Masang sareng ngonpigurasikeun Nexus Sonatype nganggo infrastruktur salaku pendekatan kode

Sonatype Nexus mangrupikeun platform terpadu dimana pamekar tiasa proksi, nyimpen sareng ngatur katergantungan Java (Maven), Docker, Python, Ruby, NPM, gambar Bower, bungkusan RPM, gitlfs, Apt, Go, Nuget, sareng nyebarkeun kaamanan parangkat lunakna.

Naha anjeun peryogi Sonatype Nexus?

  • Pikeun nyimpen artefak swasta;
  • Pikeun artefak cache anu diunduh tina Internét;

Artefak anu dirojong dina pakét Sonatype Nexus dasar:

  • Java, Maven (jar)
  • Docker
  • Python (pip)
  • Ruby (permata)
  • NPM
  • Bowers
  • Yum (rpm)
  • gitlfs
  • atah
  • Apt (deb)
  • Go
  • Nuget

Artefak anu Dirojong Komunitas:

  • komposer
  • Conan
  • CPAN
  • ELPA
  • helem
  • P2
  • R

Masang Sonatype Nexus ngagunakeun


  • Baca ngeunaan ngagunakeun ansible dina Internét.
  • Pasang ansible pip install ansible dina workstation dimana playbook dijalankeun.
  • Masang dina workstation dimana playbook dijalankeun.
  • Masang geerlingguy.apache dina workstation dimana playbook dijalankeun.
  • Peran ieu parantos diuji dina CentOS 7, Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) sareng Bionic (18.04), Debian Jessie sareng Stretch
  • jmespath Perpustakaan kudu dipasang dina workstation dimana playbook dijalankeun. Pikeun masang: sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Simpen file playbook (conto di handap) kana file nexus.yml
  • Jalankeun instalasi Nexus ansible-playbook -i host nexus.yml

Conto ansible-playbook pikeun masang nexus tanpa LDAP sareng Maven (java), Docker, Python, Ruby, NPM, Bower, RPM sareng repositori gitlfs.

- name: Nexus
  hosts: nexus
  become: yes

    nexus_timezone: 'Asia/Omsk'
    nexus_admin_password: "admin123"
    nexus_public_hostname: 'apatsev-nexus-playbook'
    httpd_setup_enable: false
      - name: all-repos-read
        description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos'
        repository: '*'
          - read
          - browse
      - name: company-project-deploy
        description: 'Deployments to company-project'
        repository: company-project
          - add
          - edit
      - id: Developpers # maps to the LDAP group
        name: developers
        description: All developers
          - nx-search-read
          - all-repos-read
          - company-project-deploy
        roles: []
      - username: jenkins # used as key to update
        first_name: Jenkins
        last_name: CI
        email: [email protected]
        password: "s3cr3t"
          - Developpers # role ID here
      - name: company-artifacts
        path: /var/nexus/blobs/company-artifacts
      - name: compact-blobstore
        cron: '0 0 22 * * ?'
        typeId: blobstore.compact
          blobstoreName: 'company-artifacts'

      - name: central
        remote_url: ''
        layout_policy: permissive
      - name: jboss
        remote_url: ''
      - name: vaadin-addons
        remote_url: ''
      - name: jaspersoft
        remote_url: ''
        version_policy: mixed
      - name: company-project
        version_policy: mixed
        write_policy: allow
        blob_store: company-artifacts
      - name: public
          - central
          - jboss
          - vaadin-addons
          - jaspersoft

    # Yum. Change nexus_config_yum to true for create yum repository
    nexus_config_yum: true
      - name: private_yum_centos_7
        repodata_depth: 1
      - name: epel_centos_7_x86_64
        maximum_component_age: -1
        maximum_metadata_age: -1
        negative_cache_ttl: 60
      - name: centos-7-os-x86_64
        maximum_component_age: -1
        maximum_metadata_age: -1
        negative_cache_ttl: 60
      - name: yum_all
          - private_yum_centos_7
          - epel_centos_7_x86_64

    # NPM. Change nexus_config_npm to true for create npm repository
    nexus_config_npm: true
    nexus_repos_npm_hosted: []
      - name: npm-public
          - npm-registry
      - name: npm-registry
        negative_cache_enabled: false

