Android-x86 8.1-r3 build available

Developers of the project Android x86, which is porting the Android platform to the x86 architecture by an independent community, published first stable build release based on platform Android 8.1, which includes fixes and additions to ensure a seamless experience on x86 platforms. For loading prepared by universal live builds of Android-x86 8.1-r3 for x86 32-bit (656 MB) and x86_64 (546 MB) architectures, suitable for use on typical laptops and tablet PCs. In addition, assemblies are available in the form of rpm packages for installing the Android environment on Linux distributions. In the new assembly, mostly work on bugs and fixes was carried out vulnerabilitiesfixed in the Android 8.1.0 branch (8.1.0_r69).

Android-x86 8.1-r3 build available


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