56 Open Source Python Projects

56 Open Source Python Projects

1 Flask

It is a micro-framework written in Python. It does not have validations for forms and database abstraction layer, but allows you to use third party libraries for common functionality. And that's why it's a micro-framework. Flask is designed to make building applications easy and fast, while also being scalable and lightweight. It is based on the Werkzeug and Jinja2 projects. You can learn more about it in DataFlair's latest article on Python Flask.

2. Keras

Keras is an open source neural network library written in Python. It is user friendly, modular and extensible, and can run on top of TensorFlow, Theano, PlaidML, or Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK). Keras has it all: templates, objective and transfer functions, optimizers, and more. It also supports convolutional and recurrent neural networks.

Working on the latest open source project based on Keras βˆ’ Classification of breast cancer.

56 Open Source Python Projects

The article was translated with the support of EDISON Software, which develops the Vivaldi document storage diagnostic systemand invests in startups.


It is an open source software library that deals with natural language processing (NLP) and written in Python and Cython. While NLTK is more suited for teaching and research purposes, spaCy's job is to provide software for production. In addition, Thinc is a spaCy machine learning library that provides CNN models for part-of-speech tags, dependency parsing, and named entity recognition.

4 Sentry

Sentry offers open source bug monitoring hosting so you can detect and triage bugs in real time. Just install the SDK for your language(s) or framework(s) and get started. It allows you to capture unhandled exceptions, examine stack traces, analyze the impact of each issue, track down bugs across projects, assign issues, and more. Using Sentry means fewer bugs and more code being sent.


OpenCV is an open source computer vision and machine learning library. The library has more than 2500 optimized algorithms for computer vision tasks such as object detection and recognition, classification of various human activities, motion tracking with a camera, creation of XNUMXD object models, image stitching to obtain high-resolution images, and many other tasks. The library is available for many languages ​​such as Python, C++, Java, etc.

Number of stars on Github: 39585

Have you already worked on any OpenCV project? Here is one - Gender and Age Project


This is a module for fast and easy implementation of statistical learning on NeuroImaging data. It allows you to use scikit-learn for multivariate statistics for predictive modeling, classification, decoding and connectivity analysis. Nilearn is part of the NiPy ecosystem, which is a community dedicated to using Python to analyze neuroimaging data.

Number of stars on Github: 549

7. scikit learn

Scikit-learn is another open source Python project. It is a very famous machine learning library for Python. Often used with NumPy and SciPy, SciPy offers classification, regression, and clustering - it supports SVM (Support Vector Machines), random forests, gradient acceleration, k-means and DBSCAN. This library is written in Python and Cython.

Number of stars on Github: 37,144

8. PyTorch

PyTorch is another open source machine learning library written in and for Python. It is based on the Torch library and is great for areas like computer vision and natural language processing (NLP). It also has a C++ frontend.

Among many other features, PyTorch offers two high-level ones:

  • GPU accelerated tensor computing
  • Deep Neural Networks

Number of stars on Github: 31

9. Librosa

Librosa is one of the best python libraries for music and audio analysis. It contains the necessary components that are used to extract information from the music. The library is well documented and contains several tutorials and examples to make your task easier.

Number of stars on Github: 3107

Implementing an open source Python project and Librosa βˆ’ speech emotion recognition.

10 Gensim

Gensim is a Python library for theme modeling, document indexing, and large corporation similarity searches. It is aimed at NLP and the information retrieval communities. Gensim is short for "generate similar". Previously, he created a short list of articles similar to this article. Gensim is clear, efficient, and scalable. Gensim implements an efficient and simple implementation of unsupervised semantic modeling from plain text.

Number of stars on Github: 9


Django is a high-level Python framework that encourages rapid development and believes in the DRY (don't repeat yourself) principle. It is a very powerful and most widely used framework for Python. It is based on the MTV (Model-Template-View) pattern.

Number of stars on Github: 44

12. Face recognition

Face recognition is a popular project on GitHub. It easily recognizes and manipulates faces using Python/command line and uses the world's easiest face recognition library to do so. This uses a deep learning dlib to detect faces with 99,38% accuracy in the Wild benchmark.

