Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Focus Home Interactive idalankhula za mapulani ake omwe akubwera. Tanena kale kuti agwirizananso ndi olemba Vampyr ndi Life is Strange, Dontnod Entertainment, koma si zokhazo.

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Focus Home Interactive igwirizana ndi opanga Crackdown 3 Sumo Digital kuti apange "chidziwitso chosasunthika cha osewera ambiri." Makamaka, wosindikizayo azigwirizana ndi omwe amapanga EVE: Valkyrie, Sumo Newcastle, yemwe amadziwika kuti CCP Games Newcastle Sumo Digital asanagule mu 2018.

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Surge 2

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu
Onani zithunzi zonse (7)

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Onani zonse
zithunzi (7)

Kuonjezera apo, Focus Home Interactive idzapitiriza kugwirizana ndi Deck13 Interactive pambuyo pa kutulutsidwa kwa The Surge 2. Adzakhala akugwira ntchito pa masewera okhudzana ndi nzeru zatsopano. Zomwezo zikugwiranso ntchito ku Asobo Studio - pambuyo pa kutulutsidwa kwa A Plague Tale: Innocence, situdiyo, pamodzi ndi Focus Home Interactive, ipanga pulojekiti yatsopano.

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Situdiyo ya Saber Interactive, yomwe ikugwira ntchito pa Nkhondo Yadziko Lonse Z, ipanga ntchito ziwiri kwa wofalitsa. Chimodzi mwa izo chikuchitika mu chilengedwe cha Warhammer 40,000. Kuphatikiza pa Saber, Masewera a Gasket ndi Streum On Studio akugwira ntchito pamasewera otengera Masewera a Masewera a Masewera ndi Focus Home Interactive.

Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu
Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu
Focus Home Interactive idzasindikiza masewera ambiri atsopano, kuphatikizapo Warhammer 40K ndi Call of Cthulhu

Ndizosangalatsanso kuti Focus Home Interactive idagula ufulu wachitukuko chamasewera mu Call of Cthulhu chilengedwe kuchokera ku Chaosium kwa zaka khumi. Izi zikutanthauza kuti tsopano nyumba yosindikizira iyi yokha ndi yomwe idzatha kumasula mapulojekiti ovomerezeka pogwiritsa ntchito nkhani yotchuka ya Howard Lovecraft "The Call of Cthulhu".


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