Rakibaadda iyo habaynta Nexus Sonatype iyadoo la isticmaalayo kaabayaasha sida hab code

Sonatype Nexus waa madal isku dhafan oo ay horumariyayaashu wakiil ku heli karaan, ku kaydin karaan oo maamuli karaan ku tiirsanaanta Java (Maven), Docker, Python, Ruby, NPM, sawirada Bower, xirmooyinka RPM, gitlfs, Apt, Go, Nuget, oo ay qaybiyaan ammaankooda software.

Maxaad ugu baahan tahay Sonatype Nexus?

  • Kaydinta alaabta gaarka ah;
  • Si loo kaydiyo agabka laga soo dejiyo internetka;

Farshaxanka lagu taageeray xirmada aasaasiga ah ee Sonatype Nexus:

  • Java, Maven (dhar)
  • Docker
  • Python (pip)
  • Ruby (dhagax)
  • NPM
  • Duug
  • Yum (rpm)
  • gitlfs
  • qaydhiin
  • Apt (deb)
  • Go
  • Nuget

Agabka ay bulshadu taageerto:

  • laxamiistaha
  • Conan
  • CPAN
  • ELPA
  • Helm
  • P2
  • R

Ku rakibida Sonatype Nexus adoo isticmaalaya https://github.com/ansible-ThoTeam/nexus3-oss


  • Ka akhriso isticmaalka macquulka ah ee internetka.
  • Ku rakib macquul pip install ansible goobta shaqada ee uu buuggu ciyaartu ka socdo.
  • Deji geerlingguy.java goobta shaqada ee uu buuggu ciyaartu ka socdo.
  • Deji geerlingguy.apache goobta shaqada ee uu buuggu ciyaartu ka socdo.
  • Doorkan waxaa lagu tijaabiyay CentOS 7, Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) iyo Bionic (18.04), Debian Jessie iyo Stretch
  • jmespath Maktabadda waa in lagu rakibaa goobta shaqada ee uu buuggu ciyaartu ka socdo. Si loo rakibo: sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Ku keydi faylka playbook (tusaale hoose) faylka nexus.yml
  • Orod rakibida nexus ansible-playbook -i host nexus.yml

Tusaalaha buug-ciyaaraha macquulka ah ee loogu rakibo nexus la'aan LDAP leh Maven (java), Docker, Python, Ruby, NPM, Bower, RPM iyo gitlfs kaydinta.

- name: Nexus
  hosts: nexus
  become: yes

    nexus_timezone: 'Asia/Omsk'
    nexus_admin_password: "admin123"
    nexus_public_hostname: 'apatsev-nexus-playbook'
    httpd_setup_enable: false
      - name: all-repos-read
        description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos'
        repository: '*'
          - read
          - browse
      - name: company-project-deploy
        description: 'Deployments to company-project'
        repository: company-project
          - add
          - edit
      - id: Developpers # maps to the LDAP group
        name: developers
        description: All developers
          - nx-search-read
          - all-repos-read
          - company-project-deploy
        roles: []
      - username: jenkins # used as key to update
        first_name: Jenkins
        last_name: CI
        email: [email protected]
        password: "s3cr3t"
          - Developpers # role ID here
      - name: company-artifacts
        path: /var/nexus/blobs/company-artifacts
      - name: compact-blobstore
        cron: '0 0 22 * * ?'
        typeId: blobstore.compact
          blobstoreName: 'company-artifacts'

      - name: central
        remote_url: 'https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/'
        layout_policy: permissive
      - name: jboss
        remote_url: 'https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/'
      - name: vaadin-addons
        remote_url: 'https://maven.vaadin.com/vaadin-addons/'
      - name: jaspersoft
        remote_url: 'https://jaspersoft.artifactoryonline.com/jaspersoft/jaspersoft-repo/'
        version_policy: mixed
      - name: company-project
        version_policy: mixed
        write_policy: allow
        blob_store: company-artifacts
      - name: public
          - central
          - jboss
          - vaadin-addons
          - jaspersoft

