at group_vars/all

[leo_storage] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[leo_gateway] [email protected] [email protected]


Servera sagatavošana

Selinux atspējošana. Es ceru, ka kopiena izveidos Selinux politikas LeoFS.

    - name: Install libselinux as prerequisite for SELinux Ansible module
        name: "{{item}}"
        state: latest
        - libselinux-python
        - libsemanage-python

    - name: Disable SELinux at next reboot
        state: disabled

    - name: Set SELinux in permissive mode until the machine is rebooted
      command: setenforce 0
      ignore_errors: true
      changed_when: false

Uzstādīšana netcat и redhat-lsb-core. netcat nepieciešams priekš leofs-adm, redhat-lsb-core nepieciešams, lai noteiktu OS versiju šeit.

    - name: Install Packages
      yum: name={{ item }} state=present
        - nmap-ncat
        - redhat-lsb-core

Lietotāja leofa izveidošana un pievienošana riteņu grupai

    - name: Create user leofs
        name: leofs
        state: present

    - name: Allow 'wheel' group to have passwordless sudo
        dest: /etc/sudoers
        state: present
        regexp: '^%wheel'
        line: '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
        validate: 'visudo -cf %s'

    - name: Add the user 'leofs' to group 'wheel'
        name: leofs
        groups: wheel
        append: yes

Erlang instalēšana

    - name: Remote erlang- install with yum
      yum: name=https://github.com/rabbitmq/erlang-rpm/releases/download/v20.3.8.23/erlang-

Izlabotās Ansible rokasgrāmatas pilno versiju var atrast šeit: https://github.com/patsevanton/leofs_ansible

Instalēšana, konfigurēšana, palaišana

Tālāk mēs izpildām, kā rakstīts https://github.com/leo-project/leofs_ansible bez build_leofs.yml

## Install LeoFS
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install_leofs.yml

## Config LeoFS
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts config_leofs.yml

## Start LeoFS
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts start_leofs.yml

Klastera statusa pārbaude primārajā LeoManager

leofs-adm status

Primāro un sekundāro var redzēt ansible-playbook žurnālos

Izkliedētas defektu tolerantas LeoFS objektu krātuves instalēšana, saderīga ar klientiem, kas izmanto S3, NFS

Izkliedētas defektu tolerantas LeoFS objektu krātuves instalēšana, saderīga ar klientiem, kas izmanto S3, NFS

Izvade būs kaut kas līdzīgs šim

 [System Confiuration]
 Item                              | Value    
 Basic/Consistency level
                    system version | 1.4.3
                        cluster Id | leofs_1
                             DC Id | dc_1
                    Total replicas | 2
          number of successes of R | 1
          number of successes of W | 1
          number of successes of D | 1
 number of rack-awareness replicas | 0
                         ring size | 2^128
 Multi DC replication settings
 [mdcr] max number of joinable DCs | 2
 [mdcr] total replicas per a DC    | 1
 [mdcr] number of successes of R   | 1
 [mdcr] number of successes of W   | 1
 [mdcr] number of successes of D   | 1
 Manager RING hash
                 current ring-hash | a0314afb
                previous ring-hash | a0314afb

 [State of Node(s)]
 type  |         node         |    state     | rack id |  current ring  |   prev ring    |          updated at         
  S    | [email protected]      | running      |         | a0314afb       | a0314afb       | 2019-12-05 10:33:47 +0000
  S    | [email protected]      | running      |         | a0314afb       | a0314afb       | 2019-12-05 10:33:47 +0000
  S    | [email protected]      | running      |         | a0314afb       | a0314afb       | 2019-12-05 10:33:47 +0000
  S    | [email protected]      | attached     |         |                |                | 2019-12-05 10:33:58 +0000
  G    | [email protected]      | running      |         | a0314afb       | a0314afb       | 2019-12-05 10:33:49 +0000
  G    | [email protected]      | running      |         | a0314afb       | a0314afb       | 2019-12-05 10:33:49 +0000

Lietotāja izveide

Izveidojiet leofs lietotāju:

leofs-adm create-user leofs leofs

  access-key-id: 9c2615f32e81e6a1caf5
  secret-access-key: 8aaaa35c1ad78a2cbfa1a6cd49ba8aaeb3ba39eb

Lietotāju saraksts:

leofs-adm get-users
user_id     | role_id | access_key_id          | created_at                
_test_leofs | 9       | 05236                  | 2019-12-02 06:56:49 +0000
leofs       | 1       | 9c2615f32e81e6a1caf5   | 2019-12-02 10:43:29 +0000

Izveidojiet spaini

Izgatavoja spaini

leofs-adm add-bucket leofs 9c2615f32e81e6a1caf5

Segu saraksts:

 leofs-adm get-buckets
cluster id   | bucket   | owner  | permissions      | created at                
leofs_1      | leofs    | leofs  | Me(full_control) | 2019-12-02 10:44:02 +0000

S3cmd konfigurēšana

Šajā jomā HTTP Proxy server name norādiet vārtejas servera IP

s3cmd --configure 

Enter new values or accept defaults in brackets with Enter.
Refer to user manual for detailed description of all options.

