AMD Opens Caudron Framework for Rapid Prototyping of 3D Applications

AMD ΠΎΠΏΡƒΠ±Π»ΠΈΠΊΠΎΠ²Π°Π»Π° new open framework caudron, which provides tools for rapidly prototyping games and graphics applications using the Vulkan or DirectX12 APIs. The framework was originally used internally to develop demos and examples for the SDK. The project code is written in C++11 and spreads under the MIT license.

Caudron is touted as a simplified game engine that is easy to learn and can be modified as it is developed to allow for various experiments. The engine is attached to the application in the form of a statically linked library. Engine components are divided into four main categories:

  • Resource managers and loaders. Supports loading textures in DDS, PNG, JPG, etc. formats. with the ability to create image representations. Several implementations of buffers are provided for storing vertices and indices for static and dynamically changing geometric objects, as well as for storing textures before loading them into video memory;
  • Renderers that allow you to load and render 3D models in glTF 2.0 format with support for camera movement animation, wireframes and lights, texture mapping, physically based material rendering (PBR), point directional light and shadows. Supports rendering of 2D objects in PostProcPS/PS formats using your own shader at the post-processing stage. Also available component ImGUI for generating a GUI and a set of widgets for generating a coordinate grid and a wireframe cube (for bounding boxes and a lighting/camera propagation cone);
  • A set of helper handlers and customization code specific to the Vulkan API;
  • Typical code for different operating systems for handling zoom operations, windowed and full-screen modes, handling message flow between windows, etc.

Additional libraries are also included: AGS for getting information about the GPU, VulkanMemoryAllocator for managing memory in Vulkan applications, d3d12x for using the D3D12 API, dxc with a shader compiler for DirectX, imgui with a GUI library, json for manipulating data in JSON format .

AMD Opens Caudron Framework for Rapid Prototyping of 3D Applications


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