I want to get married

The nineteenth episode of our podcast “To infinity and beyond", we called "And I want to get married!"because in it (starting from the 16th minute) we discuss how to study correctly and the saying “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married” suits the slogan of the issue perfectly. Also in this issue we talk about the humanitarian mindset, discuss issues of group and individual learning, and much, much more.

You can listen to our discussion of the topic (starting at 15:05) in YoutubeOn Yandex musicIn Google podcasts, on devices Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), и AndroidOn our websiteOn podcast hosting site and many other places. And below is a short transcript from our dialogue.

I want to get married

  • 15:05 New information can take you by surprise and we discuss this using examples from personal experience.
  • 19:40 Training and education are close things, but not identical.
  • 21:00 Our brain is a machine that knows how to learn and often it learns automatically. Therefore, if a person does something for a long time and purposefully, then regardless of the person’s abilities, he will learn this business. Another question is how quickly and how well
  • 22:20 Nevertheless, a person has predispositions, and it is also impossible to be a genius in everything at once, so you can learn, but becoming a master is not a fact
  • 23:00 The answer to the question “How much time should I spend studying?” individual. We discuss this using the example of learning English.
  • 25:10 A person, purely technically, does not have time to study several unrelated areas of activity (and become a professional in them). On the other hand, this is exactly how we try to teach our children, but we do this mainly to “broaden their horizons”
  • 29:40 There are two approaches to training: a) training as a “turnkey service”: universities, courses, schools, etc. b) self-study, including with the assistance of tutors. We discuss the effectiveness of these approaches
  • 34:35 Why continue studying after college when you are already working and everything is generally fine with you?
  • 39:40 The modern education system does not meet the requirements of a modern rapidly developing society
  • 43:30 The continuing education industry, among other things, supports a person’s learning skill as such. In general, the more a person knows, there is “more” of the Man himself, and this is very good
  • 45:00 “Being smart” only helps you learn if you learn. If you don't study, then your mind is of little use. Figuratively speaking, the “stupid shepherd” is not very different from the “smart shepherd”
  • 50:10 We move on to a discussion of teaching methods/technologies. If a person studies because he is simply interested, then he does not need to think about methods and the right path, he just needs to do it right/wrong - it doesn’t matter. If there is a specific goal of learning, then the training should be streamlined, and if you are learning something related to the body (sports, music, embroidery on a hoop, etc.), then you must study under the supervision of an experienced master
  • 55:30 We discuss the methodology for teaching areas of activity that involve only the brain (conditionally) without the participation of the body
  • 59:40 There is no single answer to the question “how to quickly find out the true degree of professionalism of your teacher,” but there are a number of rules that should be followed
  • 1:04:40 We believe that there is no mathematical and humanitarian mindset. The mind either exists or it doesn’t. This works the same way in reverse. After all, the words “I am a programmer/technician/engineer, I am not capable of the Russian language” are just an excuse
  • 1:10:40 Choosing “study in a group” and “study individually” we are for the first option

Thank you for reading! If you want to ask or say something, write to us in our chat flood or mail!

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Source: habr.com

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