Number of stars on Github: 28,267

13. Cookie cutter

Cookiecutter is a command line utility that can be used to create projects from templates (cookiecutters). One example would be to create a batch project from a batch project template. These are cross-platform templates, and project templates can be in any language or markup format, such as Python, JavaScript, HTML, Ruby, CoffeeScript, RST, and Markdown. It also allows you to use multiple languages ​​in the same project template.

Number of stars on Github: 10


Pandas is a data analysis and manipulation library for Python that offers labeled data structures and statistical functions.

Number of stars on Github: 21,404

Python open source project to try out Pandas βˆ’ detection of Parkinson's disease

15. Pipenv

Pipenv promises to be a production-ready tool aimed at bringing the best of all packaging worlds to the world of Python. Its terminal has beautiful colors and combines Pipfile, pip and virtualenv into one command. It automatically creates and manages a virtual environment for your projects and provides users with an easy way to set up a working environment.

Number of stars on Github: 18,322


This is a Blockchain implementation for cryptocurrency built in Python, but it is simple, insecure, and incomplete. SimpleCoin is not intended for production use. Not for production use, SimpleCoin is intended for educational purposes and only to make a working blockchain available and easy. It allows you to save mined hashes and exchange them for any supported currency.
Number of stars on Github: 1343

17. Pyray

It is a 3D rendering library written in vanilla Python. It renders 2D, 3D, higher sized objects and scenes in Python and animations. He finds us in the realm of created videos, video games, physics simulations, and even pretty pictures. Requirements for this: PIL, numpy and scipy.

Number of stars on Github: 451


MicroPython is Python for microcontrollers. It is an efficient implementation of Python3 that comes with many packages from the Python standard library and is optimized to run on microcontrollers and in tight spaces. Pyboard is a small electronic board that runs MicroPython on bare metal so it can control all kinds of electronic projects.

Number of stars on Github: 9,197

19. Kivy

Kivy is a Python library for developing mobile apps and other native user interface (NUI) multi-touch applications. It has a graphics library, several widget options, a Kv intermediate language for creating custom widgets, support for mouse, keyboard, TUIO, and multi-touch events. It is an open source library for rapid application development with innovative user interfaces. It's cross-platform, business-friendly, and GPU-accelerated.

Number of stars on Github: 9

20. Dash

Dash by Plotly is a web application framework. Built on top of Flask, Plotly.js, React and React.js, it allows us to use Python to build dashboards. It makes Python and R models work at scale. Dash lets you create, test, deploy, and report without using DevOps, JavaScript, CSS, or CronJobs. Dash is powerful, customizable, lightweight and easy to manage. It also has open source code.

Number of stars on Github: 9,883

21. Magenta

Magenta is an open source research project that focuses on machine learning as a tool in the creative process. It allows you to create music and art using machine learning. Magenta is a TensorFlow based Python library with utilities for working with raw data, using it to train machine models and create new content.

22. R-CNN mask

This is an implementation of the R-CNNN mask in Python 3, TensorFlow and Keras. The model takes each feature instance in the raster and creates bounding boxes and segmentation masks for it. It uses the Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) and the ResNet101 backbone. The code is easy to expand. This project also offers a Matterport3D dataset of rendered 3D spaces captured by customers…
Number of stars on Github: 14

23. TensorFlow Models

This is a repository with various models implemented in TensorFlow - official and research models. It also has samples and tutorials. The official models use the high-level TensorFlow APIs. Exploratory models are models implemented in TensorFlow by researchers for their support or support with questions and requests.

Number of stars on Github: 57

24. Snallygaster

Snallygaster is a way to organize problems with project boards. Thanks to this, you can set up a project dashboard on GitHub, streamline and automate your workflow. It allows you to sort tasks, schedule projects, automate workflow, track progress, share status, and finally complete. Snallygaster can scan for secret files on HTTP servers - it looks for files available on web servers that should not be public and may pose a security risk.

