Author: ProHoster

New article: IT results of February 2024: deepfakes, hypocrisy and transformers

In online communities of generative AI enthusiasts, over the past few months there has been a significant increase in the number of complaints about FOMO - fear of missing out. News on various areas of development of “smart” systems shoots out with ever-increasing frequency - and selecting among them the most worthy of the attention of our readers is not at all easy. But we tried! Source:

OpenSSH 9.7 release

The release of OpenSSH 9.7 has been published, an open implementation of a client and server for working using the SSH 2.0 and SFTP protocols. The proposed version has begun making changes to anticipate the future deprecation of DSA-based keys. OpenSSH 9.7 provides an option to disable DSA at compile time, but the default build with DSA support is retained for now. In the next issue, [...]

Release of tenv 1.2.0, a utility for managing Terraform, Terragrunt and OpenTofu

A new version of tenv 1.2.0 has been published - a console manager for managing versions of the Terraform, Terragrunt and OpenTofu platforms used to manage external resources and automate the maintenance of infrastructure in accordance with the “infrastructure as code” model. tenv is written in Go, does not require additional dependencies and can be run on any operating system. The code is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. […]

Resizable BAR has been unofficially unlocked on older NVIDIA video cards to increase FPS

An unofficial UEFI driver NVStrapsReBar has been released, which will allow you to unlock the Resizable BAR (Base Address Register) function for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 20-series and GTX 16-series (Turing) video cards. Resizable BAR technology, which is part of the PCI specification, allows the CPU to access the entire GPU memory stack over PCIe, thereby eliminating bottlenecks and providing higher […]

Compal has come up with a gaming tablet with ultrasonic gamepads on the back cover

Compal presented the concept of the Rover Play gaming tablet with unusual control technology. The device is equipped with ultrasonic touch gamepads - the manufacturer calls the FlexiRear Controller technology. It allows you not to sacrifice the tablet screen area, but to place all the main controls of the device on the reverse side. Image source: CompalSource:

Upcoming features in Plasma 6.1 and a wave of KDE 6.0 bug reports

The KDE team's main focus is on bug fixes, but there are also new features in development for Plasma 6.1: Built-in terminal windows can now be split horizontally or vertically in the Kate text editor. Added “edge barrier” and “corner barrier” functions for users of multiple monitors, creating a virtual space between screens. Introducing the ability to manually save sessions while working [...]

Linux 6.8 kernel release

After two months of development, Linus Torvalds presented the release of the Linux 6.8 kernel. Among the most notable changes: the Xe driver for Intel GPUs, the protection mode for block devices with mounted file systems, the Deadline server task scheduler mechanism, automatic optimization of merging identical memory pages, the first driver in the Rust language, listmount and statmount system calls, removal of bpfilter and SLAB mechanism guest_memfd in […]

Video: 90 minutes of action RPG gameplay No Rest for the Wicked

Developers from Moon Studios have given gamers the opportunity to evaluate the first 90 minutes of gameplay in the upcoming isometric role-playing action game No Rest for the Wicked. The corresponding video appeared on the channel of the gaming publication Eurogamer on YouTube. Image source: Moon StudiosSource: