Umphenyi wekati uBlacksad uzongena emhlabeni wenkohlakalo iBlacksad: Under the Skin ngoSepthemba

IMicroids, Pendulo kanye ne-YS Interactive bamemezele ukuthi i-adventure ethi Blacksad: Under the Skin izokhishwa ku-PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch kanye ne-PC ngoSepthemba.

Umphenyi wekati uBlacksad uzongena emhlabeni wenkohlakalo iBlacksad: Under the Skin ngoSepthemba

IBlacksad: Ngaphansi Kwesikhumba ngumdlalo osuselwe encwadini yamahlaya yesiFulentshi ethi Blacksad kaJuan Diaz Canales. Le phrojekthi yenzeka eNew York ngeminyaka yawo-1950. Umnikazi wekilabhu yesibhakela enesizotha, uJoe Dunn, utholwe ezikhungile. Umlandeli wakhe, uRobert Yale, unyamalele. Indodakazi kaJoe Dunn uSonya, ekhungathekiswe yilezi zindaba ezimbi, inquma ukuqhubeka nephupho likayise.

Blacksad: Ngaphansi kwesikhumba

Umphenyi wekati uBlacksad uzongena emhlabeni wenkohlakalo iBlacksad: Under the Skin ngoSepthemba
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Umphenyi wekati uBlacksad uzongena emhlabeni wenkohlakalo iBlacksad: Under the Skin ngoSepthemba

Umphenyi wekati uBlacksad uzongena emhlabeni wenkohlakalo iBlacksad: Under the Skin ngoSepthemba

Umphenyi wekati uBlacksad uzongena emhlabeni wenkohlakalo iBlacksad: Under the Skin ngoSepthemba

Umphenyi wekati uBlacksad uzongena emhlabeni wenkohlakalo iBlacksad: Under the Skin ngoSepthemba

Umphenyi wekati uBlacksad uzongena emhlabeni wenkohlakalo iBlacksad: Under the Skin ngoSepthemba

Umphenyi wekati uBlacksad uzongena emhlabeni wenkohlakalo iBlacksad: Under the Skin ngoSepthemba

Bona konke
izithombe (7)

Uthatha izintambo zekilabhu ezandleni zakhe, uqasha uJohn Blacksad ukuthi aphenye ngokunyamalala okungaqondakali kukaRobert Yale. Impi yonyaka isiseduze, futhi iklabhu isesimweni esinzima kakhulu sezezimali - intombazane ayikwazi ukubhekana nayo ngaphandle kwe-protegΓ© kayise. Kepha lapho kufunwa umuntu olahlekile, umseshi ozimele uzongena ezweni lenkohlakalo.


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