Ngidentipikasi prosés sareng kagiatan disk dina Linux

TL; DR: Artikel ceramah ngeunaan cara merenah, gancang jeung dipercaya pikeun ngaidentipikasi program Linux Ubuntu nu nulis data kana disk, nu mantuan dina ngaidentipikasi beban badag atawa abnormally sering dina subsistem disk, sarta ogé ngidinan Anjeun pikeun estimasi overhead tina sistem file. Ieu hususna leres pikeun SSD dina PC, EMMC, sareng mémori Flash dina komputer papan tunggal.
Nalika nyerat tulisan ieu, kuring mendakan yén nyerat sababaraha kilobyte data kana sistem file BTRFS nyababkeun nyerat 3 megabyte data nyata kana disk.


"Oh, omong kosong, sél mémori dina SSD modéren bakal gagal saatos sababaraha dekade pamakean normal, tong hariwang ngeunaan éta, langkung seueur swap transfer, mesin virtual sareng folder profil browser kana HDD" - jawaban anu umum pikeun patarosan ngeunaan reliabiliti drive solid-state kalawan dijamin ≈150 TBW. Upami anjeun ngira-ngira sabaraha data anu tiasa ditulis ku parangkat lunak khas, sigana 10-20 GB per dinten parantos janten angka anu ageung, janten maksimal 40 GB, langkung seueur. Dibikeun nomer ieu, jawaban anu cukup lumrah - diperlukeun 10 taun pikeun ngahontal dijamin nilai pikeun jumlah sél overwritten, kalawan 40 GB data dirékam sapopoé.
Nanging, dina 6 taun kuring parantos nganggo SSD katilu kuring: pangontrol anu munggaran gagal, sareng anu kadua mimiti mindahkeun data antara sél sababaraha kali sadinten, anu nyababkeun telat 30 detik dina jasa ngarékam.

Sanggeus 7 bulan ngagunakeun SSD anyar, Kuring mutuskeun pikeun pariksa jumlah data ditulis, sakumaha dilaporkeun ku drive sorangan via SMART.
19.7 TB.
Dina ngan 7 bulan, kuring nganggo 13% tina jumlah anu dijamin tina data anu dirékam, sanaos kanyataan yén éta dikonpigurasi saluyu sareng saran pikeun aligning partisi sareng ngonpigurasikeun FS, kuring ampir henteu pernah nganggo swap, disk mesin virtual aya dina HDD. !
Ieu inohong abnormally badag; dina laju ieu, jaminan TBW bakal ngaleuwihan saméméh periode jaminan disk 5 taun ngahontal. Sareng komputer kuring henteu tiasa nyerat 93 gigabyte per dinten! Urang kedah pariksa sabaraha data anu ditulis kana disk dina 10 menit...

Writes Queued: 24,712, 2,237MiB
Writes Completed: 25,507, 2,237MiB
Write Merges: 58, 5,472KiB

2.2 GiB, oh-ho-ho!

Nangtukeun jumlah data anu ditulis ka alat disk

Upami alat anjeun ngadukung SMART (SSD, EMMC, sababaraha MicroSD industri), maka hal kahiji anu anjeun kedah laksanakeun nyaéta nyuhunkeun data tina drive nganggo program. smartctl, skdump atawa mmc (tina mmc-utils).