Access key and Secret key are your identifiers for Amazon S3. Leave them empty for using the env variables.
Access Key [9c2615f32e81e6a1caf5]: 
Secret Key [8aaaa35c1ad78a2cbfa1a6cd49ba8aaeb3ba39eb]: 
Default Region [US]: 

Use "s3.amazonaws.com" for S3 Endpoint and not modify it to the target Amazon S3.
S3 Endpoint [s3.amazonaws.com]: 

Use "%(bucket)s.s3.amazonaws.com" to the target Amazon S3. "%(bucket)s" and "%(location)s" vars can be used
if the target S3 system supports dns based buckets.
DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket [%(bucket)s.s3.amazonaws.com]: leofs

Encryption password is used to protect your files from reading
by unauthorized persons while in transfer to S3
Encryption password: 
Path to GPG program [/usr/bin/gpg]: 

When using secure HTTPS protocol all communication with Amazon S3
servers is protected from 3rd party eavesdropping. This method is
slower than plain HTTP, and can only be proxied with Python 2.7 or newer
Use HTTPS protocol [No]: 

On some networks all internet access must go through a HTTP proxy.
Try setting it here if you can't connect to S3 directly
HTTP Proxy server name []: 
HTTP Proxy server port [8080]: 

New settings:
  Access Key: 9c2615f32e81e6a1caf5
  Secret Key: 8aaaa35c1ad78a2cbfa1a6cd49ba8aaeb3ba39eb
  Default Region: US
  S3 Endpoint: s3.amazonaws.com
  DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket: leofs
  Encryption password: 
  Path to GPG program: /usr/bin/gpg
  Use HTTPS protocol: False
  HTTP Proxy server name:
  HTTP Proxy server port: 8080

Test access with supplied credentials? [Y/n] Y
Please wait, attempting to list all buckets...
Success. Your access key and secret key worked fine :-)

Now verifying that encryption works...
Not configured. Never mind.

Save settings? [y/N] y
Configuration saved to '/home/user/.s3cfg'

Ja tiek parādīta kļūda KĻŪDA: S3 kļūda: 403 (Piekļuve liegta): Piekļuve liegta:

s3cmd put test.py s3://leofs/
upload: 'test.py' -> 's3://leofs/test.py'  [1 of 1]
 382 of 382   100% in    0s     3.40 kB/s  done
ERROR: S3 error: 403 (AccessDenied): Access Denied

Pēc tam s3cmd konfigurācijā ir jāmaina signature_v2 uz True. Sīkāka informācija šajā izdot.

Ja signature_v2 ir False, tiks parādīta šāda kļūda:

WARNING: Retrying failed request: /?delimiter=%2F (getaddrinfo() argument 2 must be integer or string)
WARNING: Waiting 3 sec...
WARNING: Retrying failed request: /?delimiter=%2F (getaddrinfo() argument 2 must be integer or string)
WARNING: Waiting 6 sec...
ERROR: Test failed: Request failed for: /?delimiter=%2F

Slodzes pārbaude

Izveidojiet 1 GB failu

fallocate -l 1GB 1gb

Augšupielādējiet to vietnē Leofs

time s3cmd put 1gb s3://leofs/
real    0m19.099s
user    0m7.855s
sys 0m1.620s


leofs-adm du 1 mezglam:

leofs-adm du [email protected]
 active number of objects: 156
  total number of objects: 156
   active size of objects: 602954495
    total size of objects: 602954495
     ratio of active size: 100.0%
    last compaction start: ____-__-__ __:__:__
      last compaction end: ____-__-__ __:__:__

Redzam, ka secinājums nav īpaši informatīvs.

Apskatīsim, kur atrodas šis fails.
leofs-adm whereis leofs/1gb

leofs-adm whereis leofs/1gb
 del?  |         node         |             ring address             |    size    |   checksum   |  has children  |  total chunks  |     clock      |             when            
       | [email protected]      | 657a9f3a3db822a7f1f5050925b26270     |    976563K |   a4634eea55 | true           |             64 | 598f2aa976a4f  | 2019-12-05 10:48:15 +0000
       | [email protected]      | 657a9f3a3db822a7f1f5050925b26270     |    976563K |   a4634eea55 | true           |             64 | 598f2aa976a4f  | 2019-12-05 10:48:15 +0000

Aktivizējiet NFS

Mēs aktivizējam NFS Leo Gateway serverī.

