MySQL 8.2.0 DBMS available

Oracle has formed a new branch of the MySQL 8.2 DBMS and published corrective updates to MySQL 8.0.35 and 5.7.44. MySQL Community Server 8.2.0 builds are prepared for all major Linux, FreeBSD, macOS and Windows distributions.

MySQL 8.2.0 is the second release formed under the new release model, which provides for the presence of two types of MySQL branches - β€œInnovation” and β€œLTS”. The Innovation branches, which include MySQL 8.1 and 8.2, are recommended for those who want to get access to new functionality earlier. These branches are published every 3 months and are supported only until the next major release is published (for example, after the appearance of the 8.2 branch, support for the 8.1 branch was discontinued). LTS branches are recommended for implementations that require predictability and long-term preservation of unchanged behavior. LTS branches will be released every two years and will be supported normally for 5 years, in addition to which you can get another 3 years of extended support. An LTS release of MySQL 2024 is expected in the spring of 8.4, after which a new Innovation branch 9.0 will be formed.

Major changes in MySQL 8.2:

  • Added support for an authentication mechanism based on the Webauthn specification (FIDO2), allowing you to use multi-factor authentication and confirm a connection to the MySQL server without passwords using FIDO2-enabled hardware tokens or biometric authentication. The Webauthn plugin is currently only available for MySQL Enterprise.
  • The mysql_native_password server plugin, which provides authentication using passwords, has been moved to the optional category and can be disabled. Instead of mysql_native_password, it is recommended to switch to the caching_sha2_password plugin, which uses the SHA2 algorithm instead of SHA1 for hashing. To switch users to the caching_sha2_password plugin and replace the password with a random one, you can use the command: ALTER USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY RANDOM PASSWORD PASSWORD EXPIRE FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS 3 PASSWORD_LOCK_TIME 2;
  • Hash tables have been optimized to speed up the execution of EXCEPT and INTERSECT operations.
  • Debugging capabilities have been expanded. SELECT, INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE and DELETE operations now support the expression "EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON" to generate diagnostic output in JSON format (for example, "EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON INTO @var select_stmt;").
  • Added "EXPLAIN FOR SCHEMA" expression to display diagnostics associated only with a specific data schema.
  • Added "--output-as-version" option to the mysqldump utility to create dumps compatible with a specific older version of MySQL (for example, you can specify BEFORE_8_2_0 or BEFORE_8_0_23 to return the politically incorrect master/slave terminology deprecated in releases 8.2.0 and 8.0.23 ).
  • The ability to use named attributes in parameterized queries (prepared statements), implemented using the new mysql_stmt_bind_named_param() function, which replaced the mysql_stmt_bind_param() function, has been added to the client C library.
  • Simplified distribution of SQL traffic in a cluster of MySQL servers. Possibilities are provided for organizing connections to secondary or primary servers that are transparent to applications.
  • A new SET_ANY_DEFINER privilege has been added, which grants the right to create objects with a DEFINER expression, as well as the ALLOW_NONEXISTENT_DEFINER privilege to protect objects with an absent owner.
  • Deprecated: the old and new variables, the "%" and "_" masks in operations to grant access to the database, the "-character-set-client-handshake" option, the binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking variable and the SET_USER_ID privilege.
  • As part of correcting politically incorrect terminology associated with replication, the expressions "RESET MASTER", "SHOW MASTER STATUS", "SHOW MASTER LOGS" and "PURGE MASTER LOGS" have been deprecated, and the expressions "RESET BINARY LOGS AND GTIDS" should be used instead. SHOW BINARY LOG STATUS", "SHOW BINARY LOGS" and "PURGE BINARY LOGS".
  • Features previously deprecated have been removed: the WAIT_UNTIL_SQL_THREAD_AFTER_GTIDS() function, the expire_logs_days variable, the "--abort-slave-event-count" and "--disconnect-slave-event-count" options.
  • 26 vulnerabilities fixed. Two vulnerabilities related to the use of the Curl package and the OpenSSL library can be exploited remotely.


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