Number of stars on Github: 1


It is a Python package, which complements scipy for statistical computing, including descriptive statistics, and scores and inferences for statistical models. To do this, it has classes and functions. It also allows us to perform statistical tests and research on statistical data.
Number of stars on Github: 4


This is an advanced firewall detection tool that we can use to understand if a web application firewall is present. It detects a firewall in a web application and tries to discover one or more workarounds for it on the specified target.

Number of stars on Github: 1300

27. Chainer

chainer- it is a deep learning environmentfocused on flexibility. It is based on Python and offers differentiated APIs based on a define-by-run approach. Chainer also offers high-level object-oriented APIs for building and training neural networks. It is a powerful, flexible and intuitive framework for neural networks.
Number of stars on Github: 5,054

28. Rebound

Rebound is a command line tool. When you get a compiler error, it immediately gets the results from stack overflow. To use this you can use the rebound command to execute your file. It is one of the top 50 most popular Python open source projects of 2018. Also, it requires Python 3.0 or higher. Supported file types: Python, Node.js, Ruby, Golang and Java.

Number of stars on Github: 2913

29. Detectron

Detectron performs state-of-the-art object detection (also implements R-CNN mask). This is Facebook AI Research (FAIR) software written in Python and powered by the Caffe2 Deep Learning platform. Detectron's goal is to provide a high quality, high performance codebase for object detection research. It is flexible and implements the following algorithms - R-CNN mask, RetinaNet, faster R-CNN, RPN, faster R-CNN, R-FCN.

Number of stars on Github: 21

30.Python fire

This is a library for automatically generating CLIs (Command Line Interfaces) from (any) Python object. It also allows you to develop and debug code, as well as examine existing code or turn someone else's code into a CLI. Python Fire makes it easy to switch between Bash and Python, and makes it easy to use the REPL.
Number of stars on Github: 15

31. Pylearn2

Pylearn2 is a machine learning library built primarily on top of Theano. Its purpose is to facilitate the study of ML. Allows you to write new algorithms and models.
Number of stars on Github: 2681

32. Matplotlib

Matplotlib is a 2D drafting library for Python - it generates quality publications in different formats.

Number of stars on Github: 10,072

33. Theano

Theano is a library for manipulating math and matrix expressions. It is also an optimizing compiler. Theano uses NumPy-like syntax for expressing calculations and compiling them to run on CPU or GPU architectures. It is an open source Python machine learning library written in Python and CUDA and runs on Linux, macOS and Windows.

Number of stars on Github: 8,922

34. Multidiff

Multidiff is designed to make machine-specific data easier to understand. It helps to view the differences between a large number of objects by performing differences between the corresponding objects and then displaying them. This visualization allows us to look for patterns in our own protocols or unusual file formats. It is also mainly used for reverse engineering and binary data analysis.

Number of stars on Github: 262

35. Som-tsp

This project is about using self-organizing maps to solve the traveling salesman problem. Using SOM, we find sub-optimal solutions to the TSP problem and use the .tsp format for this. TSP is an NP-complete problem, and as the number of cities grows, it becomes more and more difficult to solve it.

Number of stars on Github: 950

36. Photon

Photon is an exceptionally fast web crawler designed for OSINT. It can get URLs, URLs with parameters, Intel information, files, secret keys, JavaScript files, regular expression matches, and subdomains. The extracted information can then be saved and exported in json format. Photon is flexible and ingenious. You can also add some plugins to it.

Number of stars on Github: 5714

37. Social Mapper

Social Mapper is a social media mapping tool that correlates profiles using facial recognition. It does this on various websites on a large scale. Social Mapper automates the search for names and photos on social networks and then tries to pinpoint and group the presence of someone. It then generates a report for human review. This is useful in the security industry (eg for phishing). It supports LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, VKontakte, Weibo and Douban platforms.

Number of stars on Github: 2,396

38. Camelot

Camelot is a Python library that helps extract tables from PDF files. It works with text PDFs, but not with scanned documents. Here each table is a pandas DataFrame. In addition, you can export tables to .json, .xls, .html, or .sqlite.