    # Docker. Change nexus_config_docker to true for create docker repository
    nexus_config_docker: true
      - name: docker-hosted
        http_port: "{{ nexus_docker_hosted_port }}"
        v1_enabled: True
      - name: docker-proxy
        http_port: "{{ nexus_docker_proxy_port }}"
        v1_enabled: True
        index_type: "HUB"
        remote_url: ""
        use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false
        maximum_component_age: 1440
        maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        negative_cache_enabled: true
        negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: docker-group
        http_port: "{{ nexus_docker_group_port }}"
        v1_enabled: True
          - docker-hosted
          - docker-proxy

    # Bower. Change nexus_config_bower to true for create bower repository
    nexus_config_bower: true
      - name: bower-hosted
      - name: bower-proxy
        index_type: "proxy"
        remote_url: ""
        use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false
        maximum_component_age: 1440
        maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        negative_cache_enabled: true
        negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: bower-group
          - bower-hosted
          - bower-proxy

    # Pypi. Change nexus_config_pypi to true for create pypi repository
    nexus_config_pypi: true
      - name: pypi-hosted
      - name: pypi-proxy
        index_type: "proxy"
        remote_url: ""
        use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false
        maximum_component_age: 1440
        maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        negative_cache_enabled: true
        negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: pypi-group
          - pypi-hosted
          - pypi-proxy

    # rubygems. Change nexus_config_rubygems to true for create rubygems repository
    nexus_config_rubygems: true
      - name: rubygems-hosted
      - name: rubygems-proxy
        index_type: "proxy"
        remote_url: ""
        use_nexus_certificates_to_access_index: false
        maximum_component_age: 1440
        maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        negative_cache_enabled: true
        negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: rubygems-group
          - rubygems-hosted
          - rubygems-proxy

    # gitlfs. Change nexus_config_gitlfs to true for create gitlfs repository
    nexus_config_gitlfs: true
      - name: gitlfs-hosted

    - { role: }
    # Debian/Ubuntu only
    # - { role: geerlingguy.apache, apache_create_vhosts: no, apache_mods_enabled: ["proxy_http.load", "headers.load"], apache_remove_default_vhost: true, tags: ["geerlingguy.apache"] }
    # RedHat/CentOS only
    - { role: geerlingguy.apache, apache_create_vhosts: no, apache_remove_default_vhost: true, tags: ["geerlingguy.apache"] }
    - { role: ansible-thoteam.nexus3-oss, tags: ['ansible-thoteam.nexus3-oss'] }

Tangkepan layar:

Masang sareng ngonpigurasikeun Nexus Sonatype nganggo infrastruktur salaku pendekatan kode

Masang sareng ngonpigurasikeun Nexus Sonatype nganggo infrastruktur salaku pendekatan kode

Peran variabel

Variabel Peran

Variabel kalayan nilai standar (tingali default/main.yml):

Variabel umum

    nexus_version: ''
    nexus_timezone: 'UTC'

Sacara standar, peran bakal masang versi panganyarna tina Nexus sadia. Anjeun tiasa ngalereskeun versi ku cara ngarobah variabel nexus_version. Tempo versi sadia di

Upami anjeun ngarobih kana versi anu langkung énggal, peran éta bakal nyobian ngapdet pamasangan Nexus anjeun.

Upami anjeun nganggo versi Nexus anu langkung lami tibatan anu panganyarna, anjeun kedah mastikeun yén anjeun henteu nganggo fitur anu henteu sayogi dina sékrési anu dipasang (contona, hosting repositori yum sayogi pikeun nexus langkung ageung tibatan 3.8.0, git lfs repo. pikeun nexus leuwih gede ti 3.3.0 jsb.)

nexus timezone nyaeta nami zona waktu Java, nu bisa jadi mangpaat dina kombinasi jeung ungkapan cron handap pikeun tugas nexus_scheduled.

port Nexus jeung jalur konteks

    nexus_default_port: 8081
    nexus_default_context_path: '/'

Port sareng jalur kontéks prosés sambungan Java. nexus_default_context_path kudu ngandung garis miring maju nalika disetel, misalna: nexus_default_context_path: '/nexus/'.