    # Yum. Change nexus_config_yum to true for create yum repository
    nexus_config_yum: true
      - name: private_yum_centos_7
        repodata_depth: 1
      - name: epel_centos_7_x86_64
        remote_url: http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64
        maximum_component_age: -1
        maximum_metadata_age: -1
        negative_cache_ttl: 60
      - name: centos-7-os-x86_64
        remote_url: http://mirror.centos.org/centos/7/os/x86_64/
        maximum_component_age: -1
        maximum_metadata_age: -1
        negative_cache_ttl: 60
      - name: yum_all
          - private_yum_centos_7
          - epel_centos_7_x86_64

    # NPM. Change nexus_config_npm to true for create npm repository
    nexus_config_npm: true
    nexus_repos_npm_hosted: []
      - name: npm-public
          - npm-registry
      - name: npm-registry
        remote_url: https://registry.npmjs.org/
        negative_cache_enabled: false

    # Docker. Change nexus_config_docker to true for create docker repository
    nexus_config_docker: true
      - name: docker-hosted
        http_port: "{{ nexus_docker_hosted_port }}"
        v1_enabled: True
      - name: docker-proxy
        http_port: "{{ nexus_docker_proxy_port }}"
        v1_enabled: True
        index_type: "HUB"
        remote_url: "https://registry-1.docker.io"
        use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false
        maximum_component_age: 1440
        maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        negative_cache_enabled: true
        negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: docker-group
        http_port: "{{ nexus_docker_group_port }}"
        v1_enabled: True
          - docker-hosted
          - docker-proxy

    # Bower. Change nexus_config_bower to true for create bower repository
    nexus_config_bower: true
      - name: bower-hosted
      - name: bower-proxy
        index_type: "proxy"
        remote_url: "https://registry.bower.io"
        use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false
        maximum_component_age: 1440
        maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        negative_cache_enabled: true
        negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: bower-group
          - bower-hosted
          - bower-proxy

    # Pypi. Change nexus_config_pypi to true for create pypi repository
    nexus_config_pypi: true
      - name: pypi-hosted
      - name: pypi-proxy
        index_type: "proxy"
        remote_url: "https://pypi.org/"
        use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false
        maximum_component_age: 1440
        maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        negative_cache_enabled: true
        negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: pypi-group
          - pypi-hosted
          - pypi-proxy

    # rubygems. Change nexus_config_rubygems to true for create rubygems repository
    nexus_config_rubygems: true
      - name: rubygems-hosted
      - name: rubygems-proxy
        index_type: "proxy"
        remote_url: "https://rubygems.org"
        use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false
        maximum_component_age: 1440
        maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        negative_cache_enabled: true
        negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: rubygems-group
          - rubygems-hosted
          - rubygems-proxy

    # gitlfs. Change nexus_config_gitlfs to true for create gitlfs repository
    nexus_config_gitlfs: true
      - name: gitlfs-hosted

    - { role: geerlingguy.java }
    # Debian/Ubuntu only
    # - { role: geerlingguy.apache, apache_create_vhosts: no, apache_mods_enabled: ["proxy_http.load", "headers.load"], apache_remove_default_vhost: true, tags: ["geerlingguy.apache"] }
    # RedHat/CentOS only
    - { role: geerlingguy.apache, apache_create_vhosts: no, apache_remove_default_vhost: true, tags: ["geerlingguy.apache"] }
    - { role: ansible-thoteam.nexus3-oss, tags: ['ansible-thoteam.nexus3-oss'] }


Rakibaadda iyo habaynta Nexus Sonatype iyadoo la isticmaalayo kaabayaasha sida hab code

Rakibaadda iyo habaynta Nexus Sonatype iyadoo la isticmaalayo kaabayaasha sida hab code

Doorarka kala duwan

Doorka Doorka

Kala duwanaansho leh qiyamka caadiga ah (eeg default/main.yml):

Doorsoomayaasha guud

    nexus_version: ''
    nexus_timezone: 'UTC'

Sida caadiga ah, doorku wuxuu rakibi doonaa nooca ugu dambeeyay ee Nexus. Waxaad hagaajin kartaa nooca adiga oo beddelaya doorsoomiyaha nexus_version. Ka eeg noocyada la heli karo https://www.sonatype.com/download-oss-sonatype.

Haddii aad u bedesho nooc cusub, doorku wuxuu isku dayi doonaa inuu cusboonaysiiyo rakibaada Nexus.

