I-Fat Pikachu ne-Tall Meowth: I-Pokemon izokwazi ukuba yinkulu ku-Pokemon Sword and Shield

I-Game Freak yethule i-Pokémon engakhula ibe yinkulu ku-RPG ezayo ye-Pokémon Sword and Shield.

I-Fat Pikachu ne-Tall Meowth: I-Pokemon izokwazi ukuba yinkulu ku-Pokemon Sword and Shield

I-Pokémon Sword ne-Pokémon Shield imidlalo yokulingisa ochungechungeni oluyinhloko lwe-Pokémon oluhloselwe izethameli ezinolwazi. Muva nje kuye kwaziwa ukuthi i-Pokemon efana ne-Pikachu, i-Eevee, i-Charizard, i-Butterfree ne-Meowth izokwazi ukufeza ifomu le-Gigantamax - ikhule ibe osayizi abakhulu futhi ithole iminyakazo ekhethekile ye-G-Max. Ukunyakaza ngakunye kuhambisana nesitayela sokulwa esijwayelekile se-monster ephaketheni.


Onjiniyela baphinde balungiselela isipho sabadlali bePokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu and Pokémon: Let’s Go, amagatsha e-Eevee. Uma isistimu ye-Nintendo Switch ithola okulondoloziwe kwenye yezinguqulo, umsebenzisi uzothola i-Pikachu noma i-Eevee, ngokulandelana, engathatha ifomu le-Gigantamax.

I-Pokémon Sword and Shield izokhishwa ngoNovemba 15, 2019, kuphela ku-Nintendo Switch. Izinguqulo ziyehluka ekuqaleni futhi edume Pokemon, kanye okungenani umholi omunye wokuzivocavoca.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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