Pangguna sareng Grup Nexus OS

    nexus_os_group: 'nexus'
    nexus_os_user: 'nexus'

Pamaké sareng grup anu biasa gaduh file Nexus sareng ngajalankeun jasa bakal didamel ku peran upami aya anu leungit.

    nexus_os_user_home_dir: '/home/nexus'

Ngidinan ngarobah diréktori home standar pikeun pamaké Nexus

Diréktori conto Nexus

    nexus_installation_dir: '/opt'
    nexus_data_dir: '/var/nexus'
    nexus_tmp_dir: "{{ (ansible_os_family == 'RedHat') | ternary('/var/nexus-tmp', '/tmp/nexus') }}"

Katalog Nexus.

  • nexus_installation_dir ngandung file laksana dipasang
  • nexus_data_dir ngandung sakabéh konfigurasi, repositories jeung artefak diundeur. Jalur blobstore custom nexus_data_dir bisa ngaropéa, tingali di handap nexus_blobstores.
  • nexus_tmp_dir ngandung sakabéh file samentara. Jalur standar pikeun redhat geus dipindahkeun tina /tmp pikeun ngatasi masalah poténsial sareng prosedur beberesih otomatis. Tingali #168.

Ngonpigurasikeun Nexus JVM Pamakéan Mémori

    nexus_min_heap_size: "1200M"
    nexus_max_heap_size: "{{ nexus_min_heap_size }}"
    nexus_max_direct_memory: "2G"

Ieu mangrupikeun setélan standar pikeun Nexus. Mangga ulah ngarobah nilai ieu Upami anjeun teu acan maca bagian mémori syarat sistem nexus sareng teu ngartos naon anu aranjeunna lakukeun.

Salaku peringatan kadua, ieu mangrupikeun kutipan tina dokumén di luhur:

Henteu disarankeun pikeun ningkatkeun mémori tumpukan JVM saluareun nilai anu disarankeun dina usaha ningkatkeun kamampuan. Ieu sabenerna bisa boga pangaruh sabalikna, hasilna karya teu perlu pikeun sistem operasi.

Sandi administrator

    nexus_admin_password: 'changeme'

Sandi akun "admin" pikeun setelan. Ieu ukur jalan dina instalasi standar munggaran. Mangga tingali [Ganti kecap akses admin saatos pamasangan munggaran](# change-admin-password-after-first-install) upami anjeun hoyong ngarobih engké nganggo peran.

Disarankeun pisan henteu nyimpen kecap akses anjeun dina téks anu jelas dina playbook, tapi nganggo [enkripsi ansible-vault] ( (boh inline atawa dina file misah dimuat ku misalna include_vars)

Aksés anonim sacara standar

    nexus_anonymous_access: false

Aksés anonim ditumpurkeun sacara standar. Baca leuwih seueur tentang aksés anonim.

Ngaran host umum

    nexus_public_hostname: 'nexus.vm'
    nexus_public_scheme: https

Ngaran domain sareng skéma anu mumpuni sapinuhna (https atanapi http) dimana conto Nexus bakal sayogi pikeun klienna.

aksés API pikeun peran ieu

    nexus_api_hostname: localhost
    nexus_api_scheme: http
    nexus_api_validate_certs: "{{ nexus_api_scheme == 'https' }}"
    nexus_api_context_path: "{{ nexus_default_context_path }}"
    nexus_api_port: "{{ nexus_default_port }}"

Variabel ieu ngadalikeun kumaha peranna nyambung ka Nexus API pikeun provisioning.
Pikeun pamaké canggih wungkul. Anjeun panginten henteu hoyong ngarobih setélan standar ieu

Nyetél proxy sabalikna

    httpd_setup_enable: false
    httpd_server_name: "{{ nexus_public_hostname }}"
    httpd_default_admin_email: "[email protected]"
    httpd_ssl_certificate_file: 'files/nexus.vm.crt'
    httpd_ssl_certificate_key_file: 'files/nexus.vm.key'
    # httpd_ssl_certificate_chain_file: "{{ httpd_ssl_certificate_file }}"
    httpd_copy_ssl_files: true

Masang SSL Reverse proxy.
Jang ngalampahkeun ieu anjeun kudu masang httpd. Catetan: nalika keur httpd_setup_enable set nilaitrue, kontak Nexus, sahingga teu diaksés langsung via port HTTP 8081 tina alamat IP éksternal.

Ngaran host standar anu dianggo nyaéta nexus_public_hostname. Upami anjeun peryogi nami anu béda pikeun sababaraha alesan, anjeun tiasa nyetél httpd_server_name kalawan harti anu béda.

