Former Nokia engineer explains why Windows Phone failed

As you know, Microsoft refused to develop its own mobile platform Windows Phone, which could not compete with Android devices. However, far from all the reasons for the fiasco of the software giant in this market are known.

Former Nokia engineer explains why Windows Phone failed

Former Nokia engineer who worked on Windows Phone smartphones рассказал about the reasons for the failure. Of course, this is not an official statement, but only a private opinion, but it is also very interesting. The specialist named four reasons for the collapse of the project.

First, Microsoft trivially underestimated Google and the Android OS. Then the system took only the first steps and seemed not a very serious competitor. However, the search giant had an ace up its sleeve in the form of a number of branded services - YouTube, Maps and Gmail. Of the analogues in Redmond, there was only Outlook mail.

Secondly, the company failed to offer anything fundamentally new that could attract users. Back then, it seemed crazy to many that documents could be viewed and edited on smartphones. And nothing else, except for the "office" package, Microsoft did not have.

Thirdly, around the same time, the company released Windows 8, which, after the successful "seven", was perceived by many ambiguously. As a result, the reputation suffered, which means that users no longer trusted Microsoft as much in terms of operating systems.

And, fourthly, Android and iOS were simply enough for users. Given the lack of unique "chips" and the presence of "tiles", the outcome of Windows Phone was a foregone conclusion. At the same time, according to the engineer, the development of applications for the Microsoft mobile operating system was easier.


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