Haddii aad isticmaalayso nooc ka sii weyn Nexus, waa inaad hubisaa inaadan isticmaalin sifooyin aan la heli karin siidaynta rakiban (tusaale ahaan, martigelinta yum repositories ayaa diyaar u ah nexus ka weyn 3.8.0, git lfs repo Xidhiidhka ka weyn 3.3.0 iwm.)

nexus timezone waa magaca aagga wakhtiga Java, kaas oo waxtar u yeelan kara marka lagu daro tibaaxaha soo socda ee cron ee hawlaha nexus_schedud.

Dekedda Nexus iyo jidka macnaha guud

    nexus_default_port: 8081
    nexus_default_context_path: '/'

Dekedda iyo macnaha guud ee habka isku xirka Java. nexus_default_context_path waa in uu ka kooban yahay jeex hore marka la dhigayo, tusaale: nexus_default_context_path: '/nexus/'.

Isticmaalaha Nexus OS iyo Kooxda

    nexus_os_group: 'nexus'
    nexus_os_user: 'nexus'

Isticmaalaha iyo kooxda loo isticmaalay inay lahaadaan faylalka Nexus oo ay maamulaan adeegga waxaa abuuri doona doorka haddii mid la waayo.

    nexus_os_user_home_dir: '/home/nexus'

Oggolow in la beddelo tusaha guriga ee caadiga ah ee isticmaalaha nexus

Tusaalaha Tusaalaha Nexus

    nexus_installation_dir: '/opt'
    nexus_data_dir: '/var/nexus'
    nexus_tmp_dir: "{{ (ansible_os_family == 'RedHat') | ternary('/var/nexus-tmp', '/tmp/nexus') }}"

Nexus Katalogs.

  • nexus_installation_dir waxaa ku jira faylal la rakibay oo la fulin karo
  • nexus_data_dir ka kooban dhammaan qaabeynta, bakhaarrada iyo agabka la soo dejiyay. Wadooyinka blobstore gaarka ah nexus_data_dir waa la habayn karaa, hoos eeg nexus_blobstores.
  • nexus_tmp_dir ka kooban dhammaan faylasha ku meel gaarka ah. Dariiqii caadiga ahaa ee redhat waa laga raray /tmp si looga gudbo dhibaatooyinka iman kara hababka nadiifinta tooska ah. Fiiri #168.

Habaynta Isticmaalka Xusuusta ee Nexus JVM

    nexus_min_heap_size: "1200M"
    nexus_max_heap_size: "{{ nexus_min_heap_size }}"
    nexus_max_direct_memory: "2G"

Kuwaani waa habaynka caadiga ah ee Nexus. Fadlan ha beddelin qiyamkan Haddaadan akhriyin shuruudaha nidaamka nexus qaybta xusuusta oo ma fahmin waxay samaynayaan.

Digniin labaad ahaan, halkan waa qayb ka mid ah dukumeentiga sare:

Laguma talinayo in la kordhiyo xusuusta taallo ee JVM ee ka baxsan qiyamka lagu taliyey ee isku dayga lagu hagaajinayo waxqabadka. Tani waxay dhab ahaantii yeelan kartaa saameyn lid ku ah, taasoo keentay shaqo aan loo baahnayn ee nidaamka hawlgalka.

Furaha maamulaha

    nexus_admin_password: 'changeme'

Koontada sirta ah ee "admin" ee dejinta. Tani waxay kaliya ka shaqeysaa rakibaadda hore ee caadiga ah. Fadlan eeg [Beddel furaha sirta ah ee maamulka kadib rakibida koowaad](# change-admin-password-after-first-install) haddii aad rabto in aad bedesho hadhow adigoo isticmaalaya door.

Waxaa aad loogu talinayaa in aadan ku kaydsan eraygaaga sirta ah qoraal cad oo ku jira buugga ciyaarta, laakiin aad isticmaasho [ansible-vault encryption] (https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/vault.html) (khad khad ama fayl gaar ah oo ay ku raran yihiin tusaale_vars)

Helitaanka qarsoodiga ah sida caadiga ah

    nexus_anonymous_access: false

Helitaanka qarsoodiga ah waa la naafo. Wax badan ka akhri galaangal qarsoodi ah.