С httpd_copy_ssl_files: true (sacara standar) sertipikat di luhur kedah aya dina diréktori playbook anjeun sareng bakal ditiron ka server sareng dikonpigurasi dina Apache.

Upami anjeun hoyong nganggo sertipikat anu aya dina server, pasang httpd_copy_ssl_files: false sarta nyadiakeun variabel handap:

    # These specifies to the vhost where to find on the remote server file
    # system the certificate files.
    httpd_ssl_cert_file_location: "/etc/pki/tls/certs/wildcard.vm.crt"
    httpd_ssl_cert_key_location: "/etc/pki/tls/private/wildcard.vm.key"
    # httpd_ssl_cert_chain_file_location: "{{ httpd_ssl_cert_file_location }}"

httpd_ssl_cert_chain_file_location nyaeta pilihan jeung kudu ditinggalkeun unset lamun teu hayang ngaropéa file ranté

    httpd_default_admin_email: "[email protected]"

Setel alamat surélék admin standar

Konfigurasi LDAP

Sambungan LDAP sareng alam kaamanan ditumpurkeun sacara standar

    nexus_ldap_realm: false
    ldap_connections: []

sambungan LDAP, unggal unsur katingalina kieu:

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'My Company LDAP' # used as a key to update the ldap config
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps' # ldap or ldaps
        ldap_hostname: ''
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false # Wether or not to use certs in the nexus trust store
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_auth: 'none' # or simple
        ldap_auth_username: 'username' # if auth = simple
        ldap_auth_password: 'password' # if auth = simple
        ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
        ldap_user_filter: '(cn=*)' # (optional)
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_user_subtree: false
        ldap_map_groups_as_roles: false
        ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups'
        ldap_group_object_class: 'posixGroup'
        ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_group_member_attribute: 'memberUid'
        ldap_group_member_format: '${username}'
        ldap_group_subtree: false

Conto konfigurasi LDAP pikeun auténtikasi anonim (ngariung anonim), ieu ogé konfigurasi "minimal":

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'Simplest LDAP config'
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
        ldap_hostname: ''
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'

Conto konfigurasi LDAP pikeun auténtikasi basajan (ngagunakeun akun DSA):

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA'
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
        ldap_hostname: ''
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false
        ldap_auth: 'simple'
        ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_user_subtree: false

Conto konfigurasi LDAP pikeun auténtikasi basajan (ngagunakeun akun DSA) + grup dipetakeun salaku peran:

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA'
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
        ldap_hostname: ''
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false
        ldap_auth: 'simple'
        ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_map_groups_as_roles: true
        ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups'
        ldap_group_object_class: 'groupOfNames'
        ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_group_member_attribute: 'member'
        ldap_group_member_format: 'uid=${username},ou=users,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_group_subtree: false

Conto konfigurasi LDAP pikeun auténtikasi basajan (ngagunakeun akun DSA) + grup sacara dinamis dipetakeun salaku peran:

    nexus_ldap_realm: true
      - ldap_name: 'LDAP config with DSA'
        ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
        ldap_hostname: ''
        ldap_port: 636
        ldap_use_trust_store: false
        ldap_auth: 'simple'
        ldap_auth_username: 'cn=mynexus,ou=dsa,dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_auth_password: "{{ vault_ldap_dsa_password }}" # better keep passwords in an ansible vault
        ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
        ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
        ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
        ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
        ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
        ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
        ldap_map_groups_as_roles: true
        ldap_map_groups_as_roles_type: 'dynamic'
        ldap_user_memberof_attribute: 'memberOf'


      - name: all-repos-read # used as key to update a privilege
        # type: <one of application, repository-admin, repository-content-selector, repository-view, script or wildcard>
        description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos'
        repository: '*'
        actions: # can be add, browse, create, delete, edit, read or  * (all)
          - read
          - browse
        # pattern: pattern
        # domain: domain
        # script_name: name

daptar hak husus pikeun setélan. Tingali kana dokuméntasi sareng GUI pikeun mariksa variabel mana anu kedah diatur gumantung kana jinis hak husus.