Instalējiet nfs-utils serverī un klientā

sudo yum install nfs-utils

Saskaņā ar instrukcijām mēs labosim konfigurācijas failu /usr/local/leofs/current/leo_gateway/etc/leo_gateway.conf

protocol = nfs

Serverī palaidiet rpcbind un leofs-gateway

sudo service rpcbind start
sudo service leofs-gateway restart

Serverī, kurā darbojas leo_manager, izveidojiet NFS segmentu un ģenerējiet atslēgu savienojuma izveidei ar NFS

leofs-adm add-bucket test 05236
leofs-adm gen-nfs-mnt-key test 05236 ip-адрес-nfs-клиента

Savienojuma izveide ar NFS

sudo mkdir /mnt/leofs
## for Linux - "sudo mount -t nfs -o nolock <host>:/<bucket>/<token> <dir>"
sudo mount -t nfs -o nolock ip-адрес-nfs-сервера-там-где-у-вас-установлен-gateway:/bucket/access_key_id/ключ-полученный-от-gen-nfs-mnt-key /mnt/leofs
sudo mount -t nfs -o nolock /mnt/leofs

Skatiet vietu diskā, izmantojot NFS klientu

Diska vieta, ņemot vērā, ka katram krātuves mezglam ir 40 GB disks (3 darbojas mezgli, 1 pievienots mezgls):

df -hP
Filesystem                                                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on   60G  3.6G   57G   6% /mnt/leofs

LeoFS uzstādīšana ar 6 uzglabāšanas mezgliem.

Inventārs (bez celtnieka):

# Please check roles/common/vars/leofs_releases for available versions

# nodename of leo_manager_0 and leo_manager_1 are set at group_vars/all

# nodename of leo_manager_0 and leo_manager_1 are set at group_vars/all

[leo_storage] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

[leo_gateway] [email protected] [email protected]


Izvades leofs-adm statuss

Izvades leofs-adm statuss

 [System Confiuration]
 Item                              | Value    
 Basic/Consistency level
                    system version | 1.4.3
                        cluster Id | leofs_1
                             DC Id | dc_1
                    Total replicas | 2
          number of successes of R | 1
          number of successes of W | 1
          number of successes of D | 1
 number of rack-awareness replicas | 0
                         ring size | 2^128
 Multi DC replication settings
 [mdcr] max number of joinable DCs | 2
 [mdcr] total replicas per a DC    | 1
 [mdcr] number of successes of R   | 1
 [mdcr] number of successes of W   | 1
 [mdcr] number of successes of D   | 1
 Manager RING hash
                 current ring-hash | d8ff465e
                previous ring-hash | d8ff465e

 [State of Node(s)]
 type  |         node         |    state     | rack id |  current ring  |   prev ring    |          updated at         
  S    | [email protected]      | running      |         | d8ff465e       | d8ff465e       | 2019-12-06 05:18:29 +0000
  S    | [email protected]      | running      |         | d8ff465e       | d8ff465e       | 2019-12-06 05:18:29 +0000
  S    | [email protected]      | running      |         | d8ff465e       | d8ff465e       | 2019-12-06 05:18:30 +0000
  S    | [email protected]      | running      |         | d8ff465e       | d8ff465e       | 2019-12-06 05:18:29 +0000
  S    | [email protected]      | running      |         | d8ff465e       | d8ff465e       | 2019-12-06 05:18:29 +0000
  S    | [email protected]      | running      |         | d8ff465e       | d8ff465e       | 2019-12-06 05:18:29 +0000
  G    | [email protected]      | running      |         | d8ff465e       | d8ff465e       | 2019-12-06 05:18:31 +0000
  G    | [email protected]      | running      |         | d8ff465e       | d8ff465e       | 2019-12-06 05:18:31 +0000

Diska vieta, ņemot vērā, ka katram krātuves mezglam ir 40 GB disks (6 darbojas mezgli):

df -hP
Filesystem                                                         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on  120G  3.6G  117G   3% /mnt/leofs

Ja tiek izmantoti 5 krātuves mezgli

[leo_storage] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

df -hP  100G  3.0G   97G   3% /mnt/leofs


Žurnāli atrodas direktorijās /usr/local/leofs/current/*/log

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