Conto kaluaran tina program smartctl

$ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdb
smartctl 7.0 2019-03-31 r4903 [x86_64-linux-5.3.11-200.fc30.x86_64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-18, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Model Family:     Samsung based SSDs
Device Model:     Samsung SSD 860 EVO mSATA 250GB
Serial Number:    S41MNC0KA13477K
LU WWN Device Id: 5 002538 e700fa64b
Firmware Version: RVT41B6Q
User Capacity:    250 059 350 016 bytes [250 GB]
Sector Size:      512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate:    Solid State Device
Form Factor:      mSATA
Device is:        In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
ATA Version is:   ACS-4 T13/BSR INCITS 529 revision 5
SATA Version is:  SATA 3.1, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is:    Tue Nov 19 01:48:50 2019 MSK
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x00) Offline data collection activity
                                        was never started.
                                        Auto Offline Data Collection: Disabled.
Self-test execution status:      (   0) The previous self-test routine completed
                                        without error or no self-test has ever 
                                        been run.
Total time to complete Offline 
data collection:                (    0) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities:                    (0x53) SMART execute Offline immediate.
                                        Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
                                        Suspend Offline collection upon new
                                        No Offline surface scan supported.
                                        Self-test supported.
                                        No Conveyance Self-test supported.
                                        Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:            (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
                                        power-saving mode.
                                        Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:        (0x01) Error logging supported.
                                        General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine 
recommended polling time:        (   2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time:        (  85) minutes.
SCT capabilities:              (0x003d) SCT Status supported.
                                        SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
                                        SCT Feature Control supported.
                                        SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 1
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   010    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   098   098   000    Old_age   Always       -       5171
 12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   099   099   000    Old_age   Always       -       459
177 Wear_Leveling_Count     0x0013   096   096   000    Pre-fail  Always       -       62
179 Used_Rsvd_Blk_Cnt_Tot   0x0013   100   100   010    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
181 Program_Fail_Cnt_Total  0x0032   100   100   010    Old_age   Always       -       0
182 Erase_Fail_Count_Total  0x0032   100   100   010    Old_age   Always       -       0
183 Runtime_Bad_Block       0x0013   100   100   010    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
187 Uncorrectable_Error_Cnt 0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0032   058   039   000    Old_age   Always       -       42
195 ECC_Error_Rate          0x001a   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
199 CRC_Error_Count         0x003e   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
235 POR_Recovery_Count      0x0012   099   099   000    Old_age   Always       -       29
241 Total_LBAs_Written      0x0032   099   099   000    Old_age   Always       -       38615215765

SMART Error Log Version: 1
No Errors Logged

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
No self-tests have been logged.  [To run self-tests, use: smartctl -t]

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
    1        0        0  Not_testing
    2        0        0  Not_testing
    3        0        0  Not_testing
    4        0        0  Not_testing
    5        0        0  Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
  After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

SSD abdi nyimpen jumlah data ditulis dina parameter 241 Total_LBAs_Written, dina blok logis (LBA) tinimbang bait. Ukuran blok logis bisi kuring 512 bait (eta bisa ditempo dina kaluaran smartctl, dina Ukuran Séktor). Pikeun kéngingkeun bait, anjeun kedah ngalikeun nilai parameter ku 512.

38615215765 × 512 ÷ 1000 ÷ 1000 ÷ 1000 ÷ 1000 = 19,770 ТБ
38615215765 × 512 ÷ 1024 ÷ 1024 ÷ 1024 ÷ 1024 = 17,981 ТиБ

program skdump dina SSD kuring nyobian napsirkeun nilai Total_LBAs_Written kumaha waé ku cara sorangan, naha éta ditingalikeun. 1296217.695 TB, nu écés salah.

Pikeun milarian jumlah inpormasi anu kacatet dina tingkat alat, kami bakal ngagunakeun program éta btrace ti iket blktrace. Ieu nembongkeun duanana statistik umum pikeun sakabéh waktu program ieu ngajalankeun, sarta prosés individu jeung threads (kaasup kernels) anu dipigawé rékaman.

Jalankeun paréntah di handap ieu pikeun ngumpulkeun inpormasi dina 10 menit, dimana / dev / sdb mangrupikeun disk anjeun:

# btrace -w 600 -a write /dev/sdb

Kaluaran paréntah has

  8,16   0     3253    50.085433192     0  C  WS 125424240 + 64 [0]
  8,16   0     3254    50.085550024     0  C  WS 193577744 + 64 [0]
  8,16   0     3255    50.085685165     0  C  WS 197246976 + 64 [0]
  8,16   0     3256    50.085936852     0  C  WS 125736264 + 128 [0]
  8,16   0     3257    50.086060780     0  C  WS 96261752 + 64 [0]
  8,16   0     3258    50.086195031     0  C  WS 94948640 + 64 [0]
  8,16   0     3259    50.086327355     0  C  WS 124656144 + 64 [0]
  8,16   0     3260    50.086843733 15368  C WSM 310218496 + 32 [0]
  8,16   0     3261    50.086975238   753  A WSM 310218368 + 32 <- (8,20) 291339904
  8,16   0     3262    50.086975560   753  Q WSM 310218368 + 32 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3263    50.086977345   753  G WSM 310218368 + 32 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3264    50.086978072   753  I WSM 310218368 + 32 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3265    50.086979159   753  D WSM 310218368 + 32 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3266    50.087055685     0  C WSM 310218368 + 32 [0]
  8,16   0     3267    50.087060168   753  A WSM 310218592 + 160 <- (8,20) 291340128
  8,16   0     3268    50.087060367   753  Q WSM 310218592 + 160 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3269    50.087061242   753  G WSM 310218592 + 160 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3270    50.087061698   753  I WSM 310218592 + 160 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3271    50.087062361   753  D WSM 310218592 + 160 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3272    50.087386179     0  C WSM 310218592 + 160 [0]
  8,16   0     3273    50.087436417 15368  A FWS 0 + 0 <- (253,1) 0
  8,16   0     3274    50.087437471 15368  Q FWS [LS Thread]
  8,16   0     3275    50.087440862 15368  G FWS [LS Thread]
  8,16   0     3276    50.088300047     0  C  WS 0 [0]
  8,16   0     3277    50.088470917   753  A WFSM 18882688 + 8 <- (8,20) 4224
  8,16   0     3278    50.088471091   753  Q WFSM 18882688 + 8 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3279    50.088471688   753  G WFSM 18882688 + 8 [dmcrypt_write/2]
  8,16   0     3280    50.088474334 32254  D WSM 18882688 + 8 [kworker/0:2H]
  8,16   0     3281    50.088515572     0  C WSM 18882688 + 8 [0]
  8,16   0     3282    50.089229069     0  C WSM 18882688 [0]
CPU0 (8,16):
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:         345,   25,932KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:      331,   25,788KiB
 Reads Requeued:         0               Writes Requeued:         0
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:    1,597,  117,112KiB
 Read Merges:            0,        0KiB  Write Merges:            1,       16KiB
 Read depth:             0               Write depth:           177
 IO unplugs:             0               Timer unplugs:           0
CPU1 (8,16):
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:         502,   39,948KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:      495,   40,076KiB
 Reads Requeued:         0               Writes Requeued:         0
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:        0,        0KiB
 Read Merges:            0,        0KiB  Write Merges:            0,        0KiB
 Read depth:             0               Write depth:           177
 IO unplugs:             0               Timer unplugs:           0
CPU2 (8,16):
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:         297,   26,800KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:      287,   26,800KiB
 Reads Requeued:         0               Writes Requeued:         0
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:        0,        0KiB
 Read Merges:            0,        0KiB  Write Merges:            0,        0KiB
 Read depth:             0               Write depth:           177
 IO unplugs:             0               Timer unplugs:           0
CPU3 (8,16):
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:         418,   24,432KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:      408,   24,448KiB
 Reads Requeued:         0               Writes Requeued:         0
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:        0,        0KiB
 Read Merges:            0,        0KiB  Write Merges:            2,      272KiB
 Read depth:             0               Write depth:           177
 IO unplugs:             0               Timer unplugs:           0

Total (8,16):
 Reads Queued:           0,        0KiB  Writes Queued:       1,562,  117,112KiB
 Read Dispatches:        0,        0KiB  Write Dispatches:    1,521,  117,112KiB
 Reads Requeued:         0               Writes Requeued:         0
 Reads Completed:        0,        0KiB  Writes Completed:    1,597,  117,112KiB
 Read Merges:            0,        0KiB  Write Merges:            3,      288KiB
 IO unplugs:             0               Timer unplugs:           0

Throughput (R/W): 0KiB/s / 2,338KiB/s
Events (8,16): 9,287 entries
Skips: 0 forward (0 -   0.0%)

btrace ngidinan Anjeun pikeun jelas ningali jumlah sabenerna data dirékam, tapi hese ngarti program nu ngarekam tina kaluaran na.

