Author: ProHoster

Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications: Russians are not prohibited from using Telegram

Deputy Head of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications Alexey Volin, according to RIA Novosti, clarified the situation with the blocking of Telegram in Russia. Let us recall that the decision to restrict access to Telegram in our country was made by the Tagansky District Court of Moscow at the request of Roskomnadzor. This is due to the messenger’s refusal to disclose encryption keys for the FSB to access correspondence […]

The personal hell of the writer Fraerman, or the Tale of first love

As a child, I was probably an anti-Semite. And all because of him. Here he is. He always annoyed me. I simply adored Paustovsky’s magnificent series of stories about a thief cat, a rubber boat, etc. And only he spoiled everything. For a long time I could not understand why Paustovsky was hanging out with this Fraerman? Some cartoonish Jew with a stupid name […]

Philosophy of Evolution and the Evolution of the Internet

St. Petersburg, 2012 The text is not about philosophy on the Internet and not about the philosophy of the Internet - philosophy and the Internet are strictly separated in it: the first part of the text is devoted to philosophy, the second to the Internet. The concept of “evolution” acts as a connecting axis between the two parts: the conversation will be about the philosophy of evolution and the evolution of the Internet. It will first be demonstrated how philosophy is philosophy […]

Release of Electron 7.0.0, platform for building applications based on the Chromium engine

The release of the Electron 7.0.0 platform has been prepared, which provides a self-sufficient framework for developing multi-platform user applications, using Chromium, V8 and Node.js components as a basis. The significant change in version number is due to an update to the Chromium 78 codebase, the Node.js 12.8 platform and the V8 7.8 JavaScript engine. The previously expected end of support for 32-bit Linux systems has been postponed and the release of 7.0 in […]

AMD, Embark Studios and Adidas join the Blender Development Fund

AMD has joined the Blender Development Fund program as a major sponsor (Patron), donating more than 3 thousand euros per year for the development of the free 120D modeling system Blender. The funds received are planned to be invested in the general development of the Blender 3D modeling system, migration to the Vulkan graphics API and providing high-quality support for AMD technologies. In addition to AMD, Blender was previously one of the main sponsors […]

Add-on support for Firefox Preview mobile browser

Mozilla developers have published a plan to implement support for add-ons in the Firefox Preview (Fenix) mobile browser, which is being developed to replace the Firefox edition for the Android platform. The new browser is based on the GeckoView engine and a set of Mozilla Android Components libraries, and does not initially provide the WebExtensions API for developing add-ons. In the first quarter of 2020, this deficiency is planned to be eliminated in GeckoView/Firefox […]

Microsoft adds FPS and achievements widgets to Xbox Game Bar on PC

Microsoft has made a number of changes to the PC version of the Xbox Game Bar. The developers added an in-game frame rate counter to the panel and allowed users to customize the overlay in more detail. Users can now adjust transparency and other appearance elements. The frame rate counter has been added to the rest of the system indicators that were previously available. The player can also enable or disable it […]

Fear, pain and hate technical support

Habr is not a book of complaints. This article is about Nirsoft's free tools for Windows system administrators. When contacting technical support, people often feel stressed. Some people worry that they won't be able to explain the problem and will look stupid. Some people are overwhelmed with emotions and it is difficult to contain their indignation about the quality of the service - after all, there was nothing […]

DevOps and Chaos: software delivery in a decentralized world

The founder and director of Otomato Software, one of the initiators and instructors of the first DevOps certification in Israel, Anton Weiss, spoke at last year’s DevOpsDays Moscow about chaos theory and the main principles of chaos engineering, and also explained how the ideal DevOps organization of the future works. We have prepared a text version of the report. Good morning! DevOpsDays in Moscow for the second year in a row, this is my second time at this […]

What's new in Zabbix 4.4

The Zabbix team is pleased to announce the release of Zabbix 4.4. The latest version comes with a new Zabbix agent written in Go, sets standards for Zabbix templates and provides advanced visualization capabilities. Let's take a look at the most important features included in Zabbix 4.4. Next generation Zabbix agent Zabbix 4.4 introduces a new agent type, zabbix_agent2, which offers a wide range of new […]

Two "Comrades", or Phlogiston of the Civil War

Above the fat man on the left - who stands next to Simonov and one across from Mikhalkov - Soviet writers constantly made fun of him. Mainly because of his resemblance to Khrushchev. Daniil Granin recalled this in his memoirs about him (the fat man’s name, by the way, was Alexander Prokofiev): “At a meeting of Soviet writers with N. S. Khrushchev, the poet S. V. Smirnov said: “You [...]

Canonical changes director of desktop systems development

Will Cooke, who has led the development of the desktop edition of Ubuntu since 2014, announced his departure from Canonical. Will's new place of work will be the company InfluxData, which is developing the open source DBMS InfluxDB. After Will, the post of director of desktop systems development at Canonical will be taken by Martin Wimpress, co-founder of the Ubuntu MATE editorial team and part of the Core Team of the MATE project. At Canonical […]