Number of stars on Github: 2415

39. Lecturer

This is a Qt reader for reading e-books. It supports .pdf, .epub, .djvu, .fb2, .mobi, .azw/.azw3/.azw4, .cbr/.cbz and .md file formats. Lector has a main window, table view, book view, distraction-free view, annotation support, comic book view, and settings window. It also supports bookmarks, profile browsing, a metadata editor, and a built-in dictionary.

Number of stars on Github: 835


This is a Telegram bot for self-testing depression and anxiety.

Number of stars on Github: 145

41. Manim

It is an animation engine for explaining math videos that can be used to programmatically create precise animations. To do this, he uses Python.

Number of stars on Github: 13

42. Douyin Bot

A bot written in Python for a Tinder-like application. Developers from China.

Number of stars on Github: 5,959


This is a cross-site scripting detection package with four handwritten parsers. It also features an intelligent payload generator, a powerful fuzzing engine, and an incredibly fast search engine. Instead of injecting payloads and checking their performance like all other tools, XSStrike recognizes the response with multiple parsers and then processes payloads that are guaranteed to work using contextual analysis integrated into the fuzzing engine.

Number of stars on Github: 7050


This project is a collection of code in Python robotics algorithms, as well as autonomous navigation algorithms.

Number of stars on Github: 6,746

45. Google Images Download

Google Images Download is a command line Python program that searches for keywords in Google Images and gets the images for you. It's a small program with no dependencies if you only need to upload up to 100 images for each keyword.

Number of stars on Github: 5749

46. ​​Trape

Allows you to track and execute intelligent social engineering attacks in real time. This helps to find out how large Internet companies can obtain sensitive information and control users without their knowledge. Trape can also help track down cybercriminals.

Number of stars on Github: 4256

47. Xonsh

Xonsh is a cross-platform Unix-gazing Python-based command-line language and shell. It's a Python 3.5+ superset with additional shell primitives like those found in Bash and IPython. Xonsh runs on Linux, Max OS X, Windows, and other major systems.

Number of stars on Github: 3426

48. GIF for CLI

It requires a GIF or a short video or request, and with the help of the Tenor GIF API, it is converted to animated ASCII graphics. It uses ANSI escape sequences for animation and color.

Number of stars on Github: 2,547


Draw This is a polaroid camera capable of drawing cartoons. It uses a neural network for object recognition, a Google Quickdraw dataset, a thermal printer, and a Raspberry Pi. Quick, Draw! is a Google game where players are asked to draw an image of an object/idea and then try to guess what it represents in less than 20 seconds.

Number of stars on Github: 1760

50. Zulip

Zulip is a real-time group chat app that is also productive with multi-threaded conversations. Many Fortune 500 companies and open source projects use it for real-time chat, which can handle thousands of messages per day.

Number of stars on Github: 10,432

51. Youtube-dl

It is a command line program that can download videos from YouTube and some other sites. It is not tied to a specific platform.

Number of stars on Github: 55


It is a simple IT automation system that can handle the following functions: configuration management, application deployment, cloud provisioning, ad hoc task execution, network automation, and multi-site orchestration.

Number of stars on Github: 39,443

53. HTTPie

HTTPie is a command line HTTP client. This makes it easier for the CLI to interact with web services. For the http command, it allows us to send arbitrary HTTP requests with a simple syntax, and get colored output. We can use it for testing, debugging and interacting with HTTP servers.

Number of stars on Github: 43

54 Tornado Web Server

It is a web framework, an asynchronous networking library for Python. It uses non-blocking network I/O to scale to over thousands of open connections. This makes it a good choice for long requests and WebSockets.

Number of stars on Github: 18


Requests is a library that makes it easy to send HTTP/1.1 requests. You don't have to manually add parameters to URLs or encode PUT and POST data.
Number of stars on Github: 40

56. Scrapy

Scrapy is a fast, high-level web browsing framework - you can use it to browse websites to extract structured data. You can also use it for data analysis, monitoring, and automated testing.

Number of stars on Github: 34,493

Source: habr.com

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