Crytek will postpone its lawsuit against Star Citizen developers until the release of Squadron 42

German studio Crytek decided to take a break in proceedings with the authors of Star Citizen before the release of Squadron 42, an independent story mode of the ambitious space simulator.

Crytek will postpone its lawsuit against Star Citizen developers until the release of Squadron 42

Recall that Crytek filed a lawsuit against Cloud Imperium Games in December 2017 years. Among other things, Chris Roberts' company is accused of developing two games at once (Star Citizen and Squadron 42), while the license was received for only one.

The hearing on the case was supposed to take place in June of this year, but Crytek considered the discussions pointless before the release of Squadron 42. A new hearing is scheduled for October 13.

Cloud Imperium Games has until January 24 to respond to Crytek's request to withdraw the lawsuit. A return statement from the German company, in turn, will follow before February 7.

Crytek will postpone its lawsuit against Star Citizen developers until the release of Squadron 42

According to information in court document, at the end of November 2019, Cloud Imperium Games revealed that it still had not decided in what form and when Squadron 42 would be released.

In addition, as part of the lawsuit, Cloud Imperium Games "was forced to admit" that, contrary to past statements, did not change the engine of Star Citizen and Squadron 42 from CryEngine to Lumberyard from Amazon.

Squadron 42 was originally planned to be released back in 2014, but development was greatly delayed. After recent transfer Beta testing of the project is expected between July and September this year.


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