Magaca martida ee dadweynaha

    nexus_public_hostname: 'nexus.vm'
    nexus_public_scheme: https

Magaca iyo nidaamka si buuxda u-qalma (https ama http) kaas oo tusaalaha Nexus uu heli doono macaamiishiisa.

Helitaanka API ee doorkan

    nexus_api_hostname: localhost
    nexus_api_scheme: http
    nexus_api_validate_certs: "{{ nexus_api_scheme == 'https' }}"
    nexus_api_context_path: "{{ nexus_default_context_path }}"
    nexus_api_port: "{{ nexus_default_port }}"

Doorsoomayaashani waxay xakameeyaan sida doorku ugu xidhmo Nexus API si loo bixiyo.
Isticmaalayaasha horumarsan kaliya. Waxaa laga yaabaa inaadan rabin inaad bedesho goobahan caadiga ah

Dejinta wakiil gadaale ah

    httpd_setup_enable: false
    httpd_server_name: "{{ nexus_public_hostname }}"
    httpd_default_admin_email: "[email protected]"
    httpd_ssl_certificate_file: 'files/nexus.vm.crt'
    httpd_ssl_certificate_key_file: 'files/nexus.vm.key'
    # httpd_ssl_certificate_chain_file: "{{ httpd_ssl_certificate_file }}"
    httpd_copy_ssl_files: true

Deji SSL Proxy Reverse.
Si aad tan u samayso waxaad u baahan tahay inaad ku rakibto httpd. Fiiro gaar ah: marka httpd_setup_enable qiimaha go'antrue, xidhiidhada xidhiidhka, sidaas darteed ma in si toos ah looga heli karo HTTP port 8081 ee cinwaanka IP-ga ee dibadda.

Magaca martida loo isticmaalo waa nexus_public_hostname. Haddii aad u baahan tahay magacyo kala duwan sababo jira awgood, waad dejin kartaa httpd_server_name macne kale leh.

Π‘ httpd_copy_ssl_files: true (sida caadiga ah) shahaadooyinka sare waa inay ku jiraan hagahaaga ciyaarta waxaana lagu koobiyi doonaa server-ka waxaana lagu habayn doonaa apache.

Haddii aad rabto inaad isticmaasho shahaadooyinka jira ee seerfarka, ku rakib httpd_copy_ssl_files: false oo bixi doorsoomayaasha soo socda:

    # These specifies to the vhost where to find on the remote server file
    # system the certificate files.
    httpd_ssl_cert_file_location: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/wildcard.vm.crt"
    httpd_ssl_cert_key_location: "/etc/pki/tls/private/wildcard.vm.key"
    # httpd_ssl_cert_chain_file_location: "{{ httpd_ssl_cert_file_location }}"

httpd_ssl_cert_chain_file_location waa ikhtiyaari waana in laga tagaa iyada oo aan la dejin haddii aadan rabin inaad habayso faylka silsiladda

    httpd_default_admin_email: "[email protected]"

Deji ciwaanka iimaylka ee maamulka caadiga ah

Habaynta LDAP

Xidhiidhada LDAP iyo goobta amniga waa la naafo

    nexus_ldap_realm: false
    ldap_connections: []

Xidhiidhada LDAP, element kastaa wuxuu u eg yahay sidan:

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'My Company LDAP' # used as a key to update the ldap config
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps' # ldap or ldaps
        ldap_hostname: 'ldap.mycompany.com'
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false # Wether or not to use certs in the nexus trust store
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_auth: 'none' # or simple
        ldap_auth_username: 'username' # if auth = simple
        ldap_auth_password: 'password' # if auth = simple
        ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
        ldap_user_filter: '(cn=*)' # (optional)
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_user_subtree: false
        ldap_map_groups_as_roles: false
        ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups'
        ldap_group_object_class: 'posixGroup'
        ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_group_member_attribute: 'memberUid'
        ldap_group_member_format: '${username}'
        ldap_group_subtree: false

Tusaalaha qaabaynta LDAP ee aqoonsiga qarsoodiga ah (ku xidhid qarsoodi ah), tani sidoo kale waa qaabaynta "ugu yar":

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'Simplest LDAP config'
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
        ldap_hostname: 'annuaire.mycompany.com'
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'