Unsur-unsur ieu digabungkeun sareng nilai standar ieu:

      type: repository-view
      format: maven2
        - read

Peran (dina Nexus ieu hartosna)

      - id: Developpers # can map to a LDAP group id, also used as a key to update a role
        name: developers
        description: All developers
          - nx-search-read
          - all-repos-read
        roles: [] # references to other role names

daptar kalungguhan pikeun setélan.


    nexus_local_users: []
      # - username: jenkins # used as key to update
      #   state: present # default value if ommited, use 'absent' to remove user
      #   first_name: Jenkins
      #   last_name: CI
      #   email: [email protected]
      #   password: "s3cr3t"
      #   roles:
      #     - developers # role ID

Daptar pamaké / akun lokal (non-LDAP) pikeun didamel dina nexus.

Daptar pamaké/akun lokal (non-LDAP) pikeun dijieun dina Nexus.

      nexus_ldap_users: []
      # - username: j.doe
      #   state: present
      #   roles:
      #     - "nx-admin"

Ldap pemetaan pamaké / kalungguhan. Nagara absent bakal ngahapus peran ti pangguna anu tos aya upami anu parantos aya.
pamaké Ldap teu dihapus. Nyobian nyetél peran pikeun pangguna anu henteu aya bakal nyababkeun kasalahan.

Pamilih eusi

  - name: docker-login
    description: Selector for docker login privilege
    search_expression: format=="docker" and path=~"/v2/"

Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal pamilih eusi, tingali Dokuméntasi.

Pikeun make pamilih eusi, tambahkeun hak husus anyar kalawan type: repository-content-selector sarta relevancontentSelector

- name: docker-login-privilege
  type: repository-content-selector
  contentSelector: docker-login
  description: 'Login to Docker registry'
  repository: '*'
  - read
  - browse

Blobstores na repositories

    nexus_delete_default_repos: false

Pupus repositori tina nexus install konfigurasi standar awal. Léngkah ieu ngan dieksekusi dina pamasangan mimitina (nalika nexus_data_dir geus dideteksi kosong).

Ngahapus repositori tina konfigurasi standar standar pikeun Nexus. Léngkah ieu ngan dilaksanakeun nalika pamasangan munggaran (sawaktos nexus_data_dir kosong).

    nexus_delete_default_blobstore: false

Hapus blobstore standar tina nexus install konfigurasi standar awal. Ieu bisa dipigawé ngan lamun nexus_delete_default_repos: true sarta sakabeh repositories ngonpigurasi (tempo di handap) boga hiji eksplisit blob_store: custom. Léngkah ieu ngan dieksekusi dina pamasangan mimitina (nalika nexus_data_dir geus dideteksi kosong).

Nyoplokkeun gudang blob (artefak binér) ditumpurkeun sacara standar tina konfigurasi awal. Pikeun mupus gudang blob (artefak binér), pareuman nexus_delete_default_repos: true. Léngkah ieu ngan dilaksanakeun nalika pamasangan munggaran (sawaktos nexus_data_dir kosong).

    nexus_blobstores: []
    # example blobstore item :
    # - name: separate-storage
    #   type: file
    #   path: /mnt/custom/path
    # - name: s3-blobstore
    #   type: S3
    #   config:
    #     bucket: s3-blobstore
    #     accessKeyId: "{{ VAULT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ID }}"
    #     secretAccessKey: "{{ VAULT_ENCRYPTED_ACCESS_KEY }}"

Blobstores ngadamel. Jalur blobstore sareng blobstore Repository teu tiasa diénggalan saatos nyiptakeun awal (ngamutahirkeun naon waé di dieu bakal dipaliré dina provisioning ulang).

Ngonpigurasikeun blobstore on S3 disadiakeun salaku genah tur teu bagian tina tés otomatis urang ngajalankeun on travis. Punten dicatet yén nyimpen dina S3 ngan disarankeun pikeun instansi anu dipasang dina AWS.

Ciptaan Blobstores. Jalur panyimpen sareng gudang panyimpen teu tiasa diénggalan saatos nyiptakeun awal (upami pembaruan di dieu bakal dipaliré nalika dipasang deui).

Nyetél gudang blob on S3 disadiakeun salaku genah a. Perhatikeun yén gudang S3 ngan dianjurkeun pikeun instansi deployed on AWS.

      - name: central
        remote_url: ''
        layout_policy: permissive
        # maximum_component_age: -1
        # maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        # negative_cache_enabled: true
        # negative_cache_ttl: 1440
      - name: jboss
        remote_url: ''
        # maximum_component_age: -1
        # maximum_metadata_age: 1440
        # negative_cache_enabled: true
        # negative_cache_ttl: 1440
    # example with a login/password :
    # - name: secret-remote-repo
    #   remote_url: ''
    #   remote_username: 'username'
    #   remote_password: 'secret'
    #   # maximum_component_age: -1
    #   # maximum_metadata_age: 1440
    #   # negative_cache_enabled: true
    #   # negative_cache_ttl: 1440

Di luhur aya conto konfigurasi server proxy Maven.

      - name: private-release
        version_policy: release
        write_policy: allow_once  # one of "allow", "allow_once" or "deny"

Maven repositories hosted konfigurasi. Konfigurasi cache négatip nyaéta opsional sareng bakal ditunakeun kana nilai di luhur upami dileungitkeun.

Konfigurasi repositories hosted Maven. Konfigurasi cache négatip (-1) opsional sareng bakal ditunakeun kana nilai-nilai di luhur upami henteu dieusian.

      - name: public
          - central
          - jboss

Konfigurasi группы Maven.

Tilu jinis gudang digabungkeun sareng nilai standar ieu:

      blob_store: default # Note : cannot be updated once the repo has been created
      strict_content_validation: true
      version_policy: release # release, snapshot or mixed
      layout_policy: strict # strict or permissive
      write_policy: allow_once # one of "allow", "allow_once" or "deny"
      maximum_component_age: -1  # Nexus gui default. For proxies only
      maximum_metadata_age: 1440  # Nexus gui default. For proxies only
      negative_cache_enabled: true # Nexus gui default. For proxies only
      negative_cache_ttl: 1440 # Nexus gui default. For proxies only

Docker, Pypi, Raw, Rubygems, Bower, NPM, Git-LFS sareng jinis gudang yum:
tempo defaults/main.yml pikeun pilihan ieu:

Docker, Pypi, Raw, Rubygems, Bower, NPM, Git-LFS sareng repositori yum ditumpurkeun sacara standar:
Tempo defaults/main.yml pikeun pilihan ieu:

      nexus_config_pypi: false
      nexus_config_docker: false
      nexus_config_raw: false
      nexus_config_rubygems: false
      nexus_config_bower: false
      nexus_config_npm: false
      nexus_config_gitlfs: false
      nexus_config_yum: false

Punten dicatet yén anjeun kedah ngaktipkeun skop kaamanan anu tangtu upami anjeun hoyong nganggo jinis repositori sanés sanés maven. Ieu palsu sacara standar

nexus_nuget_api_key_realm: false
nexus_npm_bearer_token_realm: false
nexus_docker_bearer_token_realm: false  # required for docker anonymous access

Realm Pamaké Jauh ogé tiasa diaktipkeun nganggo

nexus_rut_auth_realm: true

jeung judulna bisa ngaropéa ku watesan

nexus_rut_auth_header: "CUSTOM_HEADER"

tugas dijadwalkeun

    nexus_scheduled_tasks: []
    #  #  Example task to compact blobstore :
    #  - name: compact-docker-blobstore
    #    cron: '0 0 22 * * ?'
    #    typeId: blobstore.compact
    #    task_alert_email: [email protected]  # optional
    #    taskProperties:
    #      blobstoreName: {{ nexus_blob_names.docker.blob }} # all task attributes are stored as strings by nexus internally
    #  #  Example task to purge maven snapshots
    #  - name: Purge-maven-snapshots
    #    cron: '0 50 23 * * ?'
    #    typeId: repository.maven.remove-snapshots
    #    task_alert_email: [email protected]  # optional
    #    taskProperties:
    #      repositoryName: "*"  # * for all repos. Change to a repository name if you only want a specific one
    #      minimumRetained: "2"
    #      snapshotRetentionDays: "2"
    #      gracePeriodInDays: "2"
    #    booleanTaskProperties:
    #      removeIfReleased: true
    #  #  Example task to purge unused docker manifest and images
    #  - name: Purge unused docker manifests and images
    #    cron: '0 55 23 * * ?'
    #    typeId: "repository.docker.gc"
    #    task_alert_email: [email protected]  # optional
    #    taskProperties:
    #      repositoryName: "*"  # * for all repos. Change to a repository name if you only want a specific one
    #  #  Example task to purge incomplete docker uploads
    #  - name: Purge incomplete docker uploads
    #    cron: '0 0 0 * * ?'
    #    typeId: "repository.docker.upload-purge"
    #    task_alert_email: [email protected]  # optional
    #    taskProperties:
    #      age: "24"

tugas dijadwalkeun pikeun setélan. typeId jeung tugas husustaskProperties/booleanTaskProperties anjeun tiasa nebak boh:

  • ti hierarki tipe Java
  • mariksa formulir kreasi tugas HTML dina panyungsi anjeun
  • tina ningali pamundut AJAX dina browser nalika sacara manual nyetél tugas.

