Author: ProHoster

Yandex yuav sim lub tsheb ciav hlau tsis muaj neeg tsav tsheb hauv Moscow

Moscow City Hall thiab Yandex yuav sib koom ua ke sim lub peev lub tsheb ciav hlau tsis muaj neeg tsav tsheb. Qhov no yog teev nyob rau hauv Telegram channel ntawm lub department. Cov phiaj xwm tau tshaj tawm tom qab kev mus ntsib Maxim Liksutov, Tus Thawj Coj ntawm Lub Tsev Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Kev Thauj Mus Los ntawm Moscow, mus rau lub tuam txhab chaw ua haujlwm. "Peb ntseeg tias kev thauj mus los hauv nroog tsis muaj neeg tuaj yeem yog yav tom ntej. Peb txuas ntxiv txhawb cov thev naus laus zis tshiab, thiab tsis ntev tom qab tsoomfwv Moscow, nrog rau Yandex […]

Precursor platform rau tsim cov khoom siv mobile pub dawb tau qhia

Andrew Huang, tus paub zoo qhib qhov chaw kho vajtse thiab tus yeej ntawm 2012 EFF Pioneer Award, tau nthuav tawm Precursor qhib qhov chaw rau kev tsim cov tswv yim tshiab ntawm lub xov tooj ntawm tes. Zoo ib yam li yuav ua li cas Raspberry Pi thiab Arduino tso cai rau koj los tsim cov khoom siv rau Is Taws Nem ntawm yam, Precursor lub hom phiaj los muab lub peev xwm los tsim thiab tsim ntau lub xov tooj ntawm tes […]

Seagate tso tawm 18TB HDD

Seagate tau tshaj tawm tus qauv tshiab ntawm Exos X18 hard drive tsev neeg. Enterprise-class HDD muaj peev xwm - 18 TB. Koj tuaj yeem yuav lub disc rau $ 561,75. Tsis tas li ntawd, Exos Application Platform (AP) 2U12 thiab tus tswj hwm tshiab rau AP 4U100 systems tau qhia. Cov peev txheej khaws cia thiab suav cov peev txheej tau ua ke hauv ib lub platform. AP tseem muaj cov khoom tsim hauv […]

Lavxias teb sab cia system ntawm domestic Elbrus processors: txhua yam koj xav tau, tab sis ntshai nug

BITBLAZE Sirius 8022LH Tsis ntev tas los no, peb tau tshaj tawm cov xov xwm uas ib lub tuam txhab hauv tsev tau tsim cov ntaub ntawv khaws cia ntawm Elbrus nrog thaj tsam ntawm> 90%. Peb tab tom tham txog lub tuam txhab Omsk Promobit, uas tau tswj kom ua tiav cov kev suav nrog nws Bitblaze Sirius 8000 series cia qhov system nyob rau hauv Unified Register ntawm Lavxias teb sab xov tooj cua-Electronic khoom nyob rau hauv Ministry of Industry thiab Trade. Cov khoom ua rau muaj kev sib tham hauv cov lus. Cov neeg nyeem tau txaus siab […]

Ib lub tuam txhab hauv tsev tau tsim cov txheej txheem khaws cia hauv Lavxias ntawm Elbrus nrog thaj tsam ntawm 97%

Lub tuam txhab Omsk Promobit muaj peev xwm ua tiav cov kev suav nrog nws qhov system cia ntawm Elbrus hauv Kev Sau Npe Sau Npe ntawm Lavxias Xov Tooj Cua-Electronic Cov Khoom Siv hauv Ministry of Industry thiab Trade. Peb tab tom tham txog Bitblaze Sirius 8000 series cia qhov system. Qhov sib txawv tseem ceeb ntawm cov qauv ntawm ib leeg yog cov txheej txheem nyuaj. Lub tuam txhab tam sim no tuaj yeem muab nws qhov system cia rau hauv nroog thiab xeev cov kev xav tau. […]

Deathloop hloov mus ua ib ntus PlayStation 5 console tshwj xeeb

Ib qho ntawm cov kev cia siab tshaj plaws PlayStation 5 lub npe tau dhau los ua lub console ib ntus tshwj xeeb. Peb tab tom tham txog kev taug txuj kev nyuaj tua Deathloop los ntawm cov neeg tsim ntawm Dishonored series, studio Arkane. Qhov no tau paub los ntawm Bethesda Softworks blog. Ntawm qhov kev nthuav qhia PlayStation 5 tsis ntev los no, Bethesda Softworks thiab Arkane Studio tau nthuav tawm qhov tshiab trailer rau Deathloop thiab tham ntau ntxiv txog qhov kev ua si. Txog qhov no koj […]