Tusaale qaabeynta LDAP ee xaqiijinta fudud (adigoo isticmaalaya koontada DSA):

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA'
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
        ldap_hostname: 'annuaire.mycompany.com'
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false
        ldap_auth: 'simple'
        ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_user_subtree: false

Tusaalaha qaabeynta LDAP ee xaqiijinta fudud (adoo isticmaalaya koontada DSA) + kooxaha loo qaabeeyey door:

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA'
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
        ldap_hostname: 'annuaire.mycompany.com'
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false
        ldap_auth: 'simple'
        ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_map_groups_as_roles: true
        ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups'
        ldap_group_object_class: 'groupOfNames'
        ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_group_member_attribute: 'member'
        ldap_group_member_format: 'uid=${username},ou=users,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_group_subtree: false

Tusaalaha qaabeynta LDAP ee xaqiijinta fudud (adoo isticmaalaya koontada DSA) + kooxaha si firfircoon loo qaabeeyey sida door:

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA'
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
        ldap_hostname: 'annuaire.mycompany.com'
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false
        ldap_auth: 'simple'
        ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_map_groups_as_roles: true
        ldap_map_groups_as_roles_type: 'dynamic'
        ldap_user_memberof_attribute: 'memberOf'


      - name: all-repos-read # used as key to update a privilege
        # type: <one of application, repository-admin, repository-content-selector, repository-view, script or wildcard>
        description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos'
        repository: '*'
        actions: # can be add, browse, create, delete, edit, read or  * (all)
          - read
          - browse
        # pattern: pattern
        # domain: domain
        # script_name: name

liiska mudnaanta goobaha. Fiiri dukumeentiga iyo GUI si aad u hubiso doorsoomayaasha loo baahan yahay in la dejiyo iyadoo ku xiran nooca mudnaanta.

Cutubyadan waxaa lagu daray qiimayaasha soo socda:

      type: repository-view
      format: maven2
        - read

Doorarka (gudaha Nexus tani macnaheedu waa)

      - id: Developpers # can map to a LDAP group id, also used as a key to update a role
        name: developers
        description: All developers
          - nx-search-read
          - all-repos-read
        roles: [] # references to other role names

liiska doorarka goobaha.


    nexus_local_users: []
      # - username: jenkins # used as key to update
      #   state: present # default value if ommited, use 'absent' to remove user
      #   first_name: Jenkins
      #   last_name: CI
      #   email: [email protected]
      #   password: "s3cr3t"
      #   roles:
      #     - developers # role ID

Liistada isticmaaleyaasha maxalliga ah (aan ahayn LDAP) ama liiska xisaabaadka si loo abuuro xidhiidh.

Liiska isticmaalayaasha/koonada maxaliga ah (aan ahayn LDAP) ee lagu dhex abuurayo Nexus.

      nexus_ldap_users: []
      # - username: j.doe
      #   state: present
      #   roles:
      #     - "nx-admin"

Khariidaynta Ldap ee isticmaalayaasha/doorarka Gobolka absent waxay ka saari doontaa doorarka isticmaale jira haddii uu hore u jiray.
Isticmaalayaasha Ldap lama tirtirin Isku day inaad door u dejiso isticmaale aan jirin waxay ku dambayn doontaa khalad.

Xulashooyinka nuxurka

  - name: docker-login
    description: Selector for docker login privilege
    search_expression: format=="docker" and path=~"/v2/"

Macluumaad dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan xulashada nuxurka, eeg Dukumeenti.

Si aad u isticmaasho xulashada nuxurka, ku dar mudnaan cusub type: repository-content-selector oo khuseeyacontentSelector

- name: docker-login-privilege
  type: repository-content-selector
  contentSelector: docker-login
  description: 'Login to Docker registry'
  repository: '*'
  - read
  - browse

Bakhaaradaha iyo kaydadka

    nexus_delete_default_repos: false

Ka tirtir meelaha kaydka ah ee ku rakib habaynta bilowga hore. Talaabadani waxa kaliya oo lafuliyaa marka ugu horeysa ee la rakibo (goorma nexus_data_dir ayaa la ogaaday maran).

