Author: ProHoster

Wolfenstein: Youngblood yuav tsis muaj kev txhawb nqa RTX thaum pib

Contrary to expectations, the co-op first-person shooter Wolfenstein: Youngblood yuav raug tso tawm yam tsis muaj RTX thev naus laus zis. Nws yuav ntxiv qee lub sijhawm tom qab tso tawm. Thaum kev txhawb nqa rau cov thev naus laus zis hauv qhov kev ua si tsuas yog tshaj tawm (thaum kawg ntawm lub Tsib Hlis ntawm Taipei Computex 2019 exhibition), Bethesda Softworks tsis tau qhia lub sijhawm. Txij thaum ntawd los, tsis muaj cov ntaub ntawv hais txog RTX hauv Wolfenstein: Youngblood, thiab […]

Google yuav them $ 11 lab nplua rau kev ntxub ntxaug hnub nyoog

Google tau pom zoo them $ 11 lab los daws qhov kev foob uas nws raug liam tias muaj kev ntxub ntxaug rau cov neeg ua haujlwm laus. Nyob rau hauv tag nrho, 227 tus neeg foob yuav tau txais me ntsis ntau dua $ 35 txhua. Nyob rau hauv lem, cov kws lij choj yuav tau txais $ 2,75 lab. Zaj dab neeg pib nrog kev foob ntawm Cheryl Fillekes, uas tau sim mus ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv Google plaub zaug nyob rau hauv 7 xyoo, [...]

Video: hauv kev sib ntaus sib tua dhia Force tam sim no koj tuaj yeem ua si ua tus neeg phem loj

Publisher Bandai Namco Kev Lom Zem tau nthuav tawm cov vis dis aus tshiab rau nws qhov kev sib tw sib ntaus sib tua Jump Force, uas suav nrog ntau cov cim nto moo los ntawm Japanese magazine Lub Limtiam Shonen Jump tshaj 50 xyoo ntawm nws lub neej. Txawm tias ua ntej qhov kev ua si tso tawm, cov neeg tsim khoom tau qhia cov pej xeem rau ib qho ntawm nws cov cim tseem ceeb - tus neeg phem Kane. Cov neeg uas ua si los ntawm zaj dab neeg phiaj xwm ntawm Jump Force tuaj yeem pom qhov no […]

Xiaomi Qin 2: lub xov tooj tsis yog tus qauv nrog tus nqi ntawm $ 75

Xiaomi-muaj Youpin crowdfunding platform tau nthuav tawm lub xov tooj txawv txawv heev ntawm Android Go platform - lub cuab yeej hu ua Qin 2. Cov cuab yeej tau nruab nrog 5,05-nti kab pheeb ces kaum kov zaub. Ntxiv mus, lub vaj huam sib luag no muaj qhov kev daws teeb meem tsis yog qauv - 1440 × 576 pixels. Yog li, lub smartphone yog elongated vertically, thiab qhov screen nam piv yog 22,5: 9. Txog hom processor siv […]

Lub koob yees duab ntawm Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 smartphone yuav tau nruab nrog lub lens super-telephoto

Lub flagship smartphone Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 tseem nyob ib puag ncig los ntawm cov lus xaiv: lub sijhawm no cov ntaub ntawv tau tshwm sim txog lub koob yees duab tseem ceeb ntawm lub cuab yeej tom ntej. Raws li tau sau tseg ua ntej, cov khoom tshiab yuav tau txais lub koob yees duab tseem ceeb nrog cov duab siab heev sensor, uas yuav dhau 64-megapixel Samsung ISOCELL Bright GW1 sensor hais txog kev ua haujlwm. Tam sim no Xiaomi Tus Thawj Coj Khoom Muag Wang Teng tau tshaj tawm tias […]

Txoj Cai Yarovaya-Ozerov - los ntawm cov lus mus rau kev ua

Rau cov hauv paus hniav ... Lub Xya hli ntuj 4, 2016 Irina Yarovaya muab kev xam phaj ntawm Rossiya 24 channel. Cia kuv rov luam dua ib feem me me ntawm nws: “Txoj cai lij choj tsis tau hais kom khaws cov ntaub ntawv. Txoj cai lij choj tsuas yog muab rau tsoomfwv Lavxias txoj cai los txiav txim siab tsis pub dhau 2 xyoos seb puas yuav tsum tau khaws cia lossis tsis tau. Txog li cas? Hais txog dab tsi daim ntawv? Cov. […]

"Runet Isolation" lossis "Sovereign Internet"

Thaum lub Tsib Hlis 1, txoj cai lij choj ntawm "Ib puag ncig Is Taws Nem" thaum kawg tau kos npe, tab sis cov kws tshaj lij yuav luag tam sim ntawd dubbed nws qhov kev rho tawm ntawm Lavxias ntu ntawm Is Taws Nem, yog li ntawm dab tsi? (hauv cov lus yooj yim) Cov kab lus no ua raws lub hom phiaj ntawm feem ntau qhia rau cov neeg siv Internet yam tsis tau muab nws tus kheej tso rau hauv hav zoov tsis tsim nyog thiab cov lus tsis txaus ntseeg. Kab lus piav qhia tej yam yooj yim rau ntau, tab sis rau ntau nws tsis txhais hais tias […]

Kuv tsis yog tiag

Kuv twb tsis muaj hmoo heev hauv kuv lub neej. Tag nrho kuv lub neej kuv tau nyob ib puag ncig los ntawm cov neeg uas ua ib yam dab tsi tiag tiag. Thiab kuv, raws li koj tuaj yeem twv, yog ib tus neeg sawv cev ntawm ob lub ntsiab lus tseem ceeb tshaj plaws, kev ua haujlwm deb thiab tsis muaj tseeb uas koj tuaj yeem xav txog - programmer thiab tus thawj tswj hwm. Kuv poj niam yog ib tug xib fwb hauv tsev kawm ntawv. Ntxiv rau, ntawm chav kawm, tus kws qhia ntawv. Kuv tus muam yog ib tug kws kho mob. Nws tus txiv, ib txwm, thiab. […]

Ubisoft tau koom nrog Blender Development Fund

Ubisoft tau tshaj tawm tias nws yuav koom nrog Blender kev txhim kho cov nyiaj ua tus tswv cuab Kub. Ubisoft yuav tsis tsuas yog pab nyiaj rau kev txhim kho Blender, tab sis kuj tseem yuav muab Ubisoft Animation Studio tsim los pab txhawb rau Blender tej yaam num. Tau qhov twg los:

Hackers nyiag cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm tag nrho lub tebchaws

Muaj, yog, thiab, hmoov tsis, yuav txuas ntxiv muaj teeb meem kev nyab xeeb hauv kev sib raug zoo thiab lwm yam databases. Cov tsev txhab nyiaj, tsev so, tsoomfwv cov chaw, thiab lwm yam raug hem. Tab sis nws zoo nkaus li tias lub sijhawm no qhov xwm txheej tau nce zuj zus lawm. Bulgarian Cov Ntaub Ntawv Tiv Thaiv Tus Kheej tau tshaj tawm tias cov neeg nyiag nkas nyiag lub chaw ua haujlwm se database thiab nyiag cov ntaub ntawv ntawm 5 lab tus tib neeg. Tus lej […]

Toshiba Memory yuav hloov lub npe Kioxia thaum Lub Kaum Hli

Toshiba Memory Holdings Corporation tshaj tawm tias nws yuav hloov nws lub npe mus rau Kioxia Holdings thaum Lub Kaum Hli 1, 2019. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, Kioxia (kee-ox-ee-uh) lub npe yuav suav nrog cov npe ntawm txhua lub tuam txhab Toshiba Memory. Kioxia yog kev sib txuas ntawm cov lus Nyij Pooj Kioku, lub ntsiab lus "nco", thiab Greek lo lus axia, lub ntsiab lus "tus nqi". Combining "nco" nrog […]

Kev faib cov ntaub ntawv los ntawm Google Drive siv nginx

Keeb Kwm Nws tsuas yog tshwm sim uas kuv xav tau khaws ntau dua 1.5 TB ntawm cov ntaub ntawv nyob qhov twg, thiab tseem muab lub peev xwm rau cov neeg siv tib yam los rub tawm ntawm qhov txuas ncaj qha. Txij li thaum ib txwm muaj cov cim xeeb zoo li no mus rau VDS, tus nqi xauj tsev uas tsis muaj ntau nyob rau hauv qhov project pob nyiaj siv los ntawm qeb "tsis muaj dab tsi ua", thiab los ntawm cov ntaub ntawv thawj zaug kuv muaj […]