Announced psychological thriller Martha is Dead with a mystical plot and photorealistic environments

Studio LKA, known for horror The Town of Light, with the support of the publisher Wired Productions has announced its next game. It is called Martha is dead and acts in the genre of psychological thriller. The plot intertwines a detective story and mysticism, and one of the main features will be a photorealistic environment.

The narrative in the project will tell about the events in Tuscany in 1944. After the mysterious death of a woman, her twin sister began to investigate all the circumstances of the death. The heroine's father is a German soldier, so you can expect drama against the backdrop of the end of World War II and the defeat of the Nazis. In the announcement video, they showed only the body of a girl in a coffin in the middle of a room. And in the last frames, the deceased suddenly changed, as if many years had passed.

Announced psychological thriller Martha is Dead with a mystical plot and photorealistic environments

One of the features of Martha is Dead will be a photorealistic environment that contributes to immersion in what is happening. The developers want to tell a story about deep emotional experiences and psychology using cinematic effects. The project will be released on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, the exact date has not yet been announced.

Announced psychological thriller Martha is Dead with a mystical plot and photorealistic environments


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