Ka saaritaanka kaydadka qaabaynta caadiga ah ee Nexus. Tallaabadan waxa la sameeyaa oo keliya inta lagu jiro rakibidda koowaad (goorma nexus_data_dir maran).

    nexus_delete_default_blobstore: false

Ka tirtir kaydiyaha caadiga ah ee nexus ku rakib qaabeynta bilowga hore. Tan waxaa la samayn karaa oo keliya haddii nexus_delete_default_repos: true iyo dhammaan bakhaarrada la habeeyey (hoos eeg) waxay leeyihiin si cad blob_store: custom. Talaabadani waxa kaliya oo lafuliyaa marka ugu horeysa ee la rakibo (goorma nexus_data_dir ayaa la ogaaday maran).

Ka saarida kaydinta baloobyada (farshaxanka binary) waa la naafo si caadi ah marka loo eego qaabaynta hore. Si aad meesha uga saarto kaydinta boobka (farshaxanka binary), dami nexus_delete_default_repos: true. Tallaabadan waxa la sameeyaa oo keliya inta lagu jiro rakibidda koowaad (goorma nexus_data_dir maran).

    nexus_blobstores: []
    # example blobstore item :
    # - name: separate-storage
    #   type: file
    #   path: /mnt/custom/path
    # - name: s3-blobstore
    #   type: S3
    #   config:
    #     bucket: s3-blobstore
    #     accessKeyId: "{{ VAULT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ID }}"
    #     secretAccessKey: "{{ VAULT_ENCRYPTED_ACCESS_KEY }}"

Blobstore in la abuuro. Jidka bakhaarka iyo kaydka kaydka lama cusboonaysiin karo abuuritaanka bilowga ah ka dib (cusbooneysi kasta oo halkan ah waa la iska indhatiraa dib-u-bixinta).

Isku-dubbaridka blobstore-ka S3 waxa loo bixiyay si ku habboon oo aan ka mid ahayn tijaabooyinka iswada ee aan ku wadno travis. Fadlan ogow in kaydinta S3 lagu taliyay oo kaliya tusaaleyaal la geeyo AWS.

Abuuridda Blobstore. Jidka kaydinta iyo kaydka kaydinta lama cusboonaysiin karo abuuritaanka bilowga ah ka dib (cusbooneysi kasta oo halkan ah waa la iska indhatiraa marka mar labaad la rakibo).

Dejinta kaydinta blob ee S3 waxaa loo bixiyay si ku habboon. Fadlan ogow in kaydinta S3 lagu taliyay oo kaliya tusaaleyaal la geeyo AWS.

      - name: central
        remote_url: 'https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/'
        layout_policy: permissive
        # maximum_component_age: -1
        # maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        # negative_cache_enabled: true
        # negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: jboss
        remote_url: 'https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/'
        # maximum_component_age: -1
        # maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        # negative_cache_enabled: true
        # negative_cache_ttl: 1440
    # example with a login/password :
    # - name: secret-remote-repo
    #   remote_url: 'https://company.com/repo/secure/private/go/away'
    #   remote_username: 'username'
    #   remote_password: 'secret'
    #   # maximum_component_age: -1
    #   # maximum_metadata_age: 1440
    #   # negative_cache_enabled: true
    #   # negative_cache_ttl: 1440

Kor waxaa ku yaal qaabaynta tusaale server wakiil Maven.

      - name: private-release
        version_policy: release
        write_policy: allow_once  # one of "allow", "allow_once" or "deny"

Maven bakhaarrada marti galiyay habaynta. Habaynta cache-ga taban waa ikhtiyaari oo waxay ku dhici doontaa qiimayaasha sare haddii la dhaafo.

Qaabeynta bakhaarrada marti galiyay Maven. Qaabeynta cache taban (-1) waa ikhtiyaari waxayna ku dhici doontaa qiimayaasha sare haddii aan la cayimin.

      - name: public
          - central
          - jboss

Qaabeynta kooxaha Maven.

