Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced ndeyemahara paSteam kusvika pakupera kwesvondo

Gearbox yakazivisa svondo remahara muBorderlands Mutambo weGore Kuwedzeredzwa. Vashandisi vanogona kuridza remaster yechikamu chekutanga pane Steam kusvika Chikunguru 21 pamwe chete.

Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced ndeyemahara paSteam kusvika pakupera kwesvondo

Game of the Year Enhanced inosanganisira mutambo uye ese ekuwedzera mapaketi. Vagadziri vakagadzirawo 50 muzana kuderedzwa pane edition, saka unogona kuitenga iyo 549 rubles.

Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced ndeyemahara paSteam kusvika pakupera kwesvondo

Chikamu chekutanga cheBorderlands chakabudiswa muna 2009 paPC, Xbox 360 uye PlayStation 3. Vatsoropodzi vakarumbidza chirongwa. Chiito ichi chakawana 81 mapoinzi paMetacritic portal. Muna Kubvumbi 2019, studio yakaburitsa remaster, iyo yakaendeswa kuPlayStation 4 uye Xbox One.

Ikozvino kambani iri kugadzira Borderlands 3. Kuburitswa kwakarongerwa Gunyana 13, 2019. Mutambo uchaburitswa paPC, Xbox One uye PlayStation 4. Iyo PC vhezheni ichava yenguva pfupi kuEpic Game Store.

