Author: ProHoster

The author of vkd3d died

CodeWeavers, which sponsors the development of Wine, announced the death of its employee, Józef Kucia, the author of the vkd3d project and one of the key developers of Wine, who also took part in the development of the Mesa and Debian projects. Josef made over 2500 changes to Wine and implemented most of the code related to Direct3D support. Source:

TGS 2019: Keanu Reeves visited Hideo Kojima and appeared at the Cyberpunk 2077 booth

Keanu Reeves continues to advertise Cyberpunk 2077, because after E3 2019 he became the main star of the project. The actor arrived at the Tokyo Game Show 2019, which is currently taking place in the capital of Japan, and appeared at the booth of the upcoming creation of CD Projekt RED. The actor was photographed riding an exact copy of the motorcycle from Cyberpunk 2077, and also left his autograph […]

Mad artificial intelligence, battles and space station compartments in the gameplay of System Shock 3

Studio OtherSide Entertainment continues to work on System Shock 3. The developers have published a new trailer for the continuation of the legendary franchise. In it, the audience was shown part of the compartments of the space station, on which the events of the game will take place, various enemies and the results of the action of Shodan, an out-of-control artificial intelligence. At the beginning of the trailer, the main antagonist states: "There is no evil here - only change." Then in […]

Video: An interesting video about the creation of the Cyberpunk 2077 cinematic trailer

During E3 2019, developers from CD Projekt RED showed off an impressive cinematic trailer for the upcoming action RPG Cyberpunk 2077. It introduced viewers to the brutal world of the game, the main character is the mercenary V, and for the first time showed Keanu Reeves (Keanu Reeves) as Johnny Silverhand. Now, CD Projekt RED, along with visual effects studio Goodbye Kansas, have […]

Apple and Foxconn admit they relied too much on temporary workers in China

Apple and its contract partner Foxconn Technology on Monday issued a rebuttal to allegations of violations of labor laws by China Labor Watch, a labor rights NGO in China, although they confirmed that they are hiring too many temporary workers. China Labor Watch has released a detailed report accusing these companies of violating numerous […]

Rikomagic R6: Android-based mini projector in the style of an old radio

A curious mini-projector is presented - a “smart” device Rikomagic R6, built on the Rockchip hardware platform and the Android 7.1.2 operating system. The gadget stands out for its design: it is stylized as a rare radio receiver with a large speaker and an external antenna. The optical unit is made in the form of a control knob. The novelty is capable of forming an image ranging in size from 15 to 300 inches diagonally from a distance of 0,5 […]

Release of oomd out-of-memory handler 0.2.0

Facebook has published the second release of oomd, a user-space out-of-memory (OOM, Out Of Memory) handler. The application forcibly terminates processes that consume too much memory in a stage before the Linux kernel OOM handler fires. The oomd code is written in C++ and is licensed under the GPLv2. Ready packages are generated for Fedora Linux. With the features of oomd, you can […]

DNS over HTTPS is disabled by default in the Firefox port of OpenBSD

Maintainers of the Firefox port for OpenBSD did not support the decision to enable DNS over HTTPS by default in new versions of Firefox. After a short discussion, it was decided to leave the original behavior unchanged. To do this, the network.trr.mode setting is set to '5', which results in DoH being unconditionally disabled. The following arguments are given in favor of such a solution: Applications should adhere to system-wide DNS settings, and […]

sysvinit 2.96 init system release

Presented is the release of the classic init system sysvinit 2.96, which was widely used in Linux distributions in the days before systemd and upstart, and now continues to be used in distributions such as Devuan and antiX. At the same time, releases of the insserv 1.21.0 and startpar 0.64 utilities used in conjunction with sysvinit were created. The insserv utility is designed to organize the download process, taking into account dependencies between […]

Capcom talks about Project Resistance gameplay

Capcom studio has published a review video of Project Resistance, a multiplayer game based on the Resident Evil universe. The developers talked about the game roles of users and showed the gameplay. Four of the players will take on the role of survivors. They will have to work together to overcome all the challenges. Each of the four characters will be unique - they will have their own skills. Users will have to […]

Death Stranding Developers Reveal Story Trailer at Tokyo Game Show 2019

Kojima Productions has released a seven-minute story trailer for Death Stranding. It was shown at the Tokyo Game Show 2019. The action takes place in the Oval Office of the White House. In the video, Amelia, who acts as the leader of the United States, communicates with the main character, Sam, and the head of the Bridges organization, Dee Hardman. The latter community strives to unite the country. All the characters in the video discuss the rescue operation on […]

So after all RAML or OAS (Swagger)?

In the dynamic world of microservices, anything can change—any component can be rewritten in a different language, using different frameworks and architecture. Only contracts should remain unchanged so that the microservice can be interacted with from the outside on some permanent basis, regardless of internal metamorphoses. And today we will talk about our problem of choosing a description format [...]