Dhammaan saddexda nooc ee kaydka waxaa lagu daraa qiimayaasha soo socda:

      blob_store: default # Note : cannot be updated once the repo has been created
      strict_content_validation: true
      version_policy: release # release, snapshot or mixed
      layout_policy: strict # strict or permissive
      write_policy: allow_once # one of "allow", "allow_once" or "deny"
      maximum_component_age: -1  # Nexus gui default. For proxies only
      maximum_metadata_age: 1440  # Nexus gui default. For proxies only
      negative_cache_enabled: true # Nexus gui default. For proxies only
      negative_cache_ttl: 1440 # Nexus gui default. For proxies only

Docker, Pypi, Ceyriin, Rubygems, Bower, NPM, Git-LFS iyo noocyada kaydka yum:
arki defaults/main.yml fursadahan:

Docker, Pypi, Ceyriin, Rubygems, Bower, NPM, Git-LFS iyo yum meelaha lagu kaydiyo waa la naafo si caadi ah:
Eeg defaults/main.yml fursadahan:

      nexus_config_pypi: false
      nexus_config_docker: false
      nexus_config_raw: false
      nexus_config_rubygems: false
      nexus_config_bower: false
      nexus_config_npm: false
      nexus_config_gitlfs: false
      nexus_config_yum: false

Fadlan ogow in laga yaabo inaad u baahato inaad awood u yeelatid qaybo amniga qaarkood haddii aad rabto inaad isticmaasho noocyo kale oo kayd ah oo aan ahayn maven. Tani waa been asal ahaan

nexus_nuget_api_key_realm: false
nexus_npm_bearer_token_realm: false
nexus_docker_bearer_token_realm: false  # required for docker anonymous access

Isticmaalaha fog fog sidoo kale waa la awoodsiin karaa iyadoo la isticmaalayo

nexus_rut_auth_realm: true

cinwaankana waxaa lagu habeyn karaa iyadoo la qeexayo

nexus_rut_auth_header: "CUSTOM_HEADER"

Hawlaha la qorsheeyay

    nexus_scheduled_tasks: []
    #  #  Example task to compact blobstore :
    #  - name: compact-docker-blobstore
    #    cron: '0 0 22 * * ?'
    #    typeId: blobstore.compact
    #    task_alert_email: [email protected]  # optional
    #    taskProperties:
    #      blobstoreName: {{ nexus_blob_names.docker.blob }} # all task attributes are stored as strings by nexus internally
    #  #  Example task to purge maven snapshots
    #  - name: Purge-maven-snapshots
    #    cron: '0 50 23 * * ?'
    #    typeId: repository.maven.remove-snapshots
    #    task_alert_email: [email protected]  # optional
    #    taskProperties:
    #      repositoryName: "*"  # * for all repos. Change to a repository name if you only want a specific one
    #      minimumRetained: "2"
    #      snapshotRetentionDays: "2"
    #      gracePeriodInDays: "2"
    #    booleanTaskProperties:
    #      removeIfReleased: true
    #  #  Example task to purge unused docker manifest and images
    #  - name: Purge unused docker manifests and images
    #    cron: '0 55 23 * * ?'
    #    typeId: "repository.docker.gc"
    #    task_alert_email: [email protected]  # optional
    #    taskProperties:
    #      repositoryName: "*"  # * for all repos. Change to a repository name if you only want a specific one
    #  #  Example task to purge incomplete docker uploads
    #  - name: Purge incomplete docker uploads
    #    cron: '0 0 0 * * ?'
    #    typeId: "repository.docker.upload-purge"
    #    task_alert_email: [email protected]  # optional
    #    taskProperties:
    #      age: "24"

Hawlaha la qorsheeyay goobaha. typeId iyo hawl gaar ahtaskProperties/booleanTaskProperties waxaad qiyaasi kartaa midkood:

  • ka kala sareynta nooca Java org.sonatype.nexus.scheduling.TaskDescriptorSupport
  • hubinta foomka shaqada HTML ee browserkaaga
  • ka daawashada codsiyada AJAX ee browserka marka gacanta lagu rakibayo hawl.

