Double Fine has announced the post-apocalyptic action game Rad and is accepting applications for "beta"

Double Fine Productions has partnered with publisher Bandai Namco to announce Rad. It's a top-down action game about a boy fighting opponents in a procedurally generated post-apocalyptic world.

The project is being led by Lee Petty, creator of Stacking and Headlander. The first game was devoted to puzzle-solving nesting dolls, and in the second the player became the last person in the universe, from which only one head remained. In Rad, the level of insanity is about the same - it's enough that the world here survived the apocalypse not once, but twice.

Double Fine has announced the post-apocalyptic action game Rad and is accepting applications for "beta"

β€œFallow is an ever-changing radioactive wasteland filled with unknown and indescribable creatures,” the creators say. β€œIt is here that you have to understand how you can heal the whole world, turn a ruined desert into a lively area.” However, for this the main character will have to sacrifice his health - as he progresses, he will acquire mutations that will improve his abilities, but he will never become an ordinary person.

Double Fine has announced the post-apocalyptic action game Rad and is accepting applications for "beta"

Rad will release this summer on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. Already on April 8, the closed beta testing of the project on Steam starts. You can sign up for it at this link, but it is worth remembering that the developers will invite only a limited number of users.


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