Nangtukeun program anu nyerat kana drive

program iotop bakal nunjukkeun prosés nulis kana disk sareng ukuran data anu ditulis.
Kaluaran anu paling merenah disayogikeun ku parameter ieu:

# iotop -obPat

Sampel kaluaran program

02:55:47 Total DISK READ :       0.00 B/s | Total DISK WRITE :      30.65 K/s
02:55:47 Actual DISK READ:       0.00 B/s | Actual DISK WRITE:       0.00 B/s
b'02:55:47   753 be/4 root          0.00 B      0.00 B  0.00 %  0.04 % [dmcrypt_write/2]'
b'02:55:47   788 be/4 root         72.00 K     18.27 M  0.00 %  0.02 % [btrfs-transacti]'
b'02:55:47 15057 be/4 valdikss    216.00 K    283.05 M  0.00 %  0.01 % firefox'
b'02:55:47  1588 ?dif root          0.00 B      0.00 B  0.00 %  0.00 % Xorg -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/sddm/{398f030f-9667-4dff-b371-81eaae48dfdf} -background none -noreset -displayfd 18 -seat seat0 vt1'
b'02:55:47 15692 be/4 valdikss    988.00 K      9.41 M  0.00 %  0.00 % python3 /usr/bin/gajim'
b'02:55:47 15730 ?dif valdikss      9.07 M      0.00 B  0.00 %  0.00 % telegram-desktop --'
b'02:55:47  2174 ?dif valdikss   1840.00 K      2.47 M  0.00 %  0.00 % yakuake'
b'02:55:47 19827 be/4 root         16.00 K    896.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % [kworker/u16:7-events_unbound]'
b'02:55:47 19074 be/4 root         16.00 K    480.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % [kworker/u16:4-btrfs-endio-write]'
b'02:55:47 19006 be/4 root         16.00 K   1872.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % [kworker/u16:1-events_unbound]'
b'02:55:47  1429 be/4 root        484.00 K      0.00 B  0.00 %  0.00 % accounts-daemon'
b'02:55:47 15820 be/4 valdikss    312.00 K      0.00 B  0.00 %  0.00 % firefox -contentproc -childID 6 -isForBrowser -prefsLen 7894 -prefMapSize 223880 -parentBuildID 20191022164834 -greomni /usr/lib64/firefox/omni.ja -appomni /usr/lib64/firefox/browser/omni.ja -appdir /usr/lib64/firefox/browser 15057 tab'
b'02:55:47  2125 ?dif valdikss      0.00 B     92.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % plasmashell'
b'02:55:47  1268 be/3 root          0.00 B      4.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % auditd'
b'02:55:47  1414 be/4 root          0.00 B      4.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % sssd_nss --uid 0 --gid 0 --logger=files'
b'02:55:47 15238 be/4 valdikss      0.00 B      4.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % thunderbird'
b'02:55:47 18605 be/4 root          0.00 B      3.19 M  0.00 %  0.00 % [kworker/u16:0-btrfs-endio-write]'
b'02:55:47 18867 be/4 root          0.00 B     96.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % [kworker/u16:5-btrfs-endio-meta]'
b'02:55:47 19070 be/4 root          0.00 B    160.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % [kworker/u16:2-btrfs-freespace-write]'
b'02:55:47 19645 be/4 root          0.00 B      2.17 M  0.00 %  0.00 % [kworker/u16:3-events_unbound]'
b'02:55:47 19982 be/4 root          0.00 B    496.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % [kworker/u16:6-btrfs-endio-write]'

Firefox nyekel panon anjeun, ngarekam 283 megabyte dina sababaraha menit ngajalankeun iotop.

Nangtukeun file anu bakal ditulis

Inpormasi ngeunaan prosés raping disk anu saé, tapi jalur anu dirékam didamel langkung saé.

Hayu urang nganggo program fatrace, nu ngalacak parobahan sistem file.

# fatrace -f W

Sampel kaluaran program

firefox(15057): CW /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal
firefox(15057): CW /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): CW /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): CW /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite-wal
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite-wal
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite-wal
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite-wal
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite-wal
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite-wal
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite-wal
firefox(15057): CW /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite
firefox(15057): W /home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/webappsstore.sqlite

Fatrace henteu tiasa nunjukkeun jumlah data anu dirékam kusabab pamakean tracking anu cukup saderhana tina kanyataan yén file diaksés via inotify.