Sipat tugas kedah dinyatakeun dina blok yaml anu leres gumantung kana jinisna:

  • taskProperties pikeun sakabéh sipat string (ie ngaran gudang, ngaran gudang, perioda waktu ...).
  • booleanTaskProperties pikeun sakabéh sipat logis (i.e. utamana kotak centang dina GUI tina tugas nyiptakeun Nexus).


      nexus_backup_configure: false
      nexus_backup_cron: '0 0 21 * * ?'  # See cron expressions definition in nexus create task gui
      nexus_backup_dir: '/var/nexus-backup'
      nexus_restore_log: '{{ nexus_backup_dir }}/nexus-restore.log'
      nexus_backup_rotate: false
      nexus_backup_rotate_first: false
      nexus_backup_keep_rotations: 4  # Keep 4 backup rotation by default (current + last 3)

Nyadangkeun moal ngonpigurasi dugi ka pindah nexus_backup_configure в true.
Dina hal ieu, tugas skrip anu dijadwalkeun bakal dikonpigurasi pikeun dijalankeun dina Nexus
dina interval nu ditangtukeun dina nexus_backup_cron (standar 21:00 unggal poé).
Tempo [témplat groovy pikeun tugas ieu] (templates/backup.groovy.j2) pikeun detil.
tugas dijadwalkeun ieu bebas batur nexus_scheduled_tasksanu anjeun
ngumumkeun dina playbook Anjeun.

Upami anjeun hoyong muterkeun / mupus cadangan, pasang nexus_backup_rotate: true sareng ngonpigurasikeun jumlah cadangan anu anjeun hoyong simpen nganggo nexus_backup_keep_rotations (standar 4).

Nalika nganggo rotasi, upami anjeun hoyong ngahémat rohangan disk tambahan salami prosés cadangan,
Anjeun tiasa install nexus_backup_rotate_first: true. Ieu bakal ngonpigurasikeun pre-rotasi/ngahapus saméméh cadangan. Sacara standar, rotasi lumangsung sanggeus cadangan dijieun. Perhatikeun yén dina hal ieu cadangan heubeul
bakal dipupus saméméh cadangan ayeuna dijieun.

Prosedur recovery

Ngajalankeun playbook kalawan parameter -e nexus_restore_point=<YYYY-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss>
(contona, 2017-12-17-21-00 pikeun 00 Désémber 17 di 2017:21

Ngahapus nexus

Awas: Ieu bakal ngahapus lengkep data anjeun ayeuna. Pastikeun pikeun nyieun cadangan saméméhna lamun perlu

Paké variabel a nexus_purgeupami anjeun kedah ngabalikan deui ti mimiti sareng pasang deui conto nexus sareng sadaya data dihapus.

ansible-playbook -i your/inventory.ini your_nexus_playbook.yml -e nexus_purge=true

Robah sandi administrator saatos instalasi munggaran

    nexus_default_admin_password: 'admin123'

Ieu teu kudu dirobah dina playbook Anjeun. Variabel ieu dieusi ku kecap akses admin Nexus standar nalika mimiti dipasang sareng mastikeun yén urang tiasa ngarobih sandi admin nexus_admin_password.

Upami anjeun hoyong ngarobih sandi administrator saatos pamasangan anu munggaran, anjeun tiasa samentawis ngarobih kana sandi lami tina garis paréntah. Sanggeus robah nexus_admin_password dina playbook anjeun anjeun tiasa ngajalankeun:

ansible-playbook -i your/inventory.ini your_playbook.yml -e nexus_default_admin_password=oldPassword

Saluran Telegram dina Nexus Sonatype:

Ngan pamaké nu kadaptar bisa ilubiung dina survey. Daptar, Punten.

Repositories artefak naon anu anjeun anggo?

  • Sonatype Nexus gratis

  • Sonatype Nexus mayar

  • Artifactory gratis

  • Artifactory dibayar

  • palabuhan

  • bubur

9 pamaké milih. 3 pamaké abstained.


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