12 books we have read

Do you want to understand people better? Find out how to strengthen willpower, increase personal and professional efficiency, pump up the management of emotions? Under the cut you will find a list of books for developing these and other skills. Of course, the advice of the authors is not a cure for all ills, and they are not suitable for everyone. But a little reflection on what you are doing wrong (or, on the contrary, what exactly you are doing right) will never be superfluous.

This list is the top 12 most requested books in the Plarium Krasnodar library over the past year.

12 books we have read

More than 200 professional and business publications are in the public domain at the Plarium studio in Krasnodar. They are divided into categories: artbooks, art, marketing, management, programming and copywriting. What is most in demand? Books on management. But not only managers take them: in this category there is a lot of literature for self-development, books about stress tolerance, time management, etc.

The preferences of our employees are easy to explain. Most of the guys come to work with us with a decent amount of knowledge and developed hard skills. They read highly specialized books in their time, and now they are sitting on specialized sites.

You might think that the library simply does not have the necessary literature, they say that what they buy into it, then the employees read it. But the library is basically formed just on the basis of the wishes of the guys. With a certain frequency, the office manager collects and processes applications from departments, makes a list - and books are purchased. It turns out that the development of soft skills is indeed a priority for many.

If you are aiming for the same, take a look at our selection. We hope you find something to your liking. So, the list of the best management books according to Plarium Krasnodar.

12 books we have read

  1. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Powerful Personal Development Tools (Stephen Covey)
    The book is about a systematic approach to determining life goals and priorities, about how to achieve these goals and become better.
  2. Life at full capacity. Energy Management Is the Key to High Efficiency, Health, and Happiness (Jim Lauer and Tony Schwartz)
    The purpose of the book is to help the reader learn how to work effectively, find hidden sources of energy in himself, maintain excellent physical shape, optimal emotional state, productivity and mental flexibility.
  3. Forever tired. Coping with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Jacob Teitelbaum)
    Are you tired of being tired? Do you feel like you don't have enough energy in the morning? Do you want to always be in good shape? book for you.
  4. Strength of will. How to develop and strengthen (Kelly McGonigal)
    Replacing bad habits with good ones, stopping procrastinating, learning to focus and manage stress - all this will be a little easier if you read Kelly McGonigal's book.
  5. I See What You're Thinking (Joe Navarro, Marvino Carlins)
    Navarro, a former FBI agent and expert in non-verbal communication, teaches readers to instantly β€œscan” an interlocutor, decipher subtle signals in his behavior, recognize hidden emotions and see the slightest signs of a lie.
  6. Time drive. How to manage to live and work (Gleb Arkhangelsky)
    A book about time management, containing answers to the questions of those who want to do more. Tips are given on organizing the work process and rest, on motivation and goal setting, planning, prioritization, effective reading, etc.
  7. 45 manager tattoos. Rules of the Russian leader (Maxim Batyrev)
    How to treat colleagues, how to act in certain situations - a set of principles that you should follow if you want to achieve success.
  8. Energy source. How to turn on the hidden reserves of the body and stay alert all day (Daniel Browne)
    About how to achieve the desired goals and at the same time devote time to family, relax and play sports.
  9. Presentation skill. How to create presentations that can change the world (Aleksey Kapterev)
    Under the cover of this book are tools and instructions for perfecting every aspect of your presentation (structure, dramaturgy, infographics, design, and speaking technique), becoming a great speaker, and getting the most out of your presentations.
  10. How to Win Friends and Influence People (Dale Carnegie)
    The title speaks for itself.
  11. Introverts. How to Use Your Character Traits (Susan Cain)
    It is possible to realize your talents and ambitions as an introvert, to influence, lead and direct people while maintaining your personal space. Want details? Read Susan Kane.
  12. The Psychology of Emotions (Paul Ekman)
    Recognize emotions, evaluate them, correct them - that's what the author of this book teaches us.

What would you add to our list? What would you recommend to read? We will be grateful for the recommendations in the comments.

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Do you read this kind of books?

  • Yes. I'm happy to share my favorites in the comments.

  • Yes. But I will not share, because everyone is individual. Everyone has their own "headache"

  • Only if they were recommended by people who are authoritative for me.

  • I don't have time for them. But they interest me

  • No. I consider them useless.

82 users voted. 14 users abstained.

Source: habr.com

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