Cov lus xaiv: Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 Cov tswv yuav tsis tau txais kev hloov kho PS5 dawb

Marvel Games Tus Thawj Coj ntawm Kev Txhim Kho Eric Monacelli tau hais rau tus kiv cua txhawj xeeb txog qhov muaj Marvel's Spider-Man remaster rau PS5. Nco qab tias lub sijhawm no tsuas yog kev tshaj tawm txoj kev xaiv kom tau txais Marvel's Kab laug sab-txiv neej: Remastered yog ib feem ntawm kev ua tiav ntawm Marvel's Kab laug sab-txiv neej: Miles Morales muaj nqis 5499 rubles. Thaj, tsis muaj kev zam rau txoj cai no: […]

Ib qho ammonia xau tau sau tseg ntawm Asmeskas ntu ntawm ISS, tab sis tsis muaj kev phom sij rau cov neeg caij nkoj

Ib qho ammonia xau tau raug kuaj pom ntawm International Space Station (ISS). Qhov no tau tshaj tawm los ntawm RIA Novosti, xa mus rau cov ntaub ntawv tau txais los ntawm qhov chaw hauv lub foob pob hluav taws thiab chaw lag luam thiab los ntawm lub koom haum Roskosmos xeev. Cov ammonia tawm sab nraud ntawm Teb Chaws Asmeskas ntu, qhov twg nws yog siv rau hauv qhov chaw cua sov tshem tawm lub voj voog. Txawm li cas los xij, qhov xwm txheej tsis yog qhov tseem ceeb, thiab tsis muaj dab tsi cuam tshuam rau kev noj qab haus huv ntawm cov neeg caij nkoj. "Cov kws tshaj lij tau kho […]

Kev txhim kho ntawm qhov project uMatrix tau raug tso tseg

Raymond Hill, tus sau ntawm uBlock Keeb Kwm thaiv qhov system rau cov ntsiab lus tsis xav tau, tau hloov lub uMatrix browser add-on repository rau hom archive, uas txhais tau tias nres kev txhim kho thiab ua cov cai muaj nyob rau hauv hom nyeem nkaus xwb. Raymond Hill tau hais hauv cov lus tshaj tawm ob hnub dhau los tias nws ua tsis tau thiab yuav tsis nkim nws lub sijhawm […]

Tshaj tawm Google Huab Next OnAir EMEA

Nyob zoo, Habr! Lub lim tiam dhau los, peb lub rooj sib tham hauv online tau mob siab rau cov kev daws teeb meem huab Google Cloud Next '20: OnAir xaus. Txawm hais tias muaj ntau yam nthuav dav ntawm lub rooj sib tham, thiab tag nrho cov ntsiab lus muaj nyob hauv online, peb nkag siab tias ib lub rooj sib tham thoob ntiaj teb tsis tuaj yeem txaus siab rau txhua tus neeg tsim khoom thiab cov tuam txhab thoob ntiaj teb. Yog li ntawd, txhawm rau ua kom tau raws li qhov tshwj xeeb xav tau ntawm cov neeg siv [...]

Ib qho piv txwv ntawm kev sib txuas Ceph-raws li cia rau Kubernetes pawg

Container Storage Interface (CSI) yog kev sib koom ua ke ntawm Kubernetes thiab cov tshuab cia. Peb twb tau tham txog nws luv luv, thiab hnub no peb yuav ua tib zoo saib ntawm kev sib xyaw ntawm CSI thiab Ceph: peb yuav qhia yuav ua li cas txuas Ceph cia rau Kubernetes pawg. Cov kab lus muab qhov tseeb, txawm tias me ntsis yooj yim piv txwv rau kev nkag siab yooj yim. Txhim kho thiab teeb tsa Ceph thiab Kubernetes pawg […]

Cov yam ntxwv ntawm firmware hloov tshiab rau cov khoom siv mobile

Seb puas los tsis hloov kho lub firmware ntawm tus kheej lub xov tooj yog nyob ntawm txhua tus neeg txiav txim siab rau lawv tus kheej. Qee tus neeg nruab CyanogenMod, lwm tus tsis xav zoo li tus tswv ntawm lub cuab yeej tsis muaj TWRP lossis jailbreak. Nyob rau hauv rooj plaub ntawm kev hloov kho cov tuam txhab xov tooj ntawm tes, cov txheej txheem yuav tsum zoo ib yam, txwv tsis pub txawm tias Ragnarok yuav zoo li lom zem rau cov neeg IT. Nyeem hauv qab no hais txog yuav ua li cas qhov no tshwm sim hauv lub ntiaj teb "kev lag luam". Luv luv LikBez [...]