Russians on the Moon: trailer for a sci-fi series for Apple TV+

Raws li ib feem ntawm WWDC 2019 tus tsim tawm lub rooj sib tham, Apple nthuav tawm thawj qhov trailer tag nrho rau nws cov yeeb yaj kiab yav tom ntej Rau Txhua Tus Neeg, uas yuav raug tso tawm ntawm lub tuam txhab kev pabcuam streaming tom ntej Apple TV + (zoo ib yam li Netflix) lub caij nplooj zeeg no.

Lub trailer yog qhov zoo nkauj thiab lub hom phiaj los qhia cov ntsiab lus tshwj xeeb uas Apple yuav muab rau cov neeg siv khoom. Los ntawm tus tsim ntawm Battlestar Galactica thiab tus tsim tawm ntawm Star Trek, qhov project tshawb nrhiav qhov chaw sib tw ntawm Tebchaws Meskas thiab USSR hauv xyoo 1960 thiab 1970s, tab sis nrog kev sib tw sci-fi. Raws li Moore, nyob rau hauv lub plawv ntawm lub series yog lo lus nug: "Yuav ua li cas yuav tshwm sim yog hais tias lub ntiaj teb no kev sib tw nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no tsis tau xaus?" Nyob rau hauv lub trailer, cov neeg Amelikas saib nrog lub tswb raws li lub Soviet chij yog thawj zaug uas yuav tsum tau hoisted ntawm lub ntiaj teb lub ntuj satellite, nrog rau cov suab paj nruag ceeb toom.

Rau Txhua Tus Neeg Tib Neeg tsuas yog ib qho ntawm ntau cov yeeb yaj kiab hauv TV thiab cov yeeb yaj kiab uas Apple thiab nws cov neeg koom tes tsim rau nws cov streaming platform. Lub tswv yim trailer tsuas yog ntev tshaj plaws ntawm cov haujlwm uas lub tuam txhab twb tau tham txog. Ntawm cov haujlwm, excerpts ntawm uas tau ua qauv qhia ua ntej, Peb tuaj yeem hais txog Nyob Zoo ..., Sawv ntxov Qhia, Saib, Tsev Ua Ntej Tsaus Ntuj, Dickinson, Qhia Qhov Tseeb, Tus Tub Txib, Cov Dab Neeg Zoo Tshaj Plaws, Hala, Mythic Quest.

Russians on the Moon: trailer for a sci-fi series for Apple TV+

CEO Tim Cook yav tas los tham txog Apple TV + ntawm Lub Peb Hlis lub rooj sib tham, qhia txog qhov hloov tshiab ib txhij rau Apple TV nrog rau ob qhov kev pab cuam subscription Kua xov xwm + и Kua Arcade. Nws hu Apple TV + lub tsev tshiab rau cov neeg hais dab neeg zoo tshaj plaws hauv ntiaj teb thiab tau cog lus tias muaj ntau cov ntsiab lus tshwj xeeb. Tus nqi ntawm Apple TV + kev tso npe tseem tsis tau tshaj tawm, thiab kev tshaj tawm yog teem rau lub caij nplooj zeeg 2019.

Tau qhov twg los: 3d

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