Apple demands to invalidate the Russian patent for the function of emergency calls in the phone

The Intellectual Property Court received a lawsuit filed by the Russian division of Apple, LLC Apple Rus, against the Federal Service for Intellectual Property regarding the invalidation of the patent of the Russian Federation for utility model No. 141791. According to the court website, the hearing on the claim of Apple Rus LLC will take place on December 2nd.

Apple demands to invalidate the Russian patent for the function of emergency calls in the phone

Apple smartphones have the "Emergency Call - SOS" function, thanks to which you can send emergency alerts and call for help.

A patent called "Mobile phone with emergency communication" was registered in 2013 by Artashes Ikonomov. As stated in the patent description, this technology allows you to connect to the rescue service through several channels, even in cases where the SIM card does not work or there is no positive balance. The patented technology also allows you to send your coordinates to rescuers.

It should be noted that Apple Rus LLC this summer already lost a dispute on this issue with the Chamber for Patent Disputes of Rospatent, as reported by the legal agency Vash Patent, which represented the interests of the defendant.


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