Tina kaluaran anjeun tiasa ningali kumaha Habr ngahémat tulisan kuring dina panyimpen browser lokal nalika kuring nyerat, ogé ekstensi Dial Speed ​​​​Grup, anu, sakumaha urang tiasa mendakan nganggo fatrace, maca datana unggal-unggal. 30 detik. Éta maca, sanés nyerat: CW sateuacan file nyarios yén file dibuka pikeun maca sareng nyerat, kalayan nyiptakeun file sakaligus upami leungit (disebut openat sareng bandéra O_RDWR|O_CREAT), tapi henteu nyarios yén inpormasi anu leres-leres ditulis kana file.

Bisi wae, pikeun mastikeun ieu, hayu urang nganggo strace, sareng saringan pikeun telepon sistem file:

strace -yy -e trace=open,openat,close,write -f -p 15057 2>&1 | grep extension

kaluaran paréntah

[pid 20352] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC, 0644) = 153</home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite>
[pid 20352] read(153</home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite>, "SQLite format 3 20 22 @   d 23"..., 100) = 100
[pid 20352] read(153</home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite>, "SQLite format 3 20 22 @   d 23"..., 4096) = 4096
[pid 20352] openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_CLOEXEC, 0644) = 166</home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal>
[pid 20352] read(54</home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite>, " r4304364354354364-  4204!4'414" 250 &"..., 4096) = 4096
[pid 20352] read(54</home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite>, " 136Pt2262504 O24532016:"16.27 r245306>2461t1q370"..., 4096) = 4096
[pid 20352] close(77</home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite-wal>) = 0
[pid 20352] close(54</home/valdikss/.mozilla/firefox/xyf4vqh2.default/storage/default/moz-extension+++e5c304fb-af40-498a-9ba8-47eb0416e933^userContextId=4294967295/idb/3647222921wleabcEoxlt-eengsairo.sqlite>) = 0

Teu aya nu nelepon write(), anu nunjukkeun yén teu aya éntri kana file.

Nangtukeun File System Overhead

Beda ageung dina bacaan iotop и btrace masihan kuring ide pikeun nguji sistem file ku cara nuliskeun data sacara manual kana file sareng ngawaskeun bacaan btrace.

Upami anjeun leres-leres ngaluarkeun tulisan kana disk ku booting kana modeu darurat systemd sareng nyerat sacara manual sababaraha bait data kana file aya, btrace mun SSD tina btrfs rékaman laporan Megabytes 3 data nyata. Sistem file anu nembé diciptakeun dina flash drive 8 GB nyerat sahenteuna 264 KiB nalika nyerat hiji bait.
Pikeun babandingan, nulis sababaraha bait kana file dina ext4 mungkas nepi nulis 24 kilobyte data kana disk.

Dina 2017, Jayashree Mohan, Rohan Kadekodi sareng Vijay Chidambaram dilakukeun ulikan ngeunaan amplifikasi nulis tina sistem file béda, Hasilna pikeun btrfs sareng ext4 dina tulisan 4KB konsisten sareng milik kuring.

Ngidentipikasi prosés sareng kagiatan disk dina Linux

Kacindekan jeung kacindekan

Ngaliwatan manipulasi anu dijelaskeun éta kapanggih:

  1. Sering logging nagara tugas printer ku daemon cetak CUPS ka /var/cache/ cangkir unggal menit. Masalahna dilereskeun ku ngabersihan /var/spool/ cangkir (sanajan euweuh jobs print);
  2. Kanyataan yén pangkalan data dibaca unggal 30 detik ku ekstensi Grup Speed ​​​​Dial pikeun Firefox;
  3. logging périodik ku rupa jasa tracking kinerja di Fedora, hasilna sababaraha megabytes data keur ditulis ka btrfs: pmcd.service, pmie.service, pmlogger.service;
  4. Gedekan ageung nalika nyerat sajumlah leutik data nganggo btrfs.

Kacindekan: Anjeun teu kedah nganggo btrfs lamun program mindeng nulis jumlah leutik data (sababaraha kilobytes), disebutkeun eta bakal ngahasilkeun megabytes data ditulis. Ieu hususna leres pikeun komputer papan tunggal sareng OS dina MicroSD.


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