Guryaha hawsha waa in lagu caddeeyaa yaml block saxda ah iyadoo ku xidhan nooca ay yihiin:

  • taskProperties dhammaan hantida xargaha (sida magacyada kaydka, magacyada kaydka, xilliyada waqtiyada...).
  • booleanTaskProperties dhammaan guryaha macquulka ah (tusaale ahaan inta badan sanduuqyada hubinta ee GUI ee hawsha abuurista xidhiidhka).


      nexus_backup_configure: false
      nexus_backup_cron: '0 0 21 * * ?'  # See cron expressions definition in nexus create task gui
      nexus_backup_dir: '/var/nexus-backup'
      nexus_restore_log: '{{ nexus_backup_dir }}/nexus-restore.log'
      nexus_backup_rotate: false
      nexus_backup_rotate_first: false
      nexus_backup_keep_rotations: 4  # Keep 4 backup rotation by default (current + last 3)

Kaabta lama habayn doono ilaa aad bedesho nexus_backup_configure Π² true.
Xaaladdan oo kale, hawsha qoraalka la qorsheeyay ayaa loo habayn doonaa si ay ugu shaqeyso Nexus
inta u dhaxaysa ee lagu cayimay nexus_backup_cron (caadiga ah 21:00 maalin kasta).
Ka eeg [qaababka groovy ee hawshan](templates/backup.groovy.j2) wixii faahfaahin ah.
Hawshan la qorsheeyay way ka madax banaan tahay kuwa kale nexus_scheduled_taskskaas oo aad
ku dhawaaq buuggaaga ciyaarta.

Haddii aad rabto in aad beddesho/tirto kaydinta, rakib nexus_backup_rotate: true oo habee tirada kaydinta aad jeceshahay inaad kaydsato adoo isticmaalaya nexus_backup_keep_rotations (default 4).

Markaad isticmaalayso wareeg, haddii aad rabto inaad kaydiso meel disk dheeraad ah inta lagu jiro habka kaydinta,
Waad rakibi kartaa nexus_backup_rotate_first: true. Tani waxay habayn doontaa wareegga hore/tirtiridda kahor kaydinta. Sida caadiga ah, wareejintu waxay dhacdaa ka dib marka kaydinta la sameeyo. Fadlan ogow in kiiskan kaydkii hore
waa la tirtiri doonaa ka hor inta aan kaydka hadda la samayn.

Habka soo kabashada

Ku orod buugga-ciyaaraha oo leh cabbir -e nexus_restore_point=<YYYY-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss>
(tusaale ahaan, 2017-12-17-21-00-00 ee Diisambar 17, 2017 saacada 21:00

Ka saarida xidhiidhka

Digniin: Tani waxay si buuxda u tirtiri doontaa xogtaada hadda. U hubso inaad hore u samayso gurmad haddii loo baahdo

Isticmaal doorsoome nexus_purgeHaddii aad u baahan tahay inaad dib uga bilowdo xoqdo oo aad dib u rakibto tusaale ahaan nexus-ka iyadoo dhammaan xogta laga saaray.

ansible-playbook -i your/inventory.ini your_nexus_playbook.yml -e nexus_purge=true

Beddel furaha sirta ah ee maamulaha ka dib marka ugu horeysa ee la rakibo

    nexus_default_admin_password: 'admin123'

Tani waa in aan lagu beddelin buug-yarahaaga. Doorsoomayaashan waxa ku jira erayga sirta ah ee maamulaha Nexus markii ugu horraysa ee la rakibo oo uu hubiyo in aan u beddeli karno erayga sirta ah ee maamulka nexus_admin_password.

Haddii aad rabto inaad bedesho lambarka sirta ah ee maamulaha ka dib rakibidda ugu horreysa, waxaad si ku meel gaar ah ugu beddeli kartaa erayga sirta ah ee hore ee khadka taliska. Isbadal ka dib nexus_admin_password Buugaaga ciyaarta waxaad ku orod kartaa:

ansible-playbook -i your/inventory.ini your_playbook.yml -e nexus_default_admin_password=oldPassword

Kanaalka Telegram ee Nexus Sonatype: https://t.me/ru_nexus_sonatype

Isticmaalayaasha diiwaangashan oo keliya ayaa ka qaybqaadan kara sahanka. Soo gal, soo dhawoow.

Waa maxay kaydka artifact ee aad isticmaashaa?

  • Sonatype Nexus waa bilaash

  • Sonatype Nexus waa la bixiyay

  • Farshaxanku waa bilaash

  • Farshaxanka oo la bixiyay

  • Xeeb

  • Laalaabka

9 isticmaale ayaa codeeyay. 3 isticmaale ayaa ka aamusay